Mason Porter
Mason Porter
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Multilayer networks
M Kivelä, A Arenas, M Barthelemy, JP Gleeson, Y Moreno, MA Porter
Journal of Complex Networks 2 (3), 203--271, 2014
Community structure in time-dependent, multiscale, and multiplex networks
PJ Mucha, T Richardson, K Macon, MA Porter, JP Onnela
science 328 (5980), 876-878, 2010
Dynamic reconfiguration of human brain networks during learning
DS Bassett, NF Wymbs, MA Porter, PJ Mucha, JM Carlson, ST Grafton
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (18), 7641-7646, 2011
Communities in networks
MA Porter, JP Onnela, PJ Mucha
SSRN 56 (9), 1082-1097, 2009
Mathematical formulation of multilayer networks
M De Domenico, A Solé-Ribalta, E Cozzo, M Kivelä, Y Moreno, MA Porter, ...
Physical Review X 3 (4), 041022, 2013
Social structure of Facebook networks
AL Traud, PJ Mucha, MA Porter
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2012
A roadmap for the computation of persistent homology
N Otter, MA Porter, U Tillmann, P Grindrod, HA Harrington
EPJ Data Science 6, 1-38, 2017
Critical truths about power laws
MPH Stumpf, MA Porter
Science 335 (6069), 665-666, 2012
Random walks and diffusion on networks
N Masuda, MA Porter, R Lambiotte
Physics reports 716, 1-58, 2017
Comparing community structure to characteristics in online collegiate social networks
V Red, ED Kelsic, PJ Mucha, MA Porter
SIAM Review 53 (3), 526-543, 2011
The physics of spreading processes in multilayer networks
M De Domenico, C Granell, MA Porter, A Arenas
Nature Physics, 2016
The multilayer nature of ecological networks
S Pilosof, MA Porter, M Pascual, S Kéfi
Nature Ecology & Evolution 1 (4), 0101, 2017
Robust detection of dynamic community structure in networks
DS Bassett, MA Porter, NF Wymbs, ST Grafton, JM Carlson, PJ Mucha
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 23 (1), 2013
Core-periphery structure in networks
MP Rombach, MA Porter, JH Fowler, PJ Mucha
SIAM Journal on Applied mathematics 74 (1), 167-190, 2014
MuxViz: a tool for multilayer analysis and visualization of networks
M De Domenico, MA Porter, A Arenas
Journal of Complex Networks 3 (2), 159-176, 2015
Limit order books
MD Gould, MA Porter, S Williams, M McDonald, DJ Fenn, SD Howison
Quantitative Finance 13 (11), 1709-1742, 2013
Dynamical Systems on Networks: A Tutorial
MA Porter, JP Gleeson
Frontiers in Applied Dynamical Systems: Reviews and Tutorials, 2016
Task-based core-periphery organization of human brain dynamics
DS Bassett, NF Wymbs, MP Rombach, MA Porter, PJ Mucha, ST Grafton
PLoS computational biology 9 (9), e1003171, 2013
A network analysis of committees in the US House of Representatives
MA Porter, PJ Mucha, MEJ Newman, CM Warmbrand
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (20), 7057-7062, 2005
Discrete breathers in one-dimensional diatomic granular crystals
N Boechler, G Theocharis, S Job, PG Kevrekidis, MA Porter, C Daraio
Physical review letters 104 (24), 244302, 2010
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