Jorge Bernal Bernabe
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Cited by
Privacy-preserving solutions for blockchain: Review and challenges
JB Bernabe, JL Canovas, JL Hernandez-Ramos, RT Moreno, A Skarmeta
Ieee Access 7, 164908-164940, 2019
A machine learning security framework for iot systems
M Bagaa, T Taleb, JB Bernabe, A Skarmeta
IEEE Access 8, 114066-114077, 2020
TACIoT: multidimensional trust-aware access control system for the Internet of Things
J Bernal Bernabe, JL Hernandez Ramos, AF Skarmeta Gomez
Soft Computing 20, 1763-1779, 2016
Evaluating Federated Learning for intrusion detection in Internet of Things: Review and challenges
EM Campos, PF Saura, A González-Vidal, JL Hernández-Ramos, ...
Computer Networks 203, 108661, 2022
Security and privacy in Internet of things (IoTs): Models, Algorithms, and Implementations
F Hu
CRC Press, 2016
Security management architecture for NFV/SDN-aware IoT systems
AM Zarca, JB Bernabe, R Trapero, D Rivera, J Villalobos, A Skarmeta, ...
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (5), 8005-8020, 2019
Intrusion detection based on privacy-preserving federated learning for the industrial IoT
P Ruzafa-Alcázar, P Fernández-Saura, E Mármol-Campos, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 19 (2), 1145-1154, 2021
Virtual IoT HoneyNets to mitigate cyberattacks in SDN/NFV-enabled IoT networks
AM Zarca, JB Bernabe, A Skarmeta, JMA Calero
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 38 (6), 1262-1277, 2020
SAFIR: Secure access framework for IoT-enabled services on smart buildings
JL Hernández-Ramos, MV Moreno, JB Bernabé, DG Carrillo, ...
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 81 (8), 1452-1463, 2015
Research challenges in nextgen service orchestration
LM Vaquero, F Cuadrado, Y Elkhatib, J Bernal-Bernabe, SN Srirama, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 90, 20-38, 2019
Enhancing IoT security through network softwarization and virtual security appliances
A Molina Zarca, J Bernal Bernabe, I Farris, Y Khettab, T Taleb, ...
International Journal of Network Management 28 (5), e2038, 2018
Holistic privacy-preserving identity management system for the internet of things
J Bernal Bernabe, JL Hernandez-Ramos, AF Skarmeta Gomez
Mobile Information Systems 2017, 2017
Distributed real-time SlowDoS attacks detection over encrypted traffic using Artificial Intelligence
N Garcia, T Alcaniz, A González-Vidal, JB Bernabe, D Rivera, A Skarmeta
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 173, 102871, 2021
Enabling roaming across heterogeneous IoT wireless networks: LoRaWAN MEETS 5G
EM Torroglosa-Garcia, JMA Calero, JB Bernabe, A Skarmeta
IEEE Access 8, 103164-103180, 2020
Towards provisioning of SDN/NFV-based security enablers for integrated protection of IoT systems
I Farris, JB Bernabé, N Toumi, D Garcia-Carrillo, T Taleb, A Skarmeta, ...
2017 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN …, 2017
5G NB‐IoT: Efficient Network Traffic Filtering for Multitenant IoT Cellular Networks
P Salva-Garcia, JM Alcaraz-Calero, Q Wang, JB Bernabe, A Skarmeta
Security and Communication Networks 2018 (1), 9291506, 2018
INSPIRE-5Gplus: Intelligent security and pervasive trust for 5G and beyond networks
J Ortiz, R Sanchez-Iborra, JB Bernabe, A Skarmeta, C Benzaid, T Taleb, ...
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Availability …, 2020
Enabling virtual AAA management in SDN-based IoT networks
A Molina Zarca, D Garcia-Carrillo, J Bernal Bernabe, J Ortiz, ...
Sensors 19 (2), 295, 2019
Semantic-aware multi-tenancy authorization system for cloud architectures
JB Bernabe, JMM Perez, JMA Calero, FJG Clemente, GM Perez, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 32, 154-167, 2014
Privacy-preserving security framework for a social-aware internet of things
J Bernal Bernabe, JL Hernández, MV Moreno, AF Skarmeta Gomez
Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence. Personalisation and User …, 2014
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Articles 1–20