Michael Carlos Best
Michael Carlos Best
Assistant Professor, Columbia University
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Cited by
Production vs Revenue Efficiency with Limited Tax Capacity: Theory and Evidence from Pakistan
M Best, A Brockmeyer, H Kleven, J Spinnewijn, M Waseem
Journal of Political Economy 123 (6), 1311, 2015
Housing market responses to transaction taxes: Evidence from notches and stimulus in the UK
MC Best, HJ Kleven
The Review of Economic Studies 85 (1), 157-193, 2018
Estimating the elasticity of intertemporal substitution using mortgage notches
MC Best, JS Cloyne, E Ilzetzki, HJ Kleven
The Review of Economic Studies 87 (2), 656-690, 2020
Individuals and organizations as sources of state effectiveness
MC Best, J Hjort, D Szakonyi
American Economic Review 113 (8), 2121-2167, 2023
The allocation of authority in organizations: A field experiment with bureaucrats
O Bandiera, MC Best, AQ Khan, A Prat
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 136 (4), 2195-2242, 2021
Optimal income taxation with career effects of work effort
M Best, HJ Kleven
Working Paper, London School of Economics, 2013
The role of firms in workers’ earnings responses to taxes: Evidence from Pakistan
MC Best
Unpub. paper, LSE, 2014
Detection without Deterrence: Tax Audits with Limited Fiscal Capacity
M Best, J Shah, M Waseem
Unpublished, 2022
Sanitation and property tax compliance: Analyzing the social contract in Brazil
EP Kresch, M Walker, MC Best, F Gerard, J Naritomi
Journal of Development Economics 160, 102954, 2023
Financing social policy in the presence of informality
E Ahmad, M Best
Available at SSRN 2051172, 2012
Tax Reforms in the Presence of Informality in Developing Countries: Incentives to Cheat in Mexico
E Ahmad, M Best, C Pöschl
Combatting Tax Evasion and Increasing Financial Transparency in the Time of COVID19: The Case of Paraguay
G Pierri, M Best, R Blanco, J Monreale
Inter-American Development Bank, 2021
If it Bleeds, it Leads: Sensational Reporting, Imperfect Inference and Crime Policy
M Best
Combatiendo la evasión fiscal e incrementando la transparencia financiera en tiempos del COVID-19: el caso de Paraguay
G Pierri, M Best, R Blanco, J Monreale
Documento de discusión del BID, 2021
Government analytics using administrative case data
MC Best, A Fenizia, AQ Khan
The Government Analytics Handbook: Leveraging Data to Strengthen Public …, 2023
Property Tax Utilisation and Equity in Punjab: Policy Challenges and Reform Options
A Abbas, N Ashan, M Callen, A Cheema, A Farooqui, SK Mohmand, ...
IGC, 2023
Greener on the Other Side: Inequity and Tax Collection
EP Kresch, F Gerard, J Naritomi, L Zoratto, M Best
112th Annual Conference on Taxation, 2019
Erratum: Production versus Revenue Efficiency with Limited Tax Capacity: Theory and Evidence from Pakistan
MC Best, A Brockmeyer, HJ Kleven, J Spinnewijn, M Waseem
Journal of Political Economy 124 (1), 303-303, 2016
Greener on the Other Side: Inequity and Tax Compliance
E Kresch, M Best, L Caloi, F Gerard, J Naritomi, L Zoratto
117th Annual Conference on Taxation, 2024
Welfare Evaluation of Government Policies
K Kroft, M Best, J Grogger
112th Annual Conference on Taxation, 2019
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Articles 1–20