G. Kriza
G. Kriza
Physicist, Wigner Research Center
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Rotor–stator molecular crystals of fullerenes with cubane
S Pekker, É Kováts, G Oszlányi, G Bényei, G Klupp, G Bortel, I Jalsovszky, ...
Nature Materials 4 (10), 764-767, 2005
Stretched-exponential dielectric relaxation in a charge-density-wave system
G Kriza, G Mihaly
Physical review letters 56 (23), 2529, 1986
Shapiro interference in a spin-density-wave system
G Kriza, G Quirion, O Traetteberg, W Kang, D Jérome
Physical review letters 66 (14), 1922, 1991
Sign Reversal of the Quantum Hall Number in (TMTSFP
L Balicas, G Kriza, FIB Williams
Physical review letters 75 (10), 2000, 1995
Commensurate and incommensurate spin-density waves and a modified phase diagram of the Bechgaard salts
BJ Klemme, SE Brown, P Wzietek, G Kriza, P Batail, D Jérome, JM Fabre
Physical review letters 75 (12), 2408, 1995
Molecular dynamics in : A NMR study
Y Yoshinari, H Alloul, G Kriza, K Holczer
Physical review letters 71 (15), 2413, 1993
Molecular motion and phase transition in and by nuclear magnetic resonance
Y Yoshinari, H Alloul, V Brouet, G Kriza, K Holczer, L Forro
Physical Review B 54 (9), 6155, 1996
Conduction noise and motional narrowing of the nuclear magnetic resonance line in sliding spin-density waves
E Barthel, G Kriza, G Quirion, P Wzietek, D Jérome, JB Christensen, ...
Physical review letters 71 (17), 2825, 1993
Scaling between normal and spin-density-wave conductivity in (TMTSF) 2AsF6
G Kriza, G Quirion, O Traetteberg, D Jérome
Europhysics Letters 16 (6), 585, 1991
Current induced deformation of charge density waves in orthorhombic TaS3
A Janossy, G Mihaly, G Kriza
Solid state communications 51 (2), 63-66, 1984
Measurements of the High-Magnetic-Field, Low-Temperature Phases of
SE Brown, WG Clark, F Zamborszky, BJ Klemme, G Kriza, B Alavi, ...
Physical review letters 80 (24), 5429, 1998
Dielectric excitations of the pinned charge-and spin-density wave
G Kriza, Y Kim, A Beleznay, G Mihaly
Solid state communications 79 (10), 811-813, 1991
Relaxation of change-density-wave deformations in orthorhombic : Electric and thermal memory effects
G Mihaly, G Kriza, A Janossy
Physical Review B 30 (6), 3578, 1984
Propagation of charge-density wave voltage noise along a blue-bronze, Rb0. 3MoO3 crystal
T Csiba, G Kriza, A Janossy
Europhysics Letters 9 (2), 163, 1989
Influence of local fullerene orientation on the electronic properties of compounds
P Matus, H Alloul, G Kriza, V Brouet, PM Singer, S Garaj, L Forró
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (21), 214509, 2006
Damping of the spin-density-wave phase mode by defect scattering
O Traetteberg, G Kriza, C Lenoir, YS Huang, P Batail, D Jérome
Physical Review B 49 (1), 409, 1994
Slow relaxation of low-temperature vortex phases in
F Portier, G Kriza, B Sas, LF Kiss, I Pethes, K Vad, B Keszei, FIB Williams
Physical Review B 66 (14), 140511, 2002
Frequency-Dependent Thermoelectric Power in Mo
G Kriza, G Mihaly, G Grüner
Physical review letters 62 (17), 2032, 1989
Linear and nonlinear Hall effect in the spin-density wave phase of (TMTSF) 2AsF6
O Traetteberg, L Balicas, G Kriza
Le Journal de Physique IV 3 (C2), C2-61-C2-64, 1993
Thermoelectric Onsager coefficients of in the depinned charge-density-wave state
G Kriza, A Jánossy, L Forró
Physical Review B 41 (8), 5451, 1990
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Articles 1–20