Yasemin Yardimci Cetin
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Cited by
A new approach to aflatoxin detection in chili pepper by machine vision
M Ataș, Y Yardimci, A Temizel
Computers and electronics in agriculture 87, 129-141, 2012
Equiripple FIR filter design by the FFT algorithm
AE Cetin, ON Gerek, Y Yardimci
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 14 (2), 60-64, 1997
Detection of microcalcifications in mammograms using higher order statistics
MN Gurcan, Y Yardimci, AE Cetin, R Ansari
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 4 (8), 213-216, 1997
Detection of contaminated hazelnuts and ground red chili pepper flakes by multispectral imaging
H Kalkan, P Beriat, Y Yardimci, TC Pearson
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 77 (1), 28-34, 2011
Subband analysis for robust speech recognition in the presence of car noise
E Erzin, AE Cetin, Y Yardimci
1995 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 1 …, 1995
Data hiding in speech using phase coding
Y Yardimci, AE Cetin, R Ansari
Proc. Eurospeech 1997, 1679-1682, 1997
Improved SIFT matching for image pairs with scale difference
Y BAȘTANLAR, A Temizel, Y Yardimci
Electronics Letters 46 (5), 2010
Registration of multispectral satellite images with orientation-restricted SIFT
MF Vural, Y Yardimci, A Temizel
2009 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 3, III-243 …, 2009
Moving object detection using adaptive subband decomposition and fractional lower-order statistics in video sequences
AM Bagci, Y Yardimci, AE Cetin
Signal processing 82 (12), 1941-1947, 2002
Robust direction-of-arrival estimation in non-Gaussian noise
Y Yardimci, AE Cetin, JA Cadzow
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 46 (5), 1443-1451, 1998
Computer vision based mouse
A Erdem, E Erdem, Y Yardimci, V Atalay, AE Cetin
2002 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2002
Detection of underdeveloped hazelnuts from fully developed nuts by impact acoustics
I Onaran, TC Pearson, Y Yardimci, AE Cetin
Transactions of the ASABE 49 (6), 1971-1976, 2006
3D reconstruction for a cultural heritage virtual tour system
Y Bastanlar, N Grammalidis, X Zabulis, E Yilmaz, Y Yardimci, ...
Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spat. Inf. Sci 37, 1023-1036, 2008
Multi-view structure-from-motion for hybrid camera scenarios
Y Bastanlar, A Temizel, Y Yardimci, P Sturm
Image and Vision Computing 30 (8), 557-572, 2012
Corner validation based on extracted corner properties
Y Bastanlar, Y Yardimci
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 112 (3), 243-261, 2008
Classification of hazelnut kernels by using impact acoustic time-frequency patterns
H Kalkan, NF Ince, AH Tewfik, Y Yardimci, T Pearson
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2008, 1-11, 2007
Automated detection and enhancement of microcalcifications in mammograms using nonlinear subband decomposition
MN Gurcan, Y Yardimci, AE Cetin, R Ansari
1997 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 1997
Automatic road network extraction from multispectral satellite images
E Karaman, U Çinar, E Gedik, Y Yardımcı, U Halıcı
2012 20th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2012
High-resolution multispectral satellite image matching using scale invariant feature transform and speeded up robust features
M Teke, MF Vural, A Temizel, Y Yardımcı
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 5 (1), 053553-053553-9, 2011
Classification of hazelnut kernels by impact acoustics
H Kalkan, Y Yardimci
2006 16th IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop on Machine Learning for …, 2006
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Articles 1–20