Gila Morgenstern
Cited by
Cited by
Guarding orthogonal art galleries with sliding cameras
MJ Katz, G Morgenstern
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 21 (02), 241-250, 2011
Approximation schemes for covering and packing
R Aschner, MJ Katz, G Morgenstern, Y Yuditsky
International Workshop on Algorithms and Computation, 89-100, 2013
Symmetric connectivity with directional antennas
R Aschner, MJ Katz, G Morgenstern
Computational Geometry 46 (9), 1017-1026, 2013
Approximation Algorithms for B 1-EPG Graphs
D Epstein, MC Golumbic, G Morgenstern
Algorithms and Data Structures: 13th International Symposium, WADS 2013 …, 2013
Multi cover of a polygon minimizing the sum of areas
AK Abu-Affash, P Carmi, MJ Katz, G Morgenstern
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 21 (06), 685-698, 2011
Typeness for ω-regular automata
O Kupferman, G Morgenstern, A Murano
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 17 (04), 869-883, 2006
Typeness for ω-Regular Automata
O Kupferman, G Morgenstern, A Murano
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis: Second International …, 2004
Conflict-free coloring of points on a line with respect to a set of intervals
MJ Katz, N Lev-Tov, G Morgenstern
Computational Geometry 45 (9), 508-514, 2012
Expressiveness results at the bottom of the ω-regular hierarchy
G Morgenstern
M. Sc. Thesis, The Hebrew University, 2003
Optimal cover of points by disks in a simple polygon
H Kaplan, MJ Katz, G Morgenstern, M Sharir
SIAM Journal on Computing 40 (6), 1647-1661, 2011
Do directional antennas facilitate in reducing interferences?
R Aschner, MJ Katz, G Morgenstern
Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory, 201-212, 2012
Direction assignment in wireless networks.
B Ben-Moshe, P Carmi, L Chaitman, MJ Katz, G Morgenstern, Y Stein
CCCG 10, 39-42, 2010
Conflict-free coloring of points on a line with respect to a set of intervals
MJ Katz, N Lev-Tov, G Morgenstern
19th Annual Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, CCCG 2007, 2007
A scheme for computing minimum covers within simple regions
MJ Katz, G Morgenstern
Algorithmica 62, 349-360, 2012
Edge-intersection graphs of boundary-generated paths in a grid
MC Golumbic, G Morgenstern, D Rajendraprasad
Discrete Applied Mathematics 236, 214-222, 2018
Settling the bound on the rectilinear link radius of a simple rectilinear polygon
MJ Katz, G Morgenstern
Information processing letters 111 (3), 103-106, 2011
Stabbing Polygonal Chains with Rays is Hard to Approximate.
S Chaplick, E Cohen, G Morgenstern
CCCG, 141-144, 2013
Hardness and approximation for L-EPG and B1-EPG graphs
D Epstein, MC Golumbic, A Lahiri, G Morgenstern
Discrete Applied Mathematics 281, 224-228, 2020
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 38th International Workshop, WG 2012, Jerusalem, Israel, June 26-28, 2012, Revised Selcted Papers
MC Golumbic, M Stern, A Levy, G Morgenstern
Springer, 2012
Helly and strong Helly numbers of Bk-EPG and Bk-VPG graphs.
CF Bornstein, G Morgenstern, TD Santos, US Souza, JL Szwarcfiter
Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 43 (4), 1237-1252, 2023
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Articles 1–20