Lesley Ward
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Authority rankings from HITS, PageRank, and SALSA: Existence, uniqueness, and effect of initialization
A Farahat, T LoFaro, JC Miller, G Rae, LA Ward
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 27 (4), 1181-1201, 2006
Modifications of Kleinberg's HITS algorithm using matrix exponentiation and web log records
JC Miller, G Rae, F Schaefer, LA Ward, T LoFaro, A Farahat
Proceedings of the 24th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2001
Harmonic analysis: from Fourier to wavelets
MC Pereyra, LA Ward
American Mathematical Soc., 2012
Generating synthetic five-minute solar irradiance values from hourly observations
AP Grantham, PJ Pudney, LA Ward, M Belusko, JW Boland
Solar Energy 147, 209-221, 2017
Hardy space theory on spaces of homogeneous type via orthonormal wavelet bases
Y Han, J Li, LA Ward
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 45 (1), 120-169, 2018
Haar bases on quasi-metric measure spaces, and dyadic structure theorems for function spaces on product spaces of homogeneous type
A Kairema, J Li, MC Pereyra, LA Ward
Journal of Functional Analysis 271 (7), 1793-1843, 2016
Quasisymmetrically thick sets
SG Staples, LA Ward
Annales Fennici Mathematici 23 (1), 151-168, 1998
The viability of electrical energy storage for low-energy households
A Grantham, P Pudney, LA Ward, D Whaley, J Boland
Solar Energy 155, 1216-1224, 2017
BMO from dyadic BMO on the bidisc
J Pipher, LA Ward
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 77 (2), 524-544, 2008
Dyadic structure theorems for multiparameter function spaces
J Li, J Pipher, LA Ward
Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 31 (3), 767-797, 2015
Characterization of compactness of commutators of bilinear singular integral operators
L Chaffee, P Chen, Y Han, R Torres, L Ward
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 146 (9), 3943-3953, 2018
Marcinkiewicz-type spectral multipliers on Hardy and Lebesgue spaces on product spaces of homogeneous type
P Chen, XT Duong, J Li, LA Ward, L Yan
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 23, 21-64, 2017
The Cauchy integral, bounded and compact commutators
J Li, TTT Nguyen, LA Ward, BD Wick
arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.00703, 2017
Product Hardy spaces associated to operators with heat kernel bounds on spaces of homogeneous type
P Chen, XT Duong, J Li, LA Ward, L Yan
Mathematische Zeitschrift 282, 1033-1065, 2016
Automatic threshold setting for quantitative polymerase chain reaction
L Ward, A Jensen, J Lyon, C McLeman, B Tysinger
US Patent 7,188,030, 2007
Singular integrals on Carleson measure spaces 𝐶𝑀𝑂^{𝑝} on product spaces of homogeneous type
J Li, L Ward
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 141 (8), 2767-2782, 2013
Geometric-arithmetic averaging of dyadic weights
J Pipher, LA Ward, X Xiao
Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 27 (3), 953-976, 2011
Existence and uniqueness of ranking vectors for linear link analysis
A Farahat, T Lofaro, JC Miller, G Rae, LA Ward
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2004
Distributions of harmonic measure for planar domains
BL Walden
School of Mathematics, University of New South Wales, 1995
Harmonic measure distributions of planar domains: a survey
MA Snipes, LA Ward
The Journal of Analysis 24, 293-330, 2016
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