M A Hossain
Cited by
Cited by
Credit for alleviation of rural poverty: The Grameen Bank in Bangladesh
M Hossain
Hybrid decision tree and naïve Bayes classifiers for multi-class classification tasks
DM Farid, L Zhang, CM Rahman, MA Hossain, R Strachan
Expert systems with applications 41 (4), 1937-1946, 2014
Emergence of wheat blast in Bangladesh was caused by a South American lineage of Magnaporthe oryzae
MT Islam, D Croll, P Gladieux, DM Soanes, A Persoons, P Bhattacharjee, ...
BMC biology 14, 1-11, 2016
Expectation–confirmation theory in information system research: A review and analysis
MA Hossain, M Quaddus
Information Systems Theory: Explaining and Predicting Our Digital Society …, 2012
Reduction of turbidity of water using locally available natural coagulants
M Asrafuzzaman, ANM Fakhruddin, MA Hossain
International Scholarly Research Notices 2011 (1), 632189, 2011
Intelligent phishing detection system for e-banking using fuzzy data mining
M Aburrous, MA Hossain, K Dahal, F Thabtah
Expert systems with applications 37 (12), 7913-7921, 2010
Effect of plastic mulch on growth and yield of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)
M Ashrafuzzaman, MA Halim, MR Ismail, SM Shahidullah, MA Hossain
Brazilian archives of biology and technology 54, 321-330, 2011
An adaptive ensemble classifier for mining concept drifting data streams
DM Farid, L Zhang, A Hossain, CM Rahman, R Strachan, G Sexton, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (15), 5895-5906, 2013
Viscous and Joule heating effects on MHD free convection flow with variable plate temperature
MA Hossain
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, 1990
Mechanisms of waterlogging tolerance in wheat: Morphological and metabolic adaptations under hypoxia or anoxia
MA Hossain, SN Uddin
Australian journal of crop science 5 (9), 1094-1101, 2011
Multi-class multi-level classification algorithm for skin lesions classification using machine learning techniques
N Hameed, AM Shabut, MK Ghosh, MA Hossain
Expert Systems with Applications 141, 112961, 2020
Frequency of Bay of Bengal cyclonic storms and depressions crossing different coastal zones
MM Alam, MA Hossain, S Shafee
International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 2003
Effect of drip irrigation and mulching on yield, water-use efficiency and economics of tomato
SK Biswas, AR Akanda, MS Rahman, MA Hossain
Plant, Soil and Environment 61 (3), 97-102, 2016
Sorption isotherms and heat of sorption of pineapple
MD Hossain, BK Bala, MA Hossain, MRA Mondol
Journal of food engineering 48 (2), 103-107, 2001
Effects of seed treatments on germination and seedling growth attributes of Horitaki (Terminalia chebula Retz.) in the nursery
MA Hossain, MK Arefin, BM Khan, MA Rahman
Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences 1 (2), 135-141, 2005
The adoption and continued usage intention of RFID: An integrated framework
MA Hossain, M Quaddus
Information Technology & People 24 (3), 236-256, 2011
Waterlogging at jointing and/or after anthesis in wheat induces early leaf senescence and impairs grain filling
H Araki, A Hamada, MA Hossain, T Takahashi
Field Crops Research 137, 27-36, 2012
Proximate composition of some small indigenous fish species (sis) in Bangladesh.
MSA Mazumder, MM Rahman, ATA Ahmed, M Begum, MA Hossain
Intelligent web-phishing detection and protection scheme using integrated features of Images, frames and text
MA Adebowale, KT Lwin, E Sanchez, MA Hossain
Expert Systems with Applications 115, 300-313, 2019
Effect of compression pressure on lignocellulosic biomass pellet to improve fuel properties: Higher heating value
S Poddar, M Kamruzzaman, SMA Sujan, M Hossain, MS Jamal, MA Gafur, ...
Fuel 131, 43-48, 2014
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Articles 1–20