Stress and strain in granular assemblies K Bagi Mechanics of materials 22 (3), 165-177, 1996 | 529 | 1996 |
An algorithm to generate random dense arrangements for discrete element simulations of granular assemblies K Bagi Granular Matter 7 (1), 31-43, 2005 | 255 | 2005 |
Analysis of microstructural strain tensors for granular assemblies K Bagi International Journal of Solids and Structures 43 (10), 3166-3184, 2006 | 168 | 2006 |
Discrete element analysis of a stone masonry arch AR Tóth, Z Orbán, K Bagi Mechanics Research Communications 36 (4), 469-480, 2009 | 145 | 2009 |
Contact rolling and deformation in granular media MR Kuhn, K Bagi International journal of solids and structures 41 (21), 5793-5820, 2004 | 118 | 2004 |
Computational modeling of masonry structures using the discrete element method V Sarhosis, K Bagi, JV Lemos, G Milani IGI Global, 2016 | 116 | 2016 |
Discrete element analysis of the minimum thickness of oval masonry domes J Simon, K Bagi International Journal of Architectural Heritage 10 (4), 457-475, 2016 | 116 | 2016 |
Microstructural stress tensor of granular assemblies with volume forces K Bagi | 102 | 1999 |
Specimen size effect in discrete element simulations of granular assemblies MR Kuhn, K Bagi Journal of Engineering Mechanics 135 (6), 485-492, 2009 | 79 | 2009 |
Minimum thickness of semi-circular skewed masonry arches T Forgács, V Sarhosis, K Bagi Engineering Structures 140, 317-336, 2017 | 78 | 2017 |
Statistical analysis of contact force components in random granular assemblies K Bagi Granular matter 5, 45-54, 2003 | 78 | 2003 |
A quasi-static numerical model for micro-level analysis of granular assemblies K Bagi Mechanics of materials 16 (1-2), 101-110, 1993 | 74 | 1993 |
Influence of construction method on the load bearing capacity of skew masonry arches T Forgács, V Sarhosis, K Bagi Engineering Structures 168, 612-627, 2018 | 67 | 2018 |
A definition of particle rolling in a granular assembly in terms of particle translations and rotations K Bagi, MR Kuhn J. Appl. Mech. 71 (4), 493-501, 2004 | 67 | 2004 |
When Heyman’s Safe Theorem of rigid block systems fails: Non-Heymanian collapse modes of masonry structures K Bagi International Journal of Solids and Structures 51 (14), 2696-2705, 2014 | 56 | 2014 |
Numerical analysis of the mechanical role of the ribs in groin vaults G Lengyel, K Bagi Computers & Structures 158, 42-60, 2015 | 52 | 2015 |
Discrete element modeling V Sarhosis, JV Lemos, K Bagi Numerical modeling of masonry and historical structures, 469-501, 2019 | 42 | 2019 |
Alternative definition of particle rolling in a granular assembly MR Kuhn, K Bagi Journal of engineering mechanics 130 (7), 826-835, 2004 | 42 | 2004 |
On the concept of jammed configurations from a structural mechanics perspective K Bagi Granular Matter 9 (1), 109-134, 2007 | 37 | 2007 |
On the definition of stress and strain in granular assemblies through the relation between micro-and macro-level characteristics K Bagi Powders & grains 93, 117-121, 1993 | 33 | 1993 |
Geometrical modelling of granular assemblies K Bagi ACTA TECHNICA-ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM HUNGARICAE 107, 1-16, 1996 | 31 | 1996 |
Torsion-shear behaviour at the interfaces of rigid interlocking blocks in masonry assemblages: experimental investigation and analytical approaches C Casapulla, E Mousavian, L Argiento, C Ceraldi, K Bagi Materials and Structures 54 (3), 134, 2021 | 30 | 2021 |
Crosswise tensile resistance of masonry patterns due to contact friction S Chen, K Bagi Proceedings of the Royal Society A 476 (2240), 20200439, 2020 | 29 | 2020 |
Particle rotations in granular materials MR Kuhn, K Bagi 15th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference 6, 2002 | 28 | 2002 |
Analysis of micro-variables through entropy principle K Bagi Powders and grains 97, 251-254, 1997 | 23 | 1997 |
Discrete element analysis of the shear resistance of planar walls with different bond patterns F Szakály, Z Hortobágyi, K Bagi The Open Construction & Building Technology Journal 10 (1), 2016 | 21 | 2016 |
Discrete element analysis of stone cantilever stairs B Rigo, K Bagi Meccanica 53, 1571-1589, 2018 | 19 | 2018 |
Discrete Element Modelling of uniaxial compression test of hardened concrete. Z Gyurkó, K Bagi, A Borosnyói Építőanyag: Journal of Silicate Based & Composite Materials 66 (4), 2014 | 19 | 2014 |
Surface orientation tensor to predict preferred contact orientation and characterise the form of individual particles Á Orosz, V Angelidakis, K Bagi Powder Technology 394, 312-325, 2021 | 17 | 2021 |
DEM analysis of the effect of bond pattern on the load bearing capacity of barrel vaults under vertical loads S Chen, A Ferrante, F Clementi, K Bagi International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation 6 (3), 346-373, 2021 | 17 | 2021 |
Fundaments of the discrete element method K Bagi Lecture notes, 2012 | 17 | 2012 |
Discussion on “The asymmetry of stress in granular media” by JP Bardet and I. Vardoulakis:[Int. J. Solids and Structures, Vol. 38, pp. 353–367 (2001)] K Bagi International Journal of Solids and Structures 40 (5), 1329-1331, 2003 | 16 | 2003 |
On the relative motions of two rigid bodies at a compliant contact: application to granular media MR Kuhn, K Bagi Mechanics Research Communications 32 (4), 463-480, 2005 | 14 | 2005 |
Horizontal reaction components of pointed vaults G Lengyel, K Bagi International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation 1 (4), 398-420, 2016 | 13 | 2016 |
A New Variable For Characterising Irregular Element Geometries In Experiments And DEM Simulations. K Bagi, Á Orosz ECMS, 256-260, 2020 | 12 | 2020 |
Different microstructural strain tensors for granular materials K Bagi, I Bojtar Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Analysis of …, 2001 | 12 | 2001 |
Different rolling measures for granular assemblies K Bagi, MR Kuhn Modelling of cohesive-frictional materials, 13-22, 2007 | 11 | 2007 |
Interlocking joint shape optimization for structurally informed design of block assemblages E Mousavian, K Bagi, C Casapulla Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 9 (4), 1279-1297, 2022 | 10 | 2022 |
On probability distributions of contact force magnitudes in loaded dense granular media C Radeke, K Bagi, B Paláncz, D Stoyan Granular Matter 6, 17-26, 2004 | 9 | 2004 |
Calibration of micromechanical parameters for the discrete element simulation of a masonry arch using artificial intelligence G Kibriya, Á Orosz, J Botzheim, K Bagi Infrastructures 8 (4), 64, 2023 | 8 | 2023 |
Discrete element modelling of multi-ring brickwork masonry arches N Kassotakis, V Sarhosis, T Forgŕcs, K Bagi 13th Canadian Masonry Symposium, 2017 | 8 | 2017 |
Analysis of a lunar base structure using the discrete-element method AR Tóth, K Bagi Journal of Aerospace Engineering 24 (3), 397-401, 2011 | 8 | 2011 |
Analysis of the Satake-and Cundall-parameters of granular materials in non-linear state-changing processes I Bojtár, K Bagi International conference on micromechanics of granular media, 275-278, 1989 | 8 | 1989 |
Discrete element modeling JV Lemos, K Bagi Discrete computational mechanics of masonry structures, 189-232, 2023 | 7 | 2023 |
The contact dynamics method K Bagi Computational modeling of masonry structures using the discrete element …, 2016 | 7 | 2016 |
Particle rolling and its effects in granular materials MR Kuhn, K Bagi Quasi-Static Deformations of Particulate Materials, Proc., QuaDPM’03 …, 2003 | 7 | 2003 |
From order to chaos: the mechanical behaviour of regular and irregular assemblies K Bagi Proceedings QuaDPM 3, 33-42, 2003 | 7 | 2003 |
Different microstructural strain tensors for granular assemblies K Bagi, I Bojtár Bicanic, N, 261-270, 2001 | 7 | 2001 |
Numerical analysis of loose and bonded granular materials I Bojtár, K Bagi Mechanics of materials 16 (1-2), 111-118, 1993 | 7 | 1993 |
A note on the role of internal structure of rocks in the deviations of compression strength results K Bagi, I Bojtár, M Gálos Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 43 (2), 169-178, 1999 | 6 | 1999 |
Comparison of contact treatment methods for rigid polyhedral discrete element models Á Orosz, K Bagi International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 170, 105550, 2023 | 5 | 2023 |
Torsion–shear behaviour at interlocking joints: Calibration of discrete element-deformable models using experimental and numerical analyses E Mousavian, K Bagi, C Casapulla International Journal of Architectural Heritage 17 (1), 212-229, 2023 | 5 | 2023 |
The Influence of Geometry on the Frictional Sliding of∧ and∨ Shaped Interlocking Joints in Masonry Assemblages E Mousavian, C Casapulla, K Bagi International Conference on Architecture, Materials and Construction, 37-45, 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
Statics of fan vaulting: current state of knowledge and open issues K Bagi Proceedings of the Royal Society A 477 (2246), 20200893, 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
Granular mechanics special issue K Bagi International Journal of Solids and Structures 21 (41), 5761-5762, 2004 | 4 | 2004 |
DEM analysis of masonry hemispherical domes externally reinforced with metal bars S Chen, K Bagi Engineering Structures 291, 116496, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Discussion of the paper “Tensorial form definitions of discrete mechanical quantities for granular assemblies”[M. Satake, Int. J. Solids and Structures 2004, 41 (21), pp. 5775 … K Bagi International journal of solids and structures 43 (9), 2840-2844, 2006 | 3 | 2006 |
Numerical analysis of higher-order continua in the description of granular assemblies K Bagi, I Bojtár Application of Numerical Methods to Geotechnical Problems: Proceedings of …, 1998 | 3 | 1998 |
Automatic calibration of a discrete element model of a masonry arch by swarm intelligence methods G Kibriya, J Botzheim, Á Orosz, K Bagi Computers & Structures 299, 107401, 2024 | 2 | 2024 |
DEM Analysis of the Mechanical Role of Backfill of Jointed Masonry Fan Vaults: Results of Virtual Experiments S Chen, K Bagi International Journal of Architectural Heritage 18 (1), 64-83, 2024 | 2 | 2024 |
Discrete Computational Mechanics of Masonry Structures K Bagi, M Angelillo Springer Nature, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
3DEC analysis of crosswise tension resistance in masonry structures S Chen, K Bagi Proc. of the 5th Int. Itasca Symp, 17-20, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |
The DDA method K Bagi Computational modeling of masonry structures using the discrete element …, 2016 | 2 | 2016 |
Numerical evaluation of internal variables of granular materials I Bojtár, K Bagi Studies in Applied Mechanics 31, 331-342, 1992 | 2 | 1992 |
Discrete computational mechanics of masonry structures: an introduction M Angelillo, K Bagi Discrete computational mechanics of masonry structures, 1-20, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Recent Advances on the Mechanics of Masonry Structures V Sarhosis, JV Lemos, K Bagi, G Milani Journal of Engineering Mechanics 148 (6), 02022002, 2022 | 1 | 2022 |
Generalized continuum models for granular materials: bridging a transition from micro to macro MR Kuhn, K Bagi Proceedings of International Conference on New Challenges in Mesomechanics 1 …, 0 | 1 | |
Equilibrium analysis of 2D complex discrete assemblies modelled using cracking blocks with non-dilatant interfaces A Iannuzzo, K Bagi, M Herczeg, E Mousavian Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Computational …, 2024 | | 2024 |
DEM Analysis of Masonry Open Vaults with Square Bays S Chen, K Bagi International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 1-19, 2024 | | 2024 |
Direct form characterisation methods for 3D surface and volumetric meshes of particles Á Orosz, V Angelidakis, K Bagi 9th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods: Book of Abstracts, 217, 2023 | | 2023 |
Statics of fan vaulting K Bagi Proceedings: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 477 (2246), 1-24, 2021 | | 2021 |
Characterisation of grain form and orientation of railway ballast assemblies with two fabric tensor-based methods Á Orosz, V Angelidakis, K Bagi VII International Conference on Particle-Based Methods (PARTICLES 2021), 2021 | | 2021 |
“Numerical Modelling of Masonry Structures” V Sarhosis, K Bagi, N Bićanić International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation 1 (4), 278-281, 2016 | | 2016 |
The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal F Szakály, Z Hortobágyi, K Bagi Open Construction and Building Technology Journal 10 (2), 220-232, 2016 | | 2016 |
Technical University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary K Bagi, I Bojtár Application of Numerical Methods to Geotechnical Problems: Proceedings of …, 2014 | | 2014 |
A quick method to produce random dense arrangements of particles K Bagi Powders and Grains 2005, Two Volume Set: Proceedings of the International …, 2005 | | 2005 |
Statistical Characterization of Granular Assemblies K Bagi, A Vásárhelyi Stochastic Programming: Numerical Techniques and Engineering Applications …, 1995 | | 1995 |
A. Quasi-static deformation of granular materials (basic) B Balendran, S Nemat-Nasser, CS Chang, JT Jenkins, ODL Strack, ... Mechanics of Materials 16, 404-406, 1993 | | 1993 |
A Numerical Model for the Analysis of State-Changing Processes in Granular Media I BOJTAR, K BAGI ZAMM• Z. angew. Math. Mech 70, 4, 1990 | | 1990 |
NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF STATE-CHANGING PROCESSES IN GRANULAR ASSEMBLIES I Bojtár, K Bagi Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 33 (3-4), 183-196, 1989 | | 1989 |
A numerical method for the analysis of state-changing processes in granular media I Bojtár, K Bagi Mechanics research communications 16 (4), 255-256, 1989 | | 1989 |
The influence of geometry on the frictional sliding of ᴧ and v shaped interlocking joints in masonry assemblages E Mousavian, C Casapulla, K Bagi | | |
DIPLOMA WORK C Shipeng, K Bagi | | |
Discrete element modelling of uniaxial compression test of hardened concrete K Bagi, A Borosnyói | | |
Comparison of different polyhedral DEM models based on the rocking of rigid block Á Orosz, K Bagi | | |
On the relative motions of two rigid bodies at MR Kuhn, K Bagi | | |