Thilo Michael
Thilo Michael
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Cited by
User preference and categories for error responses in conversational user interfaces
S Yuan, B Brüggemeier, S Hillmann, T Michael
Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, 1-8, 2020
Retico: An incremental framework for spoken dialogue systems
T Michael
Proceedings of the 21th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on …, 2020
The Weltmodell: A Data-Driven Commonsense Knowledge Base.
A Akbik, T Michael
LREC 2 (4), 5, 2014
Exploratory relation extraction in large text corpora
A Akbik, T Michael, C Boden
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on …, 2014
Bias-aware loss for training image and speech quality prediction models from multiple datasets
G Mittag, S Zadtootaghaj, T Michael, B Naderi, S Möller
2021 13th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience …, 2021
Retico: An open-source framework for modeling real-time conversations in spoken dialogue systems
T Michael, S Möller
Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung …, 2019
Time Series Classification using Compressed Recurrence Plots
T Michael, S Spiegel, S Albayrak
Effects of delay on perceived quality, behavior and oscillatory brain activity in dyadic telephone conversations
S Uhrig, T Michael, S Möller, PE Keller, JN Voigt-Antons
2018 Tenth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience …, 2018
SCHNÄPPER: A Web Toolkit for Exploratory Relation Extraction
T Michael, A Akbik
ACL-IJCNLP 2015, 67, 2015
Simulating turn-taking in conversations with delayed transmission
T Michael, S Möller
Proceedings of the 21th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on …, 2020
Effects of Delay and Packet-Loss on the Conversational Quality
T Michael, S Möller
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA, 2020
Extending the E-Model Towards Super-Wideband and Fullband Speech Communication Scenarios.
S Möller, G Mittag, T Michael, V Barriac, H Aoki
INTERSPEECH 2019, 3436-3440, 2019
Kontinuierliche schätzung von sprechgeschwindigkeit mit einem rekurrenten neuronalen netzwerk
B Weiss, T Michael, S Hillmann
Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung, 186-191, 2018
Analyzing the fullband E-model and extending it for predicting bursty packet loss
T Michael, G Mittag, S Möller
2020 Twelfth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience …, 2020
Interactivity-Based quality prediction of conversations with transmission delay
T Michael, S Möller
Speech and Computer: 22nd International Conference, SPECOM 2020, St …, 2020
Filled pause detection by prosodic discontinuity features
UD Reichel, B Weiss, T Michael
Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung …, 2019
Simulating turn-taking in conversations with varying interactivity
T Michael, S Möller
Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung …, 2020
Simulating Human-to-Human Conversations for the Prediction of Conversational Quality
T Michael, S Möller
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA, 2018
Alex: An Artificial Conversational Agent for Students at the TU Berlin
T Michael, S Hillmann, B Weiss
28th Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV), 238-245, 2017
Deep-BVQM: A Deep-learning Bitstream-based Video Quality Model
N Jamshidi Avanaki, S Schmidt, T Michael, S Zadtootaghaj, S Möller
Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 915-923, 2022
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Articles 1–20