John Dixon
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An exploration of the use of simple statistics to measure consensus and stability in Delphi studies
EA Holey, JL Feeley, J Dixon, VJ Whittaker
BMC medical research methodology 7, 1-10, 2007
Pain neuroscience education for adults with chronic musculoskeletal pain: a mixed-methods systematic review and meta-analysis
JA Watson, CG Ryan, L Cooper, D Ellington, R Whittle, M Lavender, ...
The Journal of Pain 20 (10), 1140.e1-1140.e22, 2019
The relative timing of VMO and VL in the aetiology of anterior knee pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis
R Chester, TO Smith, D Sweeting, J Dixon, S Wood, F Song
BMC musculoskeletal disorders 9, 1-14, 2008
The impact of subacromial impingement syndrome on muscle activity patterns of the shoulder complex: a systematic review of electromyographic studies
R Chester, TO Smith, L Hooper, J Dixon
BMC musculoskeletal disorders 11, 1-12, 2010
Hamstring length in patellofemoral pain syndrome
LC White, P Dolphin, J Dixon
Physiotherapy 95 (1), 24-28, 2009
Standing on textured surfaces: effects on standing balance in healthy older adults.
A Hatton, J Dixon, K Rome, D Martin
Age & Ageing 40, 363-8, 2011
The effects of exergaming on balance, gait, technology acceptance and flow experience in people with multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial
J Robinson, J Dixon, A MacSween, P van Schaik, D Martin
BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation 7, 8, 2015
Are there three main subgroups within the patellofemoral pain population? A detailed characterisation study of 127 patients to help develop targeted intervention (TIPPs)
J Selfe, J Janssen, M Callaghan, E Witvrouw, C Sutton, J Richards, ...
British Journal of Sports Medicine 50 (873-880), …, 2016
An exploratory thermographic investigation of the effects of connective tissue massage on autonomic function
EA Holey, J Dixon, J Selfe
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 34, 457-462, 2011
The effect of textured surfaces on postural stability and lower limb muscle activity
AL Hatton, J Dixon, D Martin, K Rome
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 19 (5), 957-964, 2009
Altering gait by way of stimulation of the plantar surface of the foot: the immediate effect of wearing textured insoles in older fallers.
AL Hatton, J Dixon, K Rome, JL Newton, D Martin
Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 5, 11, 2012
Exercise for treating isolated anterior cruciate ligament injuries in adults
AH Trees, TE Howe, J Dixon, L White
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2005
Effect of shoe heel height on vastus medialis and vastus lateralis electromyographic activity during sit to stand
L Edwards, J Dixon, JR Kent, D Hodgson, VJ Whittaker
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 3, 2, 2008
Footwear interventions: a review of their sensorimotor and mechanical effects on balance performance and gait in older adults
AL Hatton, K Rome, J Dixon, DJ Martin, PO McKeon
Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 103, 516-533, 2013
Can vastus medialis oblique be preferentially activated? A systematic review of electromyographic studies
TO Smith, D Bowyer, J Dixon, R Stephenson, R Chester, ST Donell
Physiotherapy theory and practice 25 (2), 69-98, 2009
Exergaming (XBOX Kinect™) versus traditional gym-based exercise for postural control, flow and technology acceptance in healthy adults: a randomised controlled trial.
G Barry, P van Schaik, A MacSween, J Dixon, DJ Martin
BMC Sports Science, Medicine & Rehabilitation 8, 25, 2016
Effect of textured insoles on balance and gait in people with multiple sclerosis: an exploratory trial
J Dixon, AL Hatton, J Robinson, H Gamesby-Iyayi, D Hodgson, K Rome, ...
Physiotherapy 100 (2), 142-149, 2014
Connective tissue manipulation: a review of theory and clinical evidence
EA Holey, J Dixon
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 18, 112-118, 2014
Targeted interventions for patellofemoral pain syndrome (TIPPs): classification of clinical sub-groups.
J Selfe, M Callaghan, E Witvrouw, J Richards, MP Dey, CJ Sutton, J Dixon, ...
BMJ Open 3, e003795, 2013
Balance Impairment in individuals with COPD: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis
K Loughran, G Atkinson, M Beauchamp, J Dixon, D Martin, S Rahim, ...
Thorax 75, 539-546, 2020
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Articles 1–20