Dr. A. Arun Premnath
Dr. A. Arun Premnath
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Experimental investigation and optimization of process parameters in milling of hybrid metal matrix composites
AA Premnath, T Alwarsamy, T Rajmohan
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 27 (10), 1035-1044, 2012
Impact of surface treatment on the mechanical properties of sisal and jute reinforced with epoxy resin natural fiber hybrid composites
AA Premnath
Journal of Natural Fibers, 2019
The influence of alumina on mechanical and tribological characteristics of graphite particle reinforced hybrid Al-MMC
AA Premnath, T Alwarsamy, T Rajmohan, R Prabhu
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 28, 4737-4744, 2014
Surface roughness prediction by response surface methodology in milling of hybrid aluminium composites
T Alwarsamy, T Abhinav, CA Krishnakant
Procedia engineering 38, 745-752, 2012
Optimization of the process parameters on the mechanical and wear properties of Al-SiC nano-composites fabricated by friction stir processing using desirability approach
A Premnath
Silicon 12 (3), 665-675, 2020
Modeling and optimization in tribological parameters of polyether ether ketone matrix composites using D-optimal design
T Rajmohan, K Palanikumar, JP Davim, AA Premnath
Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 29 (2), 161-188, 2016
Studies on Machining Parameters While Milling Particle Reinforced Hybrid (Al6061/Al2O3/Gr) MMC
AA Premnath
Particulate Science and Technology 33 (6), 682-692, 2015
Drilling studies on carbon fiber-reinforced nano-SiC particles composites using response surface methodology
AA Premnath
Particulate Science and Technology 37 (4), 478-486, 2019
Evaluation of mechanical properties of nano filled glass fiber reinforced composites
T Rajmohan, UK Koundinya, AA Premnath, G Harish
International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials & Emerging Engineering …, 2013
A comparative analysis of tool wear prediction using response surface methodology and artificial neural networks
AA Premnath, T Alwarsamy, K Sugapriya
Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering 12 (1), 38-48, 2014
Evaluation of mechanical properties of aluminium alumina composites
AA Premnath, T Alwarsamy
International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering 8 (1), 9-13, 2013
Experimental investigation on hardness, cutting force and roughness in milling of hybrid composites
AA Premnath, T Alwarsamy, T Rajmohan
International Review of Mechanical Engineering 6 (1), 44-49, 2012
Wear studies on carbon fiber nano SiC composites–a Grey-Taguchi method optimization
AA Premnath
Particulate Science and Technology, 2020
Mechanical and physical properties of pineapple leaf and sun hemp fibre reinforced hybrid natural composite fabricated by compression moulding method
AA Premnath
Journal of Bionic Engineering 19 (1), 257-267, 2022
Impact of graphite particle on milling of Al/15Al2O3 and Al/15Al2O3/5Gr composites
A Premnath
Particulate Science and Technology 34 (6), 707-715, 2016
Analysis of tool wear while milling hybrid metal matrix composites
AA Premnath, P Suryatheja, A Srinath, S Karthikeyan
Applied Mechanics and Materials 813, 279, 2015
Statistical Analysis of Tool Wear Using RSM and ANN
A Arun Premnath, T Alwarsamy, T Abhinav
Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology: Proceedings of …, 2012
Mechanical properties of Al-SiC Nano Composites fabricated by Friction Stir Processing
AA Premnath, PL Varma, PS sai RamaKrishna, P Dheeraj
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 390 (1), 012019, 2018
Friction Stir Processing–A Review
AA Premnath, A Tamilarasan, RP Kumar
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 954 (1), 012011, 2020
Mechanical Properties of Biodegradable Calotropis Gigantea–Jute Fibre Hybrid Composite
A Arun Premnath, A Sharma, A Arun Kumar, S Dinesh Kumar, K Raghul
Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering: Select Proceedings of …, 2020
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Articles 1–20