Caleb Ferguson
Caleb Ferguson
Professor, University of Wollongong & Western Sydney Local Health District
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National Heart Foundation of Australia and the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand: Australian Clinical Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Atrial …
NCAFGW Group, D Brieger, J Amerena, J Attia, B Bajorek, K Chan, ...
Heart, Lung and Circulation 27 (10), 1209-1266, 2018
National Heart Foundation of Australia and Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand: Australian clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and management of atrial fibrillation 2018
D Brieger, J Amerena, J Attia, B Bajorek, K Chan, C Connell, B Freedman, ...
Medical Journal of Australia 209 (8), 356-362, 2018
Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management
Stroke Foundation
https://informme.org.au/en/Guidelines/Clinical-Guidelines-for-Stroke …, 2017
Impact of Frailty on Mortality and Hospitalization in Chronic Heart Failure: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis
X Yang, J Lupón, MT Vidán, C Ferguson, P Gastelurrutia, PJ Newton, ...
Journal of the American Heart Association, 2018
Augmented reality, virtual reality and gaming: an integral part of nursing
C Ferguson, PM Davidson, PJ Scott, D Jackson, LD Hickman
Contemporary nurse 51 (1), 1-4, 2015
Frailty assessment instruments in heart failure: a systematic review
J McDonagh, L Martin, C Ferguson, SR Jha, PS Macdonald, PM Davidson, ...
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 17 (1), 23-35, 2018
Men in nursing on television: exposing and reinforcing stereotypes
R Weaver, C Ferguson, M Wilbourn, Y Salamonson
Journal of Advanced Nursing 70 (4), 833-842, 2014
It's time for the nursing profession to leverage social media
C Ferguson
Journal of advanced nursing, 745-747, 2013
Social media: a tool to spread information: a case study analysis of twitter conversation at the Cardiac Society of Australia & New Zealand 61st annual scientific meeting 2013
C Ferguson, SC Inglis, PJ Newton, PJS Cripps, PS Macdonald, ...
Collegian 21 (2), 89-93, 2014
The taboo of cancer: the experiences of cancer disclosure by Iranian patients, their family members and physicians
V Zamanzadeh, A Rahmani, L Valizadeh, C Ferguson, H Hassankhani, ...
Psycho‐Oncology 22 (2), 396-402, 2013
Cancer disclosure: Experiences of Iranian cancer patients
L Valizadeh, V Zamanzadeh, A Rahmani, F Howard, AR Nikanfar, ...
Nursing & health sciences 14 (2), 250-256, 2012
Improving evidence-based practice in postgraduate nursing programs: a systematic review
L Hickman, M DiGiacomo, J Phillips, A Rao, P Newton, D Jackson, ...
Nurse Education Today, 2018
First year nursing students’ experiences of social media during the transition to university: a focus group study
C Ferguson, M DiGiacomo, B Saliba, J Green, C Moorley, A Wyllie, ...
Contemporary nurse 52 (5), 625-635, 2016
Rating and ranking the role of bibliometrics and webometrics in nursing and midwifery
PM Davidson, PJ Newton, C Ferguson, J Daly, D Elliott, C Homer, ...
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 135812, 2014
A unified call to action from Australian nursing and midwifery leaders: ensuring that Black lives matter
L Geia, K Baird, K Bail, L Barclay, J Bennett, O Best, M Birks, L Blackley, ...
Contemporary Nurse 56 (4), 297-308, 2020
Efficacy of Tai Chi and qigong for the prevention of stroke and stroke risk factors: A systematic review with meta-analysis
R Lauche, W Peng, C Ferguson, J Frawley, J Adams, D Sibbritt
Medicine 96 (45), e8517, 2017
Where is the nurse in nutritional care?
X Xu, D Parker, C Ferguson, L Hickman
Contemporary Nurse 53 (3), 267-270, 2017
eHealth tools to provide structured assistance for atrial fibrillation screening, management, and Guideline‐Recommended therapy in metropolitan general practice: the AF‐SMART study
J Orchard, L Neubeck, B Freedman, J Li, R Webster, N Zwar, R Gallagher, ...
Journal of the American Heart Association 8 (1), e010959, 2019
Education and practice gaps on atrial fibrillation and anticoagulation: a survey of cardiovascular nurses
C Ferguson, SC Inglis, PJ Newton, S Middleton, PS Macdonald, ...
BMC medical education 16, 1-10, 2016
Solutions to address low response rates in online surveys
W Shiyab, C Ferguson, K Rolls, E Halcomb
European journal of cardiovascular nursing 22 (4), 441-444, 2023
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