Cited by
Cited by
Universality in heat conduction theory: weakly nonlocal thermodynamics
P Ván, T Fülöp
Annalen der Physik 524 (8), 470-478, 2012
A free particle on a circle with point interaction
T Fülöp, I Tsutsui
Physics Letters A 264 (5), 366-374, 2000
Deviation from the Fourier law in room-temperature heat pulse experiments
S Both, B Czél, T Fülöp, G Gróf, Á Gyenis, R Kovács, P Ván, J Verhás
Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics 41 (1), 41-48, 2016
Reciprocity in quantum, electromagnetic and other wave scattering
L Deák, T Fülöp
Annals of Physics 327 (4), 1050-1077, 2012
Guyer-Krumhansl–type heat conduction at room temperature
P Ván, A Berezovski, T Fülöp, G Gróf, R Kovács, Á Lovas, J Verhás
Europhysics Letters 118 (5), 50005, 2017
Symmetry, duality, and anholonomy of point interactions in one dimension
T Cheon, T Fülöp, I Tsutsui
Annals of Physics 294 (1), 1-23, 2001
Connection conditions and the spectral family under singular potentials
I Tsutsui, T Fülöp, T Cheon
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 36 (1), 275, 2002
Möbius structure of the spectral space of Schrödinger operators with point interaction
I Tsutsui, T Fülöp, T Cheon
Journal of Mathematical Physics 42 (12), 5687-5697, 2001
Distinguished rheological models for solids in the framework of a thermodynamical internal variable theory
C Asszonyi, T Fülöp, P Ván
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 27 (6), 971-986, 2015
Implicit numerical schemes for generalized heat conduction equations
Á Rieth, R Kovács, T Fülöp
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 126, 1177-1182, 2018
Singular potentials in quantum mechanics and ambiguity in the self-adjoint Hamiltonian
T Fülöp
Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA) 3 …, 2007
Inequivalent quantizations of the three-particle Calogero model constructed by separation of variables
L Feher, I Tsutsui, T Fülöp
Nuclear Physics B 715 (3), 713-757, 2005
Emergence of non-Fourier hierarchies
T Fülöp, R Kovács, Á Lovas, Á Rieth, T Fodor, M Szücs, P Ván, G Gróf
Entropy 20 (11), 832, 2018
Weakly non-local fluid mechanics: the Schrödinger equation
P Ván, T Fülöp
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2006
Size effects and beyond-Fourier heat conduction in room-temperature experiments
A Fehér, N Lukács, L Somlai, T Fodor, M Szücs, T Fülöp, P Ván, R Kovács
Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics 46 (4), 403-411, 2021
One-dimensional drift-diffusion between two absorbing boundaries: application to granular segregation
Z Farkas, T Fülöp
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 34 (15), 3191, 2001
Kinematic quantities of finite elastic and plastic deformation
T Fülöp, P Ván
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 35 (15), 1825-1841, 2012
Classical aspects of quantum walls in one dimension
T Fülöp, T Cheon, I Tsutsui
Physical Review A 66 (5), 052102, 2002
Stability of stationary solutions of the Schrödinger–Langevin equation
P Ván, T Fülöp
Physics Letters A 323 (5-6), 374-381, 2004
Duality and Anholonomy in Quantum Mechanics of 1D Contact Interactions
I Tsutsui, T Fulop, T Cheon
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 69, 3473-3476, 2000
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Articles 1–20