Nazleeni Samiha Haron
Nazleeni Samiha Haron
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Cited by
Remote monitoring in agricultural greenhouse using wireless sensor and short message service (SMS)
IA Aziz, MH Hasan, MJ Ismail, M Mehat, NS Haron
International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET 9 (9), 1-12, 2009
A system architecture for water quality monitoring system using wired sensors
NS Haron, MKB Mahamad, IA Aziz, M Mehat
2008 International Symposium on Information Technology 4, 1-7, 2008
Data trustworthiness in Internet of Things: A taxonomy and future directions
N Haron, J Jaafar, IA Aziz, MH Hassan, MI Shapiai
2017 IEEE conference on big data and analytics (ICBDA), 25-30, 2017
Cooperative flood detection using GSMD via SMS
IA Aziz, IA Hamizan, NS Haron, M Mehat
2008 International Symposium on Information Technology 3, 1-7, 2008
Remote water quality monitoring system using wireless sensors
NS Haron, MK Mahamad, IA Aziz, M Mehat
Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on Electronics …, 2009
A natural language processing approach to mine online reviews using topic modelling
UA Usmani, NS Haron, J Jaafar
International conference on computing science, communication and security, 82-98, 2021
Remote monitoring using sensor in greenhouse agriculture
IA Aziz, MJ Ismail, NS Haron, M Mehat
2008 international symposium on information technology 4, 1-8, 2008
Agent based priority heuristic for job scheduling on computational grids
SNM Shah, MNB Zakaria, AKB Mahmood, AJ Pal, N Haron
Procedia Computer Science 9, 479-488, 2012
Development of mobile learing tool
S Wendeson, WFW Ahmad, NS Haron
2010 International Symposium on Information Technology 1, 139-144, 2010
Development and usability evaluation of platform independent mobile learning tool (M-LT)
SW Sahilu, WFW Ahmad, NS Haron
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering 5 (8), 956-967, 2011
University students awareness on m-learning
S Wendeson, WB Fatimah, W Ahmad, SB Nazleeni
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 62, 787-791, 2010
A RFID-based campus context-aware notification system
NS Haron, NS Saleem, MH Hasan, MM Ariffin, IA Aziz
arXiv preprint arXiv:1003.4080, 2010
Grid resource allocation: a review
HA Abba, NB Zakaria, N Haron
Research Journal of Information Technology 4 (2), 38-55, 2012
Parallelization of edge detection algorithm using mpi on beowulf cluster
N Haron, R Amir, IA Aziz, LT Jung, SR Shukri
Innovations in Computing Sciences and Software Engineering, 477-482, 2010
Blockchain for record-keeping and data verifying: proof of concept
R Ghazali, FHM Ali, HA Bakar, MN Ahmad, NS Haron, AH Omar, ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications 81 (25), 36587-36605, 2022
Context-aware instant messenger with integrated scheduling planner
MAM Nawi, NS Haron, MH Hasan
2012 International Conference on Computer & Information Science (ICCIS) 2 …, 2012
Implementation and experimentation of producer-consumer synchronization problem
SN Mehmood, N Haron, V Akhtar, Y Javed
International Journal of Computer Applications 975 (8887), 32-37, 2011
Blind echolocation using ultrasonic sensors
IA Aziz, S Mahamad, M Mehat, N Samiha
2008 International Symposium on Information Technology 4, 1-7, 2008
Design and evaluation of agent based prioritized dynamic round robin scheduling algorithm on computational grids
SNM Shah, MNB Zakaria, N Haron, AKB Mahmood, K Naono
AASRI Procedia 1, 531-543, 2012
Platform independent mobile learning tool (M-LT)
S Wendeson, WF Wan Ahmad, NS Haron
International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), 32-38, 2011
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Articles 1–20