Generalized balancing numbers K Liptai, F Luca, Á Pintér, L Szalay
Indagationes mathematicae 20 (1), 87-100, 2009
117 2009 Fibonacci balancing numbers K Liptai
The Fibonacci Quarterly 42 (4), 330-340, 2004
104 2004 On generalized balancing sequences A Bérczes, K Liptai, I Pink
The Fibonacci Quarterly 48 (2), 121-128, 2010
73 2010 Lucas balancing numbers K Liptai
Acta mathematica universitatis ostraviensis 14 (1), 43-47, 2006
66 2006 On (a, b)-balancing numbers T Kovács, K Liptai, P Olajos
Publ. Math. Debrecen 77 (3-4), 485-498, 2010
64 2010 Incomplete poly-Bernoulli numbers associated with incomplete Stirling numbers T Komatsu, K Liptai, I Mező
arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.05799, 2015
42 2015 A Generalization of Poly‐Cauchy Numbers and Their Properties T Komatsu, V Laohakosol, K Liptai
Abstract and Applied Analysis 2013 (1), 179841, 2013
22 2013 Balancing with Fibonacci powers A Behera, K Liptai, GK Panda, L Szalay
The Fibonacci Quarterly 49 (1), 28-33, 2011
18 2011 Some relationships between poly-Cauchy type numbers and poly-Bernoulli type numbers T Komatsu
East West Math 14 (02), 114-120, 2012
12 2012 Polynomials with special coefficients F Mátyás, K Liptai, J Tóth T, F Filip
Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae, 101-106, 2010
6 2010 On products of the terms of linear recurrences B Brindza, K Liptai, L Szalay
Proc. of Number Theory Conf.,(Eger, 1996), 101-106, 1998
6 1998 On products of the terms of linear recurrences, Number Theory, Eds.: Gyory–Petho–Sós B Brindza, K Liptai, L Szalay
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin–New York, 1998
5 1998 L. Szalay A Behera, K Liptai, GK Panda
Balancing with Fibonacci powers, 28-33, 0
5 A balancing problem on a binary recurrence and its associate K Liptai, GK Panda, L Szalay
The Fibonacci Quarterly 54 (3), 235-241, 2016
4 2016 Resolution of the equation K Liptai, L Németh, G Soydan, L Szalay
3 2020 Factorial-like values in the balancing sequence N Irmak, K Liptai, L Szalay
Mathematical Communications 23 (2), 197-204, 2018
3 2018 Cryptographycal protocols in the Egerfood Information System K Liptai, G Kusper, T Radványi
Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae 34, 61-70, 2007
3 2007 Power classes of recurrence sequences K Liptai, L Szalay
Publ. Math. Hungar 65, 421-428, 2004
3 2004 Közös elemek másodrendű rekurzív sorozatokban. K Liptai
Az Eszterházy Károly Tanárképző Főiskola tudományos közleményei (Új sorozat …, 1994
3 1994 On certain Fibonacci representations K Liptai, L Németh, T Szakács, L Szalay
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.15053, 2024
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