Juan M. Ortiz
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Brackish water desalination by electrodialysis: batch recirculation operation modeling
JM Ortiz, JA Sotoca, E Expósito, F Gallud, V García-García, V Montiel, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 252 (1-2), 65-75, 2005
Desalination of underground brackish waters using an electrodialysis system powered directly by photovoltaic energy
JM Ortiz, E Expósito, F Gallud, V García-García, V Montiel, A Aldaz
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 92 (12), 1677-1688, 2008
Electrodialysis of brackish water powered by photovoltaic energy without batteries: direct connection behaviour
JM Ortiz, E Expósito, F Gallud, V García-García, V Montiel, A Aldaz
Desalination 208 (1-3), 89-100, 2007
Electrocoagulation of wastewater from almond industry
D Valero, JM Ortiz, V García, E Expósito, V Montiel, A Aldaz
Chemosphere 84 (9), 1290-1295, 2011
Electrocoagulation of a synthetic textile effluent powered by photovoltaic energy without batteries: Direct connection behaviour
D Valero, JM Ortiz, E Exposito, V Montiel, A Aldaz
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 92 (3), 291-297, 2008
Decentralized desalination of brackish water using an electrodialysis system directly powered by wind energy
P Malek, JM Ortiz, HMA Schulte-Herbrüggen
Desalination 377, 54-64, 2016
Photovoltaic electrodialysis system for brackish water desalination: Modeling of global process
JM Ortiz, E Expósito, F Gallud, V García-García, V Montiel, A Aldaz
Journal of Membrane Science 274 (1-2), 138-149, 2006
Electrochemical wastewater treatment directly powered by photovoltaic panels: electrooxidation of a dye-containing wastewater
D Valero, JM Ortiz, E Exposito, V Montiel, A Aldaz
Environmental science & technology 44 (13), 5182-5187, 2010
Removal of nitrate by asymmetric capacitive deionization
JJ Lado, RE Pérez-Roa, JJ Wouters, MI Tejedor-Tejedor, C Federspill, ...
Separation and Purification Technology 183, 145-152, 2017
Comparative performance of microbial desalination cells using air diffusion and liquid cathode reactions: study of the salt removal and desalination efficiency
M Ramírez-Moreno, P Rodenas, M Aliaguilla, P Bosch-Jimenez, E Borràs, ...
Frontiers in Energy Research 7, 135, 2019
Electrodialytic removal of NaCl from water: Impacts of using pulsed electric potential on ion transport and water dissociation phenomena
P Malek, JM Ortiz, BS Richards, AI Schaefer
Journal of membrane science 435, 99-109, 2013
Merging microbial electrochemical systems with electrocoagulation pretreatment for achieving a complete treatment of brewery wastewater
S Tejedor-Sanz, JM Ortiz, A Esteve-Núñez
Chemical Engineering Journal 330, 1068-1074, 2017
Circular economy in membrane technology: Using end-of-life reverse osmosis modules for preparation of recycled anion exchange membranes and validation in electrodialysis
A Lejarazu-Larrañaga, S Molina, JM Ortiz, R Navarro, E García-Calvo
Journal of Membrane Science 593, 117423, 2020
Strategies for merging microbial fuel cell technologies in water desalination processes: start-up protocol and desalination efficiency assessment
Z Borjas, A Esteve-Núñez, JM Ortiz
Journal of Power Sources 356, 519-528, 2017
Strategies for reducing the start-up operation of microbial electrochemical treatments of urban wastewater
Z Borjas, JM Ortiz, A Aldaz, J Feliu, A Esteve-Núñez
Energies 8 (12), 14064-14077, 2015
Chlorophyll soft-sensor based on machine learning models for algal bloom predictions
A Mozo, J Morón-López, S Vakaruk, ÁG Pompa-Pernía, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 13529, 2022
Desalination of brackish water using a microbial desalination cell: Analysis of the electrochemical behaviour
M Ramirez-Moreno, A Esteve-Nunez, JM Ortiz
Electrochimica Acta 388, 138570, 2021
Thin film composite polyamide reverse osmosis membrane technology towards a circular economy
A Lejarazu-Larrañaga, J Landaburu-Aguirre, J Senán-Salinas, JM Ortiz, ...
Membranes 12 (9), 864, 2022
Crystallographic orientation and electrode nature are key factors for electric current generation by Geobacter sulfurreducens
B Maestro, JM Ortiz, G Schrott, JP Busalmen, V Climent, JM Feliu
Bioelectrochemistry 98, 11-19, 2014
Upgrading fluidized bed bioelectrochemical reactors for treating brewery wastewater by using a fluid-like electrode
Y Asensio, M Llorente, P Fernández, S Tejedor-Sanz, JM Ortiz, JF Ciriza, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 406, 127103, 2021
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