Neil Loughran
Neil Loughran
formerly Lancaster University
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Mining aspects in requirements
A Sampaio, N Loughran, A Rashid, P Rayson
Framed aspects: Supporting variability and configurability for aop
N Loughran, A Rashid
International Conference on Software Reuse, 127-140, 2004
Language support for managing variability in architectural models
N Loughran, P Sánchez, A Garcia, L Fuentes
International Conference on Software Composition, 36-51, 2008
Supporting product line evolution with framed aspects
N Loughran, A Rashid, W Zhang, S Jarzabek
AOSD ACP4IS Workshop, 2004
Mining aspects
N Loughran, A Rashid
Workshop on Early Aspects: Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and …, 2002
Classifying and documenting aspect interactions
F Sanen, E Truyen, W Joosen, A Jackson, A Nedos, S Clarke, N Loughran, ...
proceedings of the fifth AOSD workshop on aspects, components, and patterns …, 2006
From requirements documents to feature models for aspect oriented product line implementation
N Loughran, A Sampaio, A Rashid
International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems …, 2005
Engineering languages for specifying product-derivation processes in software product lines
P Sánchez, N Loughran, L Fuentes, A Garcia
Software Language Engineering: First International Conference, SLE 2008 …, 2009
Reengineering a PC-based system into the mobile device product line
W Zhang, S Jarzabek, N Loughran, A Rashid
Sixth International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution, 2003 …, 2003
Study on interaction issues
F Sanen, E Truyen, BD Win, W Joosen, N Loughran, G Coulson, A Rashid, ...
AOSD-Europe Deliverable 44, 1-31, 2006
Survey of aspect-oriented middleware
N Loughran, N Parlavantzas, A Colyer, M Pinto, P Sánchez, M Webster
A metamodel for designing software architectures of aspect-oriented software product lines
P Sánchez, N Gámez, L Fuentes, N Loughran, A Garcia
Deliverable D2 2, 2007
A domain analysis of key concerns-known and new candidates
N Loughran, A Rashid, R Chitchyan, N Leidenfrost, J Fabry, N Cacho, ...
AOSD-Europe Deliverable D 43, 2006
Relational database support for aspect-oriented programming
A Rashid, N Loughran
Net. ObjectDays: International Conference on Object-Oriented and Internet …, 2002
Supporting Evolution in Software using Frame Technology and Aspect-Orientation
N Loughran, A Rashid
Workshop on Software Variability Management, 126-129, 2003
Dynamic Framed Aspects for Dynamic Software Evolution.
PJ Greenwood, N Loughran, L Blair, A Rashid
RAM-SE, 101-110, 2004
Survey of existing implementation techniques with respect to their support for the practices currently in use at industrial partners
C Pohl, A Rummler, V Gasiunas, N Loughran, H Arboleda, F Fernandes, ...
AMPLE Project deliverable D 3, 2007
A Methodology for engineering real-time interactive multimedia applications on Service Oriented Infrastructures
D Kyriazis, R Einhorn, L Furst, M Braitmaier, D Lamp, K Konstanteli, ...
IADIS Applied Computing, 2010
Survey of aspect-oriented middleware research
N Loughran, N Parlavantzas, M Pinto, L Fuentes, P Sánchez, M Webster, ...
Lancaster University, Lancaster, AOSD-Europe Deliverable D 8, 115, 2005
Validation of the reference architecture
P Greenwood, N Loughran, B Surajbali, G Coulson, A RASHID, ...
Lancaster University: Lancaster, 1-38, 2007
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Articles 1–20