Wim Clymans
Wim Clymans
Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Geology, Lund University
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Impact of soil and water conservation measures on catchment hydrological response—a case in north Ethiopia
J Nyssen, W Clymans, K Descheemaeker, J Poesen, I Vandecasteele, ...
Hydrological processes 24 (13), 1880-1895, 2010
The continental Si cycle and its impact on the ocean Si isotope budget
PJ Frings, W Clymans, G Fontorbe, L Christina, DJ Conley
Chemical Geology 425, 12-36, 2016
Historical land use change has lowered terrestrial silica mobilization
E Struyf, A Smis, S Van Damme, J Garnier, G Govers, B Van Wesemael, ...
Nature communications 1 (1), 129, 2010
Agricultural silica harvest: have humans created a new loop in the global silica cycle?
F Vandevenne, E Struyf, W Clymans, P Meire
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10 (5), 243-248, 2012
How soil conservation affects the catchment sediment budget–a comprehensive study in the north Ethiopian highlands
J Nyssen, W Clymans, J Poesen, I Vandecasteele, S De Baets, ...
Earth surface processes and landforms 34 (9), 1216-1233, 2009
Biosilicification drives a decline of dissolved Si in the oceans through geologic time
DJ Conley, PJ Frings, G Fontorbe, W Clymans, J Stadmark, KR Hendry, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 4, 397, 2017
Catchment-scale carbon redistribution and delivery by water erosion in an intensively cultivated area
Z Wang, G Govers, A Steegen, W Clymans, A Van den Putte, C Langhans, ...
Geomorphology 124 (1-2), 65-74, 2010
Anthropogenic impact on amorphous silica pools in temperate soils
W Clymans, E Struyf, G Govers, F Vandevenne, DJ Conley
Biogeosciences 8 (8), 2281-2293, 2011
Lack of steady-state in the global biogeochemical Si cycle: emerging evidence from lake Si sequestration
PJ Frings, W Clymans, E Jeppesen, TL Lauridsen, E Struyf, DJ Conley
Biogeochemistry 117, 255-277, 2014
Estimating the parameters of the Green–Ampt infiltration equation from rainfall simulation data: Why simpler is better
A Van den Putte, G Govers, A Leys, C Langhans, W Clymans, J Diels
Journal of Hydrology 476, 332-344, 2013
Experimental rainfall–runoff data: Reconsidering the concept of infiltration capacity
C Langhans, G Govers, J Diels, A Leys, W Clymans, A Van den Putte, ...
Journal of Hydrology 399 (3-4), 255-262, 2011
Soil functioning and conservation tillage in the Belgian Loam Belt
A Van den Putte, G Govers, J Diels, C Langhans, W Clymans, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 122, 1-11, 2012
Soil organic carbon mobilization by interrill erosion: Insights from size fractions
Z Wang, G Govers, KV Oost, W Clymans, AV den Putte, R Merckx
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 118 (2), 348-360, 2013
The fate of buried organic carbon in colluvial soils: a long-term perspective
Z Wang, K Van Oost, A Lang, T Quine, W Clymans, R Merckx, B Notebaert, ...
Biogeosciences 11 (3), 873-883, 2014
Controls on dissolved organic carbon export through surface runoff from loamy agricultural soils
N Van Gaelen, V Verschoren, W Clymans, J Poesen, G Govers, ...
Geoderma 226, 387-396, 2014
Pedogenic and biogenic alkaline‐extracted silicon distributions along a temperate land‐use gradient
L Barão, W Clymans, F Vandevenne, P Meire, DJ Conley, E Struyf
European journal of soil science 65 (5), 693-705, 2014
Silicate weathering in the Ganges alluvial plain
PJ Frings, W Clymans, G Fontorbe, W Gray, GJ Chakrapani, DJ Conley, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 427, 136-148, 2015
Alkaline‐extractable silicon from land to ocean: A challenge for biogenic silicon determination
L Barao, F Vandevenne, W Clymans, P Frings, O Ragueneau, P Meire, ...
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 13 (7), 329-344, 2015
How citizen scientists can enrich freshwater science as contributors, collaborators, and co-creators
I Thornhill, S Loiselle, W Clymans, CGE Van Noordwijk
Freshwater Science 38 (2), 231-235, 2019
Dependence of effective hydraulic conductivity on rainfall intensity: loamy agricultural soils
C Langhans, G Govers, J Diels, W Clymans, A Van den Putte
Hydrological Processes 24 (16), 2257-2268, 2010
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Articles 1–20