Chad Risko
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Cited by
Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of Ladder-Type Molecules and Polymers. Air-Stable, Solution-Processable n-Channel and Ambipolar Semiconductors for …
H Usta, C Risko, Z Wang, H Huang, MK Deliomeroglu, A Zhukhovitskiy, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (15), 5586-5608, 2009
Unification of trap-limited electron transport in semiconducting polymers
HT Nicolai, M Kuik, GAH Wetzelaer, B De Boer, C Campbell, C Risko, ...
Nature materials 11 (10), 882-887, 2012
Synthesis, characterization, and transistor response of semiconducting silole polymers with substantial hole mobility and air stability. Experiment and theory
G Lu, H Usta, C Risko, L Wang, A Facchetti, MA Ratner, TJ Marks
Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (24), 7670-7685, 2008
A molecular interaction–diffusion framework for predicting organic solar cell stability
M Ghasemi, N Balar, Z Peng, H Hu, Y Qin, T Kim, JJ Rech, M Bidwell, ...
Nature materials 20 (4), 525-532, 2021
A quantum-chemical perspective into low optical-gap polymers for highly-efficient organic solar cells
C Risko, MD McGehee, JL Brédas
Chemical Science 2 (7), 1200-1218, 2011
Transition from tunneling to hopping transport in long, conjugated oligo-imine wires connected to metals
SH Choi, C Risko, MCR Delgado, BS Kim, JL Brédas, CD Frisbie
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (12), 4358-4368, 2010
Solution-processed organic solar cells with power conversion efficiencies of 2.5% using benzothiadiazole/imide-based acceptors
JT Bloking, X Han, AT Higgs, JP Kastrop, L Pandey, JE Norton, C Risko, ...
Chemistry of Materials 23 (24), 5484-5490, 2011
Noncovalent intermolecular interactions in organic electronic materials: implications for the molecular packing vs electronic properties of acenes
C Sutton, C Risko, JL Bredas
Chemistry of Materials 28 (1), 3-16, 2016
High current density, long duration cycling of soluble organic active species for non-aqueous redox flow batteries
JD Milshtein, AP Kaur, MD Casselman, JA Kowalski, S Modekrutti, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 9 (11), 3531-3543, 2016
Donor–acceptor copolymers of relevance for organic photovoltaics: a theoretical investigation of the impact of chemical structure modifications on the electronic and optical …
L Pandey, C Risko, JE Norton, JL Bredas
Macromolecules 45 (16), 6405-6414, 2012
Engineering ligand reactivity enables high-temperature operation of stable perovskite solar cells
SM Park, M Wei, J Xu, HR Atapattu, FT Eickemeyer, K Darabi, L Grater, ...
Science 381 (6654), 209-215, 2023
Controlled conjugated backbone twisting for an increased open-circuit voltage while having a high short-circuit current in poly (hexylthiophene) derivatives
S Ko, ET Hoke, L Pandey, S Hong, R Mondal, C Risko, Y Yi, R Noriega, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (11), 5222-5232, 2012
Electron affinities of 1, 1-diaryl-2, 3, 4, 5-tetraphenylsiloles: direct measurements and comparison with experimental and theoretical estimates
X Zhan, C Risko, F Amy, C Chan, W Zhao, S Barlow, A Kahn, JL Brédas, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (25), 9021-9029, 2005
Rubrene-based single-crystal organic semiconductors: synthesis, electronic structure, and charge-transport properties
KA McGarry, W Xie, C Sutton, C Risko, Y Wu, VG Young Jr, JL Brédas, ...
Chemistry of Materials 25 (11), 2254-2263, 2013
Use of X-ray diffraction, molecular simulations, and spectroscopy to determine the molecular packing in a polymer-fullerene bimolecular crystal
NC Miller, R Gysel, S Sweetnam, MD McGehee, E Cho, MJN Junk, ...
Advanced Materials (Weinheim) 24, 2012
Intervalence Transitions in the Mixed-Valence Monocations of Bis (triarylamines) Linked with Vinylene and Phenylene− Vinylene Bridges
S Barlow, C Risko, SJ Chung, NM Tucker, V Coropceanu, SC Jones, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (48), 16900-16911, 2005
Heteroannulated acceptors based on benzothiadiazole
TC Parker, DGD Patel, K Moudgil, S Barlow, C Risko, JL Brédas, ...
Materials Horizons 2 (1), 22-36, 2015
Ring substituents mediate the morphology of PBDTTPD-PCBM bulk-heterojunction solar cells
J Warnan, A El Labban, C Cabanetos, ET Hoke, PK Shukla, C Risko, ...
Chemistry of Materials 26 (7), 2299-2306, 2014
Factors governing intercalation of fullerenes and other small molecules between the side chains of semiconducting polymers used in solar cells
N Cates, E Cho, R Gysel, C Risko, V Coropceanu, CE Miller, S Sweetnam, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 2 (10), 1208-1217, 2012
A stable two-electron-donating phenothiazine for application in nonaqueous redox flow batteries
JA Kowalski, MD Casselman, AP Kaur, JD Milshtein, CF Elliott, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (46), 24371-24379, 2017
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Articles 1–20