Richard Schwartzstein
Richard Schwartzstein
Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
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An official American Thoracic Society statement: update on the mechanisms, assessment, and management of dyspnea
MB Parshall, RM Schwartzstein, L Adams, RB Banzett, HL Manning, ...
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 185 (4), 435-452, 2012
Pathophysiology of dyspnea
HL Manning, RM Schwartzstein
New England Journal of Medicine 333 (23), 1547-1553, 1995
Distinguishable types of dyspnea in patients with shortness of Breath1-3
PM Simon, RM Schwartzstein, JW Weiss, V Fencl, M Teghtsoonian, ...
Am Rev Respir Dis 142 (5), 1009-1014, 1990
Tolerating uncertainty—the next medical revolution?
A Simpkin, R Schwartzstein
New England Journal of Medicine 375 (18), 2016
Twelve tips for facilitating Millennials’ learning
DH Roberts, LR Newman, RM Schwartzstein
Medical teacher 34 (4), 274-278, 2012
Distinguishable sensations of breathlessness induced in normal Volunteers1-3
PM Simon, RM Schwartzstein, JW Weiss, K Lahive
Am Rev Respir Dis 140, 1021-1027, 1989
Cold facial stimulation reduces breathlessness induced in normal subjects
RM Schwartzstein, K Lahive, A Pope, SE Weinberger, JW Weiss
American Review of Respiratory Disease, 2012
Descriptors of breathlessness in cardiorespiratory diseases.
DA Mahler, A Harver, T Lentine, JA Scott, K Beck, RM Schwartzstein
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 154 (5), 1357-1363, 1996
Multidimensional Dyspnea Profile: an instrument for clinical and laboratory research
RB Banzett, CR O'Donnell, TE Guilfoyle, MB Parshall, RM Schwartzstein, ...
European Respiratory Journal 45 (6), 1681-1691, 2015
Hypoxemia alone does not explain blood pressure elevations after obstructive apneas
J Ringler, RC Basner, R Shannon, R Schwartzstein, H Manning, ...
Journal of Applied Physiology 69 (6), 2143-2148, 1990
The affective dimension of laboratory dyspnea: air hunger is more unpleasant than work/effort
RB Banzett, SH Pedersen, RM Schwartzstein, RW Lansing
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 177 (12), 1384-1390, 2008
Teaching critical thinking: a case for instruction in cognitive biases to reduce diagnostic errors and improve patient safety
CS Royce, MM Hayes, RM Schwartzstein
Academic Medicine 94 (2), 187-194, 2019
What can medical education learn from the neurobiology of learning?
MJ Friedlander, L Andrews, EG Armstrong, C Aschenbrenner, JS Kass, ...
Academic medicine 86 (4), 415-420, 2011
Milestones of critical thinking: a developmental model for medicine and nursing
KK Papp, GC Huang, LML Clabo, D Delva, M Fischer, L Konopasek, ...
Academic Medicine 89 (5), 715-720, 2014
Saying goodbye to lectures in medical school—paradigm shift or passing fad
RM Schwartzstein, DH Roberts
N Engl J Med 377 (7), 605-607, 2017
Transthoracic echocardiography and mortality in sepsis: analysis of the MIMIC-III database
M Feng, JI McSparron, DT Kien, DJ Stone, DH Roberts, RM Schwartzstein, ...
Intensive care medicine 44, 884-892, 2018
Reduced tidal volume increases ‘air hunger’at fixed PCO2 in ventilated quadriplegics
HL Manning, SA Shea, RM Schwartzstein, RW Lansing, R Brown, ...
Respiration physiology 90 (1), 19-30, 1992
Assessing the effectiveness of case-based collaborative learning via randomized controlled trial
E Krupat, JB Richards, AM Sullivan, TJ Fleenor Jr, RM Schwartzstein
Academic Medicine 91 (5), 723-729, 2016
Race and ethnicity in pulmonary function test interpretation: an official American Thoracic Society statement
NR Bhakta, C Bime, DA Kaminsky, MC McCormack, N Thakur, ...
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 207 (8), 978-995, 2023
Critical thinking in health professions education: summary and consensus statements of the Millennium Conference 2011
GC Huang, LR Newman, RM Schwartzstein
Teaching and learning in medicine 26 (1), 95-102, 2014
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