Tynysbek Kal'menov
Tynysbek Kal'menov
Institute of mathematics and mathematical modeling
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To spectral problems for the volume potential
TS Kal'Menov, D Suragan
Doklady Mathematics 80 (2), 646-649, 2009
On a new method for constructing the Green function of the Dirichlet problem for the polyharmonic equation
TS Kal'Menov, D Suragan
Differential Equations 48 (3), 441, 2012
Boundary conditions for the volume potential for the polyharmonic equation.
T Kal'menov, D Suragan
Differential Equations 48 (4), 2012
A boundary condition and spectral problems for the Newton potential
TS Kalmenov, D Suragan
Modern aspects of the theory of partial differential equations, 187-210, 2011
On a Frankl-type problem for a mixed parabolic-hyperbolic equation
TS Kal’menov, MA Sadybekov
Siberian Mathematical Journal 58 (2), 227-231, 2017
Irony and language expectancy theory: Evaluations of expectancy violation outcomes
JM Averbeck
Communication Studies 61 (3), 356-372, 2010
Green function representation for the Dirichlet problem of the polyharmonic equation in a sphere
TS Kalmenov, BD Koshanov, MY Nemchenko
Complex variables and Elliptic equations 53 (2), 177-183, 2008
Initial-boundary value problems for the wave equation
TS Kalmenov, D Suragan
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations 2014 (48), 1-6, 2014
On a criterion of solvability of the inverse problem of heat conduction
TS Kalmenov, AS Shaldanbaev
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 18 (5), 471-492, 2010
Green function representation in the Dirichlet problem for polyharmonic equations in a ball
TS Kalmenov, BD Koshanov, MY Nemchenko
Doklady Mathematics 78, 528-530, 2008
On a nonlocal boundary value problem for the multidimensional heat equation in a noncylindrical domain
TS Kal’menov, NE Tokmagambetov
Siberian Mathematical Journal 54 (6), 1023-1028, 2013
Determination of the structure of the spectrum of regular boundary value problems for differential equations by VA Il'in's method of anti-a priori estimates
TS Kal'Menov, D Suragan
Doklady Mathematics 78 (3), 913-915, 2008
A criterion for the strong solvability of the mixed Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation
TS Kal’menov, UA Iskakova
Doklady Mathematics 75, 370-373, 2007
Representation for the Green’s function of the Dirichlet problem for polyharmonic equations in a ball
TS Kal’menov, BD Koshanov
Siberian Mathematical Journal 49, 423-428, 2008
Criterion for the strong solvability of the mixed Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation
TS Kal’menov, UA Iskakova
Differential Equations 45, 1460-1466, 2009
The spectrum of the Tricomi problem for the Lavrent'ev–Bicadze equation
TS Kal'menov
Differentsial'nye Uravneniya 13 (8), 1418-1425, 1977
A method for solving the Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation
TS Kal’menov, UA Iskakova
Doklady Mathematics 78 (3), 874-876, 2008
Kalmenov and D. Suffragan
T Sh
Dokl. Math 78 (3), 913-915, 2008
Biorthogonal expansions in root functions of differential operators
TS Kal’menov, MA Sadybekov, AM Sarsenbi
Differential Equations 47, 144-148, 2011
The Dirichlet problem and nonlocal boundary value problems for the wave equation
TS Kal'menov, MA Sadybekov
Differentsial'nye Uravneniya 26 (1), 60-65, 1990
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