Jerry  F. Sell
Jerry F. Sell
Energy and Photonics Consulting, Inc.
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Multiple laser diode array pumped Cs laser with 48W output power
BV Zhdanov, J Sell, RJ Knize
Electronics Letters 44 (9), 1, 2008
Collimated blue and infrared beams generated by two-photon excitation in Rb vapor
JF Sell, MA Gearba, BD DePaola, RJ Knize
Optics letters 39 (3), 528-531, 2014
Cesium vapor laser with transverse pumping by multiple laser diode arrays
BV Zhdanov, MK Shaffer, J Sell, RJ Knize
Optics communications 281 (23), 5862-5863, 2008
Lifetime measurement of the cesium level using ultrafast pump-probe laser pulses
BM Patterson, JF Sell, T Ehrenreich, MA Gearba, GM Brooke, J Scoville, ...
Physical Review A 91 (1), 012506, 2015
Lifetime measurement of the cesium state using ultrafast laser-pulse excitation and ionization
JF Sell, BM Patterson, T Ehrenreich, G Brooke, J Scoville, RJ Knize
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (1), 010501, 2011
Collisional excitation transfer between Rb (5P) states in 50–3000 Torr of 4He
JF Sell, MA Gearba, BM Patterson, D Byrne, G Jemo, TC Lilly, R Meeter, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 45 (5), 055202, 2012
Frequency narrowing of a 25 W broad area diode laser
JF Sell, W Miller, D Wright, BV Zhdanov, RJ Knize
Applied Physics Letters 94 (5), 2009
Polarization and relaxation rates of radon
ER Tardiff, JA Behr, TE Chupp, K Gulyuz, RS Lefferts, W Lorenzon, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 77 (5), 052501, 2008
Measurement of gravitational time dilation: An undergraduate research project
MS Burns, MD Leveille, AR Dominguez, BB Gebhard, SE Huestis, ...
American Journal of Physics 85 (10), 757-762, 2017
Enhancement of Rb fine-structure transfer in 4He due to three-body collisions
JF Sell, MA Gearba, BM Patterson, T Genda, B Naumann, RJ Knize
Optics letters 35 (13), 2146-2148, 2010
Collisional excitation transfer and quenching in -methane mixtures
MA Gearba, JH Wells, PH Rich, JM Wesemann, LA Zimmerman, ...
Physical Review A 99 (2), 022706, 2019
Polarization and relaxation of 209Rn
ER Tardiff, TE Chupp, W Lorenzon, SR Nuss-Warren, JA Behr, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2007
Temperature dependence of Rb 5P fine-structure transfer induced by He4 collisions
MA Gearba, JF Sell, BM Patterson, R Lloyd, J Plyler, RJ Knize
Optics letters 37 (10), 1637-1639, 2012
An undergraduate demonstration of gravitational time dilation
B Patterson, M Serna, MA Gearba, R Olesen, P O’Shea, J Schiller, ...
The Physics Teacher 58 (4), 268-270, 2020
Collinear laser spectroscopy of francium using online rubidium vapor neutralization and amplitude modulated lasers
JF Sell, K Gulyuz, GD Sprouse
Review of Scientific Instruments 80 (12), 2009
Transverse-pumped Cs vapor laser
BV Zhdanov, MK Shaffer, J Sell, RJ Knize
High Energy/Average Power Lasers and Intense Beam Applications III 7196, 125-129, 2009
Measurements of cesium mixing and quenching cross sections in methane gas: understanding sources of heating in cesium vapor lasers
MA Gearba, PH Rich, LA Zimmerman, MD Rotondaro, BV Zhdanov, ...
Optics Express 27 (7), 9676-9683, 2019
Adding a thin metallic plasmonic layer to silicon thin film solar cells
Y Lu, JF Sell, MD Johnson, K Reinhardt, RJ Knize
physica status solidi c 8 (3), 843-845, 2011
Francium developments at Stony Brook
S Aubin, E Gomez, K Gulyuz, LA Orozco, J Sell, GD Sprouse
Nuclear Physics A 746, 459-462, 2004
An undergraduate test of gravitational time dilation
B Patterson, M Serna, JF Sell, MA Gearba, R Olesen, P O'Shea, J Schiller, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.07381, 2017
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Articles 1–20