Sandor Adany
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Cited by
Buckling analysis of cold-formed steel members using CUFSM: conventional and constrained finite strip methods
S Ádany
University of Missouri--Rolla, 2006
Buckling mode decomposition of single-branched open cross-section members via finite strip method: Derivation
S Ádány, BW Schafer
Thin-walled structures 44 (5), 563-584, 2006
A full modal decomposition of thin-walled, single-branched open cross-section members via the constrained finite strip method
S Ádány, BW Schafer
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 64 (1), 12-29, 2008
Generalized constrained finite strip method for thin-walled members with arbitrary cross-section: Primary modes
S Ádány, BW Schafer
Thin-Walled Structures 84, 150-169, 2014
Constrained finite strip method developments and applications in cold-formed steel design
Z Li, JCB Abreu, J Leng, S Ádány, BW Schafer
Thin-Walled Structures 81, 2-18, 2014
GBT and cFSM: two modal approaches to the buckling analysis of unbranched thin-walled members
S Ádány, N Silvestre, BW Schafer, D Camotim
Advanced steel construction 5 (2), 195-223, 2009
Constrained shell Finite Element Method, Part 2: application to linear buckling analysis of thin-walled members
S Ádány, D Visy, R Nagy
Thin-Walled Structures 128, 56-70, 2018
Generalized constrained finite strip method for thin-walled members with arbitrary cross-section: secondary modes, orthogonality, examples
S Ádány, BW Schafer
Thin-Walled Structures 84, 123-133, 2014
Constrained shell Finite Element Method for thin-walled members, Part 1: constraints for a single band of finite elements
S Ádány
Thin-Walled Structures 128, 43-55, 2018
Buckling mode identification of thin-walled members by using cFSM base functions
S Ádány, AL Joó, BW Schafer
Thin-Walled Structures 48 (10-11), 806-817, 2010
Impact of basis, orthogonalization, and normalization on the constrained Finite Strip Method for stability solutions of open thin-walled members
Z Li, MT Hanna, S Ádány, BW Schafer
Thin-Walled Structures 49 (9), 1108-1122, 2011
Understanding and classifying local, distortional and global buckling in open thin-walled members
BW Schafer, S Adany
Tech. Session and Mtg., Structural Stability Research Council. Montreal, Canada, 2005
Buckling mode classification of members with open thin-walled cross-sections by using the Finite Strip Method
S Ádány
Research Report, 2004
Modal identification for shell finite element models of thin-walled members in nonlinear collapse analysis
Z Li, S Ádány, BW Schafer
Thin-Walled Structures 67, 15-24, 2013
Global buckling of thin-walled simply supported columns: Numerical studies
S Ádány, D Visy
Thin-Walled Structures 54, 82-93, 2012
Shell element for constrained finite element analysis of thin-walled structural members
S Ádány
Thin-Walled Structures 105, 135-146, 2016
Global buckling of thin-walled simply supported columns: Analytical solutions based on shell model
S Ádány
Thin-Walled Structures 55, 64-75, 2012
Application of the constrained finite strip method for the buckling design of cold-formed steel columns and beams via the direct strength method
Z Beregszászi, S Ádány
Computers & structures 89 (21-22), 2020-2027, 2011
Decomposition of in-plane shear in thin-walled members
S Ádány
Thin-Walled Structures 73, 27-38, 2013
Buckling mode classification of members with open thin-walled cross-sections
S Ádány, BW Schafer
Fourth Int’l Conf. on Coupled Instabilities in Metal Structures, Rome, Italy …, 2004
FEM-based approach for the stability design of thin-walled members by using cFSM base functions
AL Joó, S Ádány
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 53 (2), 61-74, 2009
Modal identification of thin-walled members by using the constrained finite element method
S Ádány
Thin-Walled Structures 140, 31-42, 2019
Buckling analysis of unbranched thin-walled members using cFSM and GBT: a comparative study
S Ádány, N Silvestre, BW Schafer, D Camotim
Proceedings of International Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of Steel …, 2006
Constrained shell finite element method for thin-walled members with holes
S Ádány
Thin-Walled Structures 121, 41-56, 2017
Experimental studies on cyclic behaviour modes of base-plate connections
S Adany, L Calado, L Dunai
STESSA 2000: Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas, 97-104, 2021
Flexural buckling of simply-supported thin-walled columns with consideration of membrane shear deformations: Analytical solutions based on shell model
S Ádány
Thin-Walled Structures 74, 36-48, 2014
On the identification and characterization of local, distortional and global modes in thinwalled members using the cFSM and GBT approaches
S Adany, N Silvestre, BW Schafer, D Camotim
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Steel and Aluminum …, 2007
Buckling analysis of cold-formed steel members using CUFSM: conventional and constrained finite strip methods 18th International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel …
BW Schafer, S Ádány
Orlando, FL, 2006
Numerical and experimental analysis of bolted end-plate joints under monotonic and cyclic loading
S Adany
PhD diss., PhD Thesis. Budapest University of Tech Econom, Hungary, 2000
Modal buckling analysis of thin-walled members with rounded corners by using the constrained finite strip method with elastic corner elements
Z Beregszászi, S Ádány
Thin-Walled Structures 142, 414-425, 2019
Local elastic and geometric stiffness matrices for the shell element applied in cFEM
D Visy, S Ádány
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 61 (3), 569-580, 2017
Finite element simulation of the cyclic behaviour of end-plate joints
S Ádány, L Dunai
Computers & structures 82 (23-26), 2131-2143, 2004
Buckling mode identification of thin-walled members: A comparison between cFSM and CBT approaches
S Adany, N Silvestre, BW Schafer, D Camotim
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Coupled Instabilities …, 2008
Flexural buckling of thin-walled lipped channel columns with slotted webs: Numerical and analytical studies
D Visy, M Szedlák, BB Geleji, S Ádány
Engineering Structures 197, 109399, 2019
Buckling analysis of unbranched thin-walled members: generalised beam theory and constrained finite strip method
S Ádány, N Silvestre, B Schafer, D Camotim
III European Conference on Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures and …, 2006
Experimental study on the cyclic behaviour of bolted end-plate joints
S Ádány, L Calado, L Dunai
Steel and Composite Structures, An International Journal 1 (1), 33-50, 2001
Constrained finite element method: demonstrative examples on the global modes of thin-walled members
S Ádány
Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2014
Identification of FEM buckling modes of thin-walled columns by using cFSM base functions
S Ádány, AL Joó, BW Schafer
Fifth International Conference on Coupled Instabilities in Metal Structures …, 2008
The effect of rounded corners of cold-formed steel members in the buckling analysis via the direct strength method
Z Beregszászi, S Ádány
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and …, 2009
On the buckling of longitudinally stiffened plates, part 1: Modal analysis by the constrained finite element method
MZ Haffar, S Ádány
Thin-Walled Structures 145, 106394, 2019
On the buckling of longitudinally stiffened plates, part 2: Eurocode-based design for plate-like behaviour of plates with closed-section stiffeners
MZ Haffar, B Kövesdi, S Ádány
Thin-Walled Structures 145, 106395, 2019
Buckling resistance of longitudinally stiffened plates: Eurocode-based design for column-like and interactive behavior of plates with closed-section stiffeners
B Kövesdi, MZ Haffar, S Ádány
Thin-Walled Structures 159, 107266, 2021
Local buckling behaviour of thin-walled members with curved cross-section parts
D Jobbágy, S Ádány
Thin-Walled Structures 115, 264-276, 2017
Buckling solutions for thin-walled members by using the constrained finite element method: demonstrative examples
S Ádány, D Visy, R Nagy
Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of …, 2016
„Constrained finite element method for the modal analysis of thin-walled members with holes.”
S Ádány
Structural Stability Research Council Annual Stability Conference, 12-15, 2016
Local stiffness matrices for the semi-analytical Finite Strip Method in case of various boundary conditions
D Visy, S Ádány
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 58 (3), 187-201, 2014
Local and distortional buckling of thin-walled members: numerical study to compare conventional and constrained finite strip method
S Ádány, Z Beregszászi
Fifth International Conference on Thin-Walled Structures (ICTWS 2008 …, 2008
Flexural buckling of thin-walled columns: discussion on the definition and calculation
S Ádány
Proceedings of International Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of Steel …, 2006
Modal decomposition for thin-walled members with rounded corners: An extension to cFSM by using elastic corner elements
S Ádány, Z Beregszászi
Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Advances in Steel …, 2015
Cold-formed steel member stability and the constrained Finite Strip Method
Z Li, JB Abreu, S Ádány, BW Schafer
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Coupled Instabilities in …, 2012
Experimental and numerical studies on the stability of racking frames
L Dunai, T Hegedus, L Kaltenbach, S Adany
Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures, 647-652, 1997
A visco-hypoplastic constitutive model for rolled asphalt
G Gajári, L Kisgyörgy, S Ádány, A Mahler, J Lógó
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 65 (3), 798-809, 2021
Constrained Finite Strip Method with Rigid Corner Element for the Buckling Analysis of Thin-Walled Members with Rounded Corners
Z Beregszászi, S Ádány
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 63 (1), 192-205, 2019
Experimental studies on deep trapezoidal sheeting with perforated webs
S Ádány, M Kachichian, B Kövesdi, L Dunai
Journal of Structural Engineering 139 (5), 729-739, 2013
Understanding the global buckling behavior of thin-walled members with slotted web
B Geleji, M Szedlak, D Visy, S Ádány
Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2014
Decomposition of shear modes in constrained finite strip method
S Ádány
Proceeding of the sixth international conference on coupled instabilities in …, 2012
Modal identification for finite element models of thin-walled members
Z Li, AL Joó, S Ádány, BW Schafer
Proceedings of the 6th Intl. Conf. on Thin-Walled Structures, 2011
Approximate modal identification in nonlinear collapse analysis of thin-walled members
Z Li, AL Joó, S Ádány, BW Schafer
Proceedings of the 2011 Annual Stability Conference, Structural Stability …, 2011
New transverse extension modes for buckling analysis of thin-walled members by using the constrained finite strip method
T Hoang, S Adany
Thin-Walled Structures 179, 109634, 2022
Modal identification of cold-formed steel members in shell finite element models
Z Li, S Ádány, BW Schafer
Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2012
Lateral-torsional buckling of thin-walled beams: an analytical solution based on shell model
S Ádány, D Visy
The 6th international conference on thinwalled structures (ICTWS), 2011
Modal identification in nonlinear collapse analysis of thin-walled members
Z Li, AL Joó, S Ádány, BW Schafer
Structural Stability Research Council Annual Stability Conference, 168-180, 2011
Buckling Analysis of Cold-formed Steel Members Using CUFSM
S Adany, BW Schafer
Eighteenth international specialty conference on cold-formed steel …, 2006
Constrained finite element method for thin-walled members with transverse stiffeners and end-plates
T Hoang, S Ádány
Thin-Walled Structures 159, 107273, 2021
Torsional buckling of thin-walled columns with transverse stiffeners: Analytical studies
T Hoang, S Ádány
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 64 (2), 370-386, 2020
Constrained Finite Strip Method Stability Analyses of Thin-walled Members with Arbitrary Cross-section
S Ádány, BW Schafer
Proc. of the Annual Stability Conference of the Structural Stability …, 2014
Cyclic analysis of steel bolted components
S Ádány, L Dunai
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 1 (46), 420-421, 1998
Modelling of steel-to-concrete end-plate connections under monotonic and cyclic loading
S Ádány, L Dunai
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 41 (1), 3-16, 1997
Numerical modelling of column-base connections
L Dunai, S Ádány, F Wald, Z Sokol
Civil-Comp Press(UK),, 171-177, 1996
Buckling of compressed plates with closed-section longitudinal stiffeners: Two new mathematical models for resistance prediction
MZ Haffar, B Kövesdi, S Adany
Structures 33, 3526-3539, 2021
On the GNI analysis of simple thin-walled beams with using linear buckling mode as geometric imperfection
MZ Haffar, MH Taher, S Ádány
Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of …, 2019
Uncertainties in the definition of buckling of thin-walled members
S Ádány, B Schafer
IABSE Symposium Report 92 (19), 46-53, 2006
Column Base Finite Element Modelling
Z Sokol, S Ádány, L Dunai, F Wald
Acta Polytechnica 39 (5), 1999
The effect of prebuckling deflections on the lateral‐torsional buckling of beams: numerical studies
ce/papers 6 (3-4), 1686-1690, 2023
Computationally efficient buckling analysis of wind turbine towers
S Ádány, BW Schafer
Proceedings of the Annual Stability Conference, Structural Stability …, 2023
Analytical GNI Analysis for Lateral-torsional Behavior of Thin-walled Beams with Doubly-symmetric I-Sections
MZ Haffar, M Horáček, S Ádány
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 67 (1), 211-223, 2023
Analytical solutions for the GNI analysis for lateral-torsional buckling of thinwalled beams with doubly-symmetric and mono-symmetric cross-sections
MZ Haffar, S Ádány
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Coupled Instabilities in …, 2021
New transverse extension modes for the constrained finite strip analysis of thin-walled members
T Hoang, S Ádány
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Coupled Instabilities in …, 2021
Signature curve for general thin-walled members
S Ádány
Proc., Annual Stability Conf. Chicago: AISC, 2018
Modal decomposition in the buckling analysis of thin-walled members
S Ádány
DSc Thesis, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Thesis, 2017
On the calculation of the critical moment to lateral-torsional buckling of beams: comparison of various methods
S Ádány, A Joó, D Visy
The Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental …, 2009
Some features of the European norm for cold-formed steel design in comparison with the AISI Specification
S Ádány, B Schafer
Presentation at the AISI Committee on Specifications Meeting, Albuquerque …, 2004
Calculation of the moment resistance of Z-and C-shaped cold-formed sections according to Eurocode 3
S Ádány
Numerical Example, available at http://www. ce. jhu. edu/bschafer/eurocode …, 2003
Dunai, L.-Kollár, LP: Behaviour and design of cold-formed slotted studs
S Ádány
Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures, 195-202, 2002
Experimental Results of Stability of Cylindrical Shells under Combined Bending and Torsion
V Ding, S Torabian, S Adany, X Yun, A Pervizaj, AT Myers, BW Schafer
Journal of Structural Engineering 151 (1), 04024188, 2025
Constrained finite element method with displacement mapping
T Hoang, S Adany
Thin-Walled Structures 181, 110120, 2022
Monotonic and cyclic analysis of bolted T-stubs
S Ádány, L Dunai
STESSA 2000: Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas, 89-96, 2021
Modal buckling analysis of trapezoidal sheeting
S Adany, QT Aldalaien
Structural Stability Research Council Annual Stability Conference, 572-583, 2019
Stability Analysis of Thin-Walled Members with Curved Cross-Section Parts: Inelastic Behavior
D Jobbágy, S Ádány
Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2016
Efficient stability and vibration analysis of an all-steel modular floor assembly
RCM Kumar, BPS Jacques, S Ádány, O Avci, JF Hajjar, BW Schafer
Influence of prebuckling deflections on the elastic lateral-torsional buckling of thin-walled beams with various end supports: analytical and numerical investigations in the …
GAA Reden, S Adany
Thin-Walled Structures, 113025, 2025
Finite Tube Method for buckling analysis of tubular members using Fourier-approximation for the displacements
S Ádány, BW Schafer
Thin-Walled Structures 206, 112672, 2025
A Fourier‐series numerical approach for the analysis of tubular members
S Ádány, BW Schafer
ce/papers 6 (3-4), 1139-1144, 2023
Buckling behavior of tubes subjected to combined bending and torsion
V Ding, S Ádány, S Torabian, A Pervizaj, BW Schafer
ce/papers 6 (3-4), 1145-1150, 2023
On the Optimal Shape and Placement of Longitudinal Stiffeners in Longitudinally Stiffened Plates
GAA Reden, S Adany
ce/papers 6 (3-4), 1805-1809, 2023
The effect of cross-section geometry on the lateral–torsional behavior of thin-walled beams: Analytical and numerical studies
MZ Haffar, M Horáček, S Ádány
Thin-Walled Structures 184, 110535, 2023
Numerical studies on the shift of centroid in cold-formed steel members due to local-plate and distortional buckling
E Abdulnour, B Kövesdi, S Ádány
Cold-Formed Steel Research Consortium (CFSRC) Colloquium, 2022
Constrained finite element method with displacement mapping
T Hoang, S Adany
ce/papers 4 (2-4), 465-472, 2021
A new approach for the design of plates with trapezoidal longitudinal stiffeners
MZ Haffar, S Ádány, B Kövesdi
Modern Trends in Research on Steel, Aluminium and Composite Structures, 500-506, 2021
Understanding the buckling behavior of cold‐formed steel members with slotted web by using cFEM
S Ádány
ce/papers 3 (3-4), 193-198, 2019
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Articles 1–100