Jean-Philippe JP Nicot, Research Professor
Jean-Philippe JP Nicot, Research Professor
Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin
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Water use for shale-gas production in Texas, US
JP Nicot, BR Scanlon
Environmental science & technology 46 (6), 3580-3586, 2012
Comparison of water use for hydraulic fracturing for unconventional oil and gas versus conventional oil
BR Scanlon, RC Reedy, JP Nicot
Environmental science & technology 48 (20), 12386-12393, 2014
Evaluation of large-scale CO2 storage on fresh-water sections of aquifers: An example from the Texas Gulf Coast Basin
JP Nicot
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 2 (4), 582-593, 2008
Source and fate of hydraulic fracturing water in the Barnett Shale: a historical perspective
JP Nicot, BR Scanlon, RC Reedy, RA Costley
Environmental science & technology 48 (4), 2464-2471, 2014
Can we beneficially reuse produced water from oil and gas extraction in the US?
BR Scanlon, RC Reedy, P Xu, M Engle, JP Nicot, D Yoxtheimer, Q Yang, ...
Science of The Total Environment 717, 137085, 2020
Soil gas movement in unsaturated systems
BR Scanlon, JP Nicot, JW Massmann
Soil physics companion 389, 297-341, 2002
Static and dynamic reservoir modeling for geological CO2 sequestration at Cranfield, Mississippi, USA
SA Hosseini, H Lashgari, JW Choi, JP Nicot, J Lu, SD Hovorka
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 18, 449-462, 2013
Unconventional oil and gas spills: risks, mitigation priorities, and state reporting requirements
LA Patterson, KE Konschnik, H Wiseman, J Fargione, KO Maloney, ...
Environmental science & technology 51 (5), 2563-2573, 2017
Certification framework based on effective trapping for geologic carbon sequestration
CM Oldenburg, SL Bryant, JP Nicot
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 3 (4), 444-457, 2009
Elevated naturally occurring arsenic in a semiarid oxidizing system, Southern High Plains aquifer, Texas, USA
BR Scanlon, JP Nicot, RC Reedy, D Kurtzman, A Mukherjee, ...
Applied Geochemistry 24 (11), 2061-2071, 2009
Unconventional oil and gas spills: Materials, volumes, and risks to surface waters in four states of the US
KO Maloney, S Baruch-Mordo, LA Patterson, JP Nicot, SA Entrekin, ...
Science of the Total Environment 581, 369-377, 2017
Will water scarcity in semiarid regions limit hydraulic fracturing of shale plays?
BR Scanlon, RC Reedy, JP Nicot
Environmental Research Letters 9 (12), 124011, 2014
Monitoring a large volume CO2 injection: Year two results from SECARB project at Denbury’s Cranfield, Mississippi, USA
SD Hovorka, TA Meckel, RH Trevino, J Lu, JP Nicot, JW Choi, D Freeman, ...
Energy Procedia 4, 3478-3485, 2011
Brine flow up a well caused by pressure perturbation from geologic carbon sequestration: Static and dynamic evaluations
JT Birkholzer, JP Nicot, CM Oldenburg, Q Zhou, S Kraemer, K Bandilla
International journal of greenhouse gas control 5 (4), 850-861, 2011
Finding regional co-location patterns for sets of continuous variables in spatial datasets
CF Eick, R Parmar, W Ding, TF Stepinski, JP Nicot
Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGSPATIAL international conference on Advances …, 2008
Assessing leakage detectability at geologic CO2 sequestration sites using the probabilistic collocation method
AY Sun, M Zeidouni, JP Nicot, Z Lu, D Zhang
Advances in water resources 56, 49-60, 2013
Single-well push–pull test for assessing potential impacts of CO2 leakage on groundwater quality in a shallow Gulf Coast aquifer in Cranfield, Mississippi
C Yang, PJ Mickler, R Reedy, BR Scanlon, KD Romanak, JP Nicot, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 18, 375-387, 2013
Pressure perturbations from geologic carbon sequestration: Area-of-review boundaries and borehole leakage driving forces
JP Nicot, CM Oldenburg, SL Bryant, SD Hovorka
Energy procedia 1 (1), 47-54, 2009
Common attributes of hydraulically fractured oil and gas production and CO2 geological sequestration
JP Nicot, IJ Duncan
Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 2 (5), 352-368, 2012
Mobilization of arsenic and other naturally occurring contaminants during managed aquifer recharge: a critical review
S Fakhreddine, H Prommer, BR Scanlon, SC Ying, JP Nicot
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (4), 2208-2223, 2021
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Articles 1–20