Petr Konecny
Cited by
Cited by
Validation of vertical ground heat exchanger design methodologies
JR Cullin, JD Spitler, C Montagud, F Ruiz-Calvo, SJ Rees, SS Naicker, ...
Science and Technology for the Built Environment 21 (2), 137-149, 2015
Identification of mechanical and fracture properties of self-compacting concrete beams with different types of steel fibres using inverse analysis
O Sucharda, M Pajak, T Ponikiewski, P Konecny
Construction and Building Materials 138, 263-275, 2017
Comparison of material properties of SCC concrete with steel fibres related to ingress of chlorides
P Lehner, P Konečný, T Ponikiewski
Crystals 10 (3), 220, 2020
Effective methodology of sustainability assessment of concrete mixtures
P Konečný, P Ghosh, K Hrabová, P Lehner, B Teplý
Materials and Structures 53, 1-15, 2020
Recommendation for the modelling of 3D non-linear analysis of RC beam tests
O Sucharda, P Konecny
Computers and Concrete, An International Journal 21 (1), 11-20, 2018
Simulation based reliability assessment method using parallel computing
P Konecny, J Brozovsky, V Krivy
Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and …, 2009
Comparison of chloride diffusion coefficient evaluation based on electrochemical methods
P Konečný, P Lehner, T Ponikiewski, P Miera
Procedia engineering 190, 193-198, 2017
Investigation of fracture properties by inverse analysis on selected SCC concrete beams with different amount of fibres
O Sucharda, P Lehner, P Konečný, T Ponikiewski
Procedia Structural Integrity 13, 1533-1538, 2018
Statistical analysis of time dependent variation of diffusion coefficient for various binary and ternary based concrete mixtures
P Lehner, P Ghosh, P Konečný
Construction and Building Materials 183, 75-87, 2018
Finite element modelling and identification of the material properties of fibre concrete
O Sucharda, P Konecny, J Kubosek, T Ponikiewski, P Done
Procedia Engineering 109, 234-239, 2015
Influence of chlorides on the fracture toughness and fracture resistance under the mixed mode I/II of high-performance concrete
P Miarka, S Seitl, M Horňáková, P Lehner, P Konečný, O Sucharda, ...
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 110, 102812, 2020
Numerical analysis of chloride diffusion considering time-dependent diffusion coefficient
P Lehner, P Konečný, P Ghosh, Q Tran
International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 8 (1), 103-106, 2014
Sustainability levels in comparison with mechanical properties and durability of pumice high-performance concrete
K Hrabová, P Lehner, P Ghosh, P Konečný, B Teplý
Applied Sciences 11 (11), 4964, 2021
Corrosion processes on weathering steel bridges influenced by deposition of de-icing salts
V Křivý, M Kubzová, P Konečný, K Kreislová
Materials 12 (7), 1089, 2019
Effect of cracking and randomness of inputs on corrosion initiation of reinforced concrete bridge decks exposed to chlorides
P Konecny, P Lehner
Frattura ed Integritŕ Strutturale 11 (39), 29-37, 2017
Real material properties of weathering steels used in bridge structures
V Křivý, P Konečný
Procedia Engineering 57, 624-633, 2013
Durability assessment of concrete bridge deck considering waterproof membrane and epoxy-coated reinforcement
P Konečný, P Lehner
Perspectives in Science 7, 222-227, 2016
Comparison of procedures for the evaluation of time dependent concrete diffusion coefficient model
P Konečný, P Lehner, P Ghosh, Z Morávková, Q Tran
Construction and Building Materials 258, 119535, 2020
Mechanical and physical properties of straw bales
P Konečný, J Teslík, M Hamala
Advanced Materials Research 649, 250-253, 2013
Performance evaluation of concrete bridge deck affected by chloride ingress: simulation-based reliability assessment and finite element modeling
P Konecny, PJ Tikalsky, DG Tepke
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2007
Probabilistic time-dependent sensitivity analysis of HPC bridge deck exposed to chlorides
P Ghosh, P Konečný, P Lehner, PJ Tikalsky
Computers and Concrete, An International Journal 19 (3), 305-313, 2017
Performance evaluation of concrete bridge deck affected by chloride ingress: simulation-based reliability assessment and finite element modeling
P Konečný, PJ Tikalsky, DG Tepke
Transportation Research Record 2028 (1), 3-8, 2007
Evaluation of durability-related field inspection data from concrete bridges under service
P Konečný, P Lehner, D Vořechovská, M Šomodíková, M Horňáková, ...
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 81-89-81-89, 2020
Lightweight SFRC benefitting from a pre-soaking and internal curing process
M Hornakova, J Katzer, J Kobaka, P Konecny
Materials 12 (24), 4152, 2019
Influence of crack propagation on electrical resistivity and ultrasonic characteristics of normal concrete assessed by sequential TPB fracture test
V Veselý, P Konečný, P Lehner
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 80, 2-13, 2015
Comparison of Standardized Methods for Determining the Diffusion Coefficient of Chloride in Concrete with Thermodynamic Model of Migration
Z Szweda, J Gołaszewski, P Ghosh, P Lehner, P Konečný
Materials 16 (2), 637, 2023
Correlation between surface concentration of chloride ions and chloride deposition rate in concrete
P Lehner, M Kubzová, V Křivý, P Konečný, D Bujdoš, P Rovnaníková
Construction and Building Materials 320, 126183, 2022
Evaluation of Chloride Influence on the Cracking in Reinforced Concrete Using Korozeeneck Software
P Konečný, J Brožovský, P Ghosh
Transactions of the VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering …, 2011
Comparison of alternatives for remodelling of laboratory tests of concrete
J Brozovsky, P Konecny, M Mynarz, O Sucharda
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and …, 2009
Influence of the Type of Cement and the Addition of an Air-Entraining Agent on the Effectiveness of Concrete Cover in the Protection of Reinforcement against Corrosion
W Raczkiewicz, P Koteš, P Konečný
Materials 14 (16), 4657, 2021
Comparison of selected methods for measurement of the concrete electrical resistance to chloride penetration
P Lehner, M Turicová, P Konecny
ARPN J. Eng. Appl. Sci 12, 937-944, 2017
Direct Monte Carlo Method vs. improved methods considering applications in designers every day work
P Praks, P Konečný
Probabilistic assessment of structures using Monte Carlo Simulation …, 2003
Variation of durability and strength parameters of pumice based mixtures
P Lehner, P Konečný, P Ghosh
Materials 14 (13), 3674, 2021
Determination of time dependent diffusion coefficient aging factor of HPC mixtures
Q Tran, P Ghosh, P Lehner, P Konečný
Key Engineering Materials 832, 11-20, 2020
Variation of diffusion coefficient for selected binary and ternary concrete mixtures considering concrete aging effect
P Konečný, P Lehner, P Ghosh, Q Tran
Key Engineering Materials 761, 144-147, 2018
Reliability of reinforced concrete bridge decks with respect to ingress of chlorides
P Konečný
Doktorská disertační práce, 2007
Durability characteristics of concrete mixture based on red ceramic waste aggregate
M Horňáková, P Lehner, TD Le, P Konečný, J Katzer
Sustainability 12 (21), 8890, 2020
Probabilistic modeling of chloride penetration with respect to concrete heterogeneity and epoxy-coating on the reinforcement
TD Le, P Lehner, P Konečný
Materials 12 (24), 4068, 2019
Experimental and numerical evaluation of SCC concrete durability related to ingress of chlorides
P Lehner, P Konečný, T Ponikiewski
AIP Conference Proceedings 1978 (1), 2018
Investigation of fracture and electrical resistivity parameters of cementitious composite for their utilization in deterioration models
V Veselý, P Konečný, P Lehner, P Pařenica, J Hurta, L Žídek
Key Engineering Materials 577, 265-268, 2014
SBRA model for corrosion initiation of concrete structures
P Ghosh, P Konečný, PJ Tikalsky
Modelling of Corroding Concrete Structures: Proceedings of the Joint fib …, 2011
Advanced model of chloride penetration considering concrete heterogeneity
TD Le, P Lehner, P Konečný
Procedia Structural Integrity 13, 1702-1707, 2018
Optimization of time step and finite elements on the model of diffusion of chlorides
P Lehner, P Konecny, J Brozovsky
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 11 (3), 2083-2088, 2016
Towards parallel computing using the simulation-based reliability assessment method
P Konečný, J Brožovský, V Křivý
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Parallel, Distributed …, 2009
Efekty rehabilitace pa cientů s poruchou temporomandibulárního kloubu
P Konečný, J Havlíčková, M Elfmark
Rehabil Fyz Lek 14 (3), 95-100, 2007
Reálné pevnostní hodnoty konstrukčních ocelí a rozměrové úchylky válcovaných materiálů pro pravděpodobnostní posuzování spolehlivosti ocelových nosných prvků a konstrukcí …
L Rozlívka, M Fajkus, P Konečný
Proceedings of conference “Structural Reliability, 2003
A study of lunar soil simulants from construction and building materials perspective
J Kobaka, J Katzer, K Seweryn, P Srokosz, M Bujko, P Konečný
Case Studies in Construction Materials 18, e02082, 2023
Durability of structural lightweight waste aggregate concrete–electrical resistivity
M Hornakova, P Konecny, P Lehner, J Katzer
MATEC Web of Conferences 310, 00015, 2020
Reinforced Concrete Bridge Deck Model Considering Delayed Exposure to Chlorides
P Konečný, P Lehner, D Pustka
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 63 (3), 775-781, 2019
Investigation of selected physical parameters of cementitious composite during sequential fracture test
P Konečný, V Veselý, P Lehner, D Pieszka, L Žídek
Advanced Materials Research 969, 228-233, 2014
Vliv kombinované terapie vzduchovou dlahou a botulotoxinem-A na změnu spasticity ruky.
P Konečný, P Sedláček, M Tarasová
Spolehlivost a bezpečnost staveb
M Krejsa, P Konečný
Učební texty v elektronické podobě.[on-line].< http://mi21. vsb. cz/modul …, 2011
A comparative study of influence of temperature on granites from India and Czech Republic
P Konecny, A Kozusnikova, RK Goel, RD Dwivedi, A Swarup, ...
V, Krivy: Towards Parallel Computing using the Simulation-based Reliability Assessment Method
P Konecky, J Brozovsky
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Parallel, Distributed …, 0
Model uncertainty in diffusion coefficient for chloride ingress into concrete
P Konečný, M Horňáková, P Lehner, P Rovnaníková, M Sýkora
Procedia Structural Integrity 31, 147-153, 2021
Time dependent variation of carrying capacity of prestressed precast beam
TD Le, P Konečný, P Matečková
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 143 (1), 012013, 2018
Numerical validation of concrete corrosion initiation model considering crack effect model and aging effect
P Lehner, P Konečný
Procedia engineering 190, 154-161, 2017
Effect of non-uniform temperature distribution over the cross-section in steel frame structure
L Lausova, I Skotnicova, V Michalcova, P Konečný
Applied Mechanics and Materials 769, 65-68, 2015
Analysis of durability of high performance and ordinary concrete mixtures with respect to chlorides
P Lehner, P Konečný
Applied Mechanics and Materials 769, 281-284, 2015
Starting a database of steel properties applicable in SBRA based design
L Rozlívka, M Fajkus, P Konečný
Marek et al, 2003
Properties of fine graded perlite-based lightweight cement mortars subjected to elevated temperatures
J Pizoń, P Konečný, M Mynarz, V Bílek
Buildings 13 (12), 2969, 2023
Effect of Imperial Smelting Process Slag Addition in Self Compacting Concrete Concrete on the Efficiency of Electrochemical Chloride Extraction
Z Szweda, J Mazurkiewicz, P Konečný, T Ponikiewski
Materials 16 (14), 5159, 2023
Electrical resistivity and strength parameters of prismatic mortar samples based on standardized sand and lunar aggregate simulant
P Lehner, P Konečný, J Katzer
Buildings 12 (4), 423, 2022
Krajská politika: Samosprávné kraje jako politická úroveň
P Konečný
Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, 2021
Numerical approximation of time-dependent chloride diffusion model parameters via probabilistic Monte Carlo method
P Lehner, M Horňáková, P Konečný
AIP Conference Proceedings 2293 (1), 2020
Probabilistic durability evaluation of binary and ternary concrete mixtures considering aging effect
P Lehner, P Konečnỳ
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 11 (3), 1992-1997, 2016
Effect of different concrete material parameters on the accuracy of FEM model of diffusion
P Lehner, P Konečný
AIP Conference Proceedings 2116 (1), 2019
Influences of geological parameters to probabilistic assessment of slope stability of embankment
QT Nguyen, TD Le, P Konečný
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 143 (1), 012046, 2018
Correlation of Steel Yield Stress and Ultimate Strength-Monte Carlo Simulation via Non-Gaussian Random Variables
P Konečný
Materials Science Forum 893, 223-228, 2017
The Influence of Combinations Air-splinting and Botulinum Toxin-A Therapy to Changes in Spasticity of the Hand
P Konečný, P Sedláček, M Tarasová
environment 2 (10), 14-15, 2017
Random variation and correlation of the weather data series–evaluation and simulation using bounded histograms
P Konecny, D Pustka
MATEC Web of Conferences 107, 00085, 2017
Strength properties and chemical composition of materials used in weathering steel bridges
V Křivý, P Konečný, V Urban
Advanced Materials Research 739, 292-297, 2013
Příspěvek k analýze stavebních konstrukcí s uvážením náhodného charakteru vybraných vstupních veličin
A Materna, J Brožovský, P Konečný
Vysoká škola báňská-Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2006
Finite element analysis of 2-D chloride diffusion problem considering time-dependent diffusion coefficient model
P Lehner, P Konecny, P Ghosh
Recent Advances in Applied & Theoretical Mathematics, Mathematics and …, 0
Gas in scattering media absorption spectroscopy for time-resolved characterization of gas diffusion processes in porous materials
M Dostál, J Suchánek, P Bitala, V Klečka, V Nevrlý, L Klímková, ...
Measurement 230, 114494, 2024
The Influence of Corrosion Processes on the Degradation of Concrete Cover
Z Szweda, A Skórkowski, P Konečný
Materials 17 (6), 1398, 2024
Numerical analysis of flexural behavior of concrete element with 3-D printed formwork
P Král, P Konečný, P Lehner, J Katzer
AIP Conference Proceedings 2425 (1), 2022
On factors which influence mining induced seismicity in Ostrava—Karvina coal basin
P Konecny
Mechanics of Jointed and Faulted Rock, 741-748, 2020
Example of analysis of climatic data series with respect to the testing of reinforcement concrete corrosion in a climate chamber
P Lehner, P Konečný, R Walentyński
MATEC Web of Conferences 313, 00037, 2020
Approximation of the bridge deck diffusion coefficient and surface chloride concentration from field data
P Konecny, P Lehner, D Vorechovska, M Somodikova, M Hornakova, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 659 (1), 012048, 2019
Analysis of Basic Methods for Aerodynamic Characteristics Determination of Missile Structure’s Components
P Konečný, HB Le, HM Nguyen, QT Tran, QH Mai, TS Ngo
2019 International Conference on Military Technologies (ICMT), 1-6, 2019
Analysis of basic methods for aerodynamic characteristics determination of missile structure's components
P Konecny, HB Le, HM Nguyen, QT Tran, QH Mai, TS Ngo
ICMT 2019-7th International Conference on Military Technologies, Proceedings, 2019
Metoda konečných prvků ve stavební mechanice, pomůcka pro stavební inženýry
J Brožovský, P Konečný
Technická škola báňská–Technická univerzita Ostrava, Západočeská univerzita …, 2012
Biological activity and protein targets of quinoline derivatives with anticancer effect
G Rylová, P Džubák, M Špenerová, A JANOŠŤÁKOVÁ, I Frydrych, ...
Book of Abstracts, 5th Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference, 2011
Podmínka ukončení pravděpodobnostního výpočtu prováděného metodou Monte Carlo
J Valihrach, P Konečný
Vysoká škola báňská-Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2010
Vliv počtu proměnných na přesnost odhadu pravděpodobnosti poruchy metodou Monte Carlo
P Konečný
Vysoká škola báňská-Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2009
Přesnost odhadu pravděpodobnosti poruchy
P Konečný
Vysoká škola báňská-Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2008
Simulace korelovaných neparametrických rozdělení v rámci metody SBRA
P Konečný
Vysoká škola báňská-Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2007
Probabilistic performance assessment of a bridge deck with regards to chloride ion ingress
P Konečný, PJ Tikalsky, DG Tepke
Roczniki Inżynierii Budowlanej, 47--50, 2006
Aplikace metody SBRA v rámci univerzálního MKP software
P Konečný, P Marek
Sborník vědeckých prací VŠB–TU Ostrava, 2006
Aspekty vyšetřování trvanlivosti betonu
P Konečný
Rock bursts during reduction of coal production in Ostrava-Karvina coalfield
P Konecny
Posudek spolehlivosti vybraných konstrukčních dílů podle norem Eurocode a metodou SBRA
P Konečný
Vysoká škola báňská-Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2002
Handgrip Strength Asymmetry in Elite Young Czech Male Tennis Players: Implications for Injury Prevention
T Válek, P Konečný, R Vysoký, J Zháněl
Studia sportiva 18 (1), 2024
A conceptual open pit mine architecture for the Moon environment
K Seweryn, A Kolusz, I Świca, A Tkacz, A Gallina, J Katzer, J Kobaka, ...
Artificial Satellites 59 (1), 11-41, 2024
Estimation of the needed regolith for covering lunar habitat by protective layer
P Konečný, J Katzer, J Kobaka, K Seweryn
Artificial Satellites 58 (s1), 249-255, 2023
Correlation relationships of elementary mechanical properties and electrical resistivity of structural concrete
P Lehner, D Bujdoš, K Hrabová, P Konečný
AIP Conference Proceedings 2849 (1), 2023
Examining Regional Autonomy through Policies: Evidence from the Czech Republic
P Konečný
Politologický časopis-Czech Journal of Political Science 30 (2), 73-94, 2023
Analýza preferovaných úchopů psacího náčiní u českých vysokoškolských studentů
J Vyskotová, M Rybišárová, PG Aláčová, A Svobodová, P Konečný
Rehabil Fyz Lek 30 (1), 24-33, 2023
Statistical analysis of experimental chloride profiles resulted from LIBS
TD Le, P Konečný, MB Lierenfeld, M Horňáková, P Lehner
AIP Conference Proceedings 2425 (1), 2022
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Articles 1–100