Caitlin Bowman
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Cited by
Abstract memory representations in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus support concept generalization
C Bowman, D Zeithamova
The Journal of Neuroscience 38 (10), 2605-2614, 2018
True and phantom recollection: An fMRI investigation of similar and distinct neural correlates and connectivity
NA Dennis, CR Bowman, SN Vandekar
Neuroimage 59 (3), 2982-2993, 2012
Age-related differences in the neural correlates mediating false recollection
NA Dennis, CR Bowman, KM Peterson
Neurobiology of Aging 35 (2), 395-407, 2014
Tracking prototype and exemplar representations in the brain across learning
CR Bowman, T Iwashita, D Zeithamova
elife 9, e59360, 2020
Generalization and the hippocampus: More than one story?
D Zeithamova, CR Bowman
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 175, 107317, 2020
Sensory representations supporting memory specificity: Age effects on behavioral and neural discriminability
CR Bowman, JD Chamberlain, NA Dennis
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (12), 2265-2275, 2019
Age differences in the neural correlates of novelty processing: The effects of item-relatedness
CR Bowman, NA Dennis
Brain Research 1612, 2-15, 2015
Differential functional connectivity along the long axis of the hippocampus aligns with differential role in memory specificity and generalization
LE Frank, CR Bowman, D Zeithamova
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 31 (12), 1958-1975, 2019
Training set coherence and set size effects on concept generalization and recognition.
CR Bowman, D Zeithamova
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 46 (8), 1442, 2020
Functional Neuroimaging of False Memories
NA Dennis, CR Bowman, IC Turney
The Wiley Handbook on The Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory, 150, 2015
The Neural Basis of Recollection Rejection: Increases in Hippocampal–Prefrontal Connectivity in the Absence of a Shared Recall-to-Reject and Target Recollection Network
CR Bowman, NA Dennis
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2016
Perceived similarity ratings predict generalization success after traditional category learning and a new paired-associate learning task
SR Ashby, CR Bowman, D Zeithamova
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 27 (4), 791-800, 2020
The neural correlates of correctly rejecting lures during memory retrieval: the role of item relatedness
CR Bowman, NA Dennis
Experimental Brain Research 233, 1963-1975, 2015
Observing environmental destruction stimulates neural activation in networks associated with empathic responses
N Geiger, CR Bowman, TL Clouthier, AJ Nelson, RB Adams
Social Justice Research 30, 300-322, 2017
Age-related differences in encoding-retrieval similarity and their relationship to false memory
JD Chamberlain, CR Bowman, NA Dennis
Neurobiology of Aging 113, 15-27, 2022
Coherent category training enhances generalization in prototype-based categories.
CR Bowman, D Zeithamova
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2023
The effects of age on category learning and prototype-and exemplar-based generalization.
CR Bowman, T Iwashita, D Zeithamova
Psychology and aging 37 (7), 800, 2022
Generalization and false memory in an acquired equivalence paradigm: The influence of physical resemblance across related episodes
CR Bowman, MA de Araujo Sanchez, W Hou, S Rubin, D Zeithamova
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 669481, 2021
The Wiley handbook on the cognitive neuroscience of memory
NA Dennis, CR Bowman, IC Turney
Age effects on category learning, categorical perception, and generalization
CR Bowman, SR Ashby, D Zeithamova
Memory 30 (3), 230-247, 2022
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Articles 1–20