Olivia D'Aoust
Cited by
Cited by
Demographic and health consequences of civil conflict
D Guha-Sapir, D Olivia
World Bank, 2012
Recurrent floods and prevalence of diarrhea among under five children: observations from Bahraich district, Uttar Pradesh, India
PC Joshi, S Kaushal, BS Aribam, P Khattri, O D'aoust, MM Singh, M Marx, ...
Global Health Action 4 (1), 6355, 2011
From rebellion to electoral violence: evidence from Burundi
O Sterck, A Colombo, O D'Aoust
University of Oxford, 2014
The frequency and impact of natural disasters
D Guha-Sapir, O D’Aoust, F Vos, P Hoyois
The economic impacts of natural disasters, 7-27, 2013
Who benefited from Burundi's Demobilization Program?(vol 32, pg 357, 2018)
O D'Aoust, O Sterck, P Verwimp
WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW 32 (2), 505-505, 2018
Risky business? Rural entrepreneurship in subsistence markets: Evidence from Burundi
K Cieslik, O D’Aoust
The European Journal of Development Research 30, 693-717, 2018
Demographic trends and urbanization
SN Wahba Tadros, A Wellenstein, MB Das, N Palmarini, OS D’Aoust, ...
World Bank Group: Washington, DC, USA. Available online: http://documents …, 2021
Demographic trends and urbanization
A Baeumler, O D’Aoust, MB Das, A Gapihan, S Goga, C Lakovits, ...
World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, 2021
The urban wage premium in Africa
P Jones, O D’Aoust, L Bernard
Wage Inequality in Africa, 33-53, 2017
Who benefits from customary justice? Rent-seeking, bribery and criminality in sub-Saharan Africa
O D'Aoust, O Sterck
Journal of African Economies 25 (3), 439-467, 2016
Risk, Security, and Coping Mechanisms in Contexts of Violent Conflict: Evidence from Rwanda and Burundi
P Verwimp, O D’Aoust
A Micro-Level Perspective on the Dynamics of Conflict, Violence, and …, 2013
Cash in the city: the case of Port-au-Prince
O D'Aoust, J Gunneman, KV Patel, C Tassot
World Bank, 2022
Territorial Productivity Differences and Dynamics within Latin American Countries
O D'Aoust, V Galdo, E Ianchovichina
World Bank, 2023
Disconnected Land, People and Jobs
P Avner, JV Henderson, SV Lall, N Baruah, L Bernard, J Bird, O D’Aoust, ...
Policy Research Working Paper 10480
O D’Aoust, V Galdo, E Ianchovichina
Policy, 2023
Toward a New Urban Agenda in Amazônia
PR Cadavid, O D’Aoust
Jobs to People or People to Jobs? Levering public housing programs to support the formation of economic sub centres in South Africa
O D’Aoust, SV Lall
Lagging lands, violent lands: a framework for action
AKG Baare, J Damboeck, OS D'Aoust, LL De Brular, N Lozano Gracia, ...
World Bank Group, 2017
Crowded with People, Not Dense with Capital
N Lozano Gracia, JV Henderson, J Aguilar, A Aguilera, O D’Aoust, SV Lall, ...
Clarifying Property Rights and Strengthening Urban Planning
CY Huang, O D’Aoust, SV Lall, J Aguilar, J Bird
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Articles 1–20