Péter Makleit
Péter Makleit
Debreceni Egyetem, MÉK, Alkalmazott Növénybiológiai tanszék, adjunktus
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Using Biofertilizer to Improve Seed Germination and Early Development of Maize.
N Bakonyi, S Bott, E Gajdos, A Szabó, A Jakab, B Tóth, P Makleit, S Veres
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 22 (6), 2013
New trends in plant nutrition
L Lévai, SZ Veres, P Makleit, M Marozsán, B Szabó
Proceedings of 41st Croatian and 1st International Symposium on Agriculture …, 2006
Changes in cyclic hydroxamic acid content of various rye varieties for the effect of abiotic stress
P Makleit
Acta Biologica Szegediensis 49 (1-2), 103-104, 2005
Fermented Alfalfa Brown Juice Significantly Stimulates the Growth and Development of Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) Plants
S Kisvarga, D Barna, S Kovács, G Csatári, I O. Tóth, MG Fári, P Makleit, ...
Agronomy 10 (5), 657, 2020
Evaluation of nitrogen nutrition in diminishing water deficiency at different growth stages of maize by chlorophyll fluorescence parameters
A Simkó, GS Gáspár, L Kiss, P Makleit, S Veres
Plants 9 (6), 676, 2020
Glucopyranosylidene-spiro-benzo[b][1,4]oxazinones and -benzo[b][1,4]thiazinones: Synthesis and Investigation of Their Effects on Glycogen Phosphorylase and …
S Kun, N Kánya, N Galó, A Páhi, A Mándi, T Kurtán, P Makleit, S Veres, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 67 (24), 6884-6891, 2019
Cyclic Hydroxamic Acid Content and its Temporal Changes in Five Commercial Maize (Zea Mays) Hybrids
P Makleit, A Nagy, S Veres, A Fónagy
Cereal Research Communications 46, 686-696, 2018
Determination of complex type free, non‐conjugated oligosaccharide glucose unit values in tomato xylem sap for early detection of nutrient deficiency
B Mátyás, J Singer, M Szarka, DA Lowy, B Döncző, P Makleit, ...
Electrophoresis 42 (3), 200-205, 2021
Phytochemical evaluation of the fruits and green biomass of determinate-type sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L. fasciculatum) grown in terrestrial …
É Domokos-Szabolcsy, T Alshaal, J Koroknai, S Kovács, C Tóth, ...
Journal of Plant Interactions 18 (1), 2268118, 2023
Total Saponin Content (TSC) of different alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars cultivated in field experiment
B Nagy, P Makleit
Review on Agriculture and Rural Development 10 (1-2), 176-180, 2021
Powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici) infection and amount of key defence chemicals-cyclic hydroxamic acids-of field cultivated wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
P Makleit, L Szőke, S Veres
Journal of Central European Agriculture 21 (4), 741-750, 2020
Physiological detection of water and nitrogen deprivation
S Veres, M Petek, P Makleit, L Kiss, S Gáspár, D Frommer, Z Rengel
Role of alfalfa brown juice in plant growth and development
N Bákonyi, D Barna, MG Fári, S Veres, T Alshaal, É Domokos-Szabolcsy, ...
Biostimulants in Plant Protection and Performance, 149-163, 2024
First Report of Benzoxazinoid Compounds in Woolly Cupgrass (Eriochloa villosa Thunb. Kunth), an Invasive Plant
P Makleit, A Szilágyi, S Veres
Agronomy 12 (3), 700, 2022
Determination of complex type free, non-conjugated oligosaccharide glucose unit values in tomato xylem sap for early detection of nutrient deficiency (vol 42, pg 200, 2020)
B Matyas, J Singer, M Szarka, DA Lowy, B Donczo, P Makleit, ...
Electrophoresis 42 (6), 800-800, 2021
Relation between western corn rootworm tolerance and cyclic hydroxamic acid content of maize roots.
T Németh, P Makleit, M Nádasy
A ciklikus hidroxámsavak biológiai hatásai, szerepük a mikroelem-felvételben és a mikroelem-toleranciában
P Makleit
PQDT-Global, 2002
Fermented Deproteinized Alfalfa Juice Modified with Fly Ash Filtrate as an Alternative Nutrient Source for Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
P Makleit, AK Balláné, N Bákonyi, É Domokos-Szabolcsy, GM Fári, ...
Agronomy 15 (2), 339, 2025
Influence of Exogenous Ethylene and Mechanical Damage on Gene Expression and Physiological Parameters of Maize Hybrids
P Makleit, G Gulyás, L Czeglédi, S Veres
Agronomy 14 (9), 1950, 2024
First report on the occurrence of benzoxazinoids in an invasive weed plant, woolly cupgrass (Eriochloa villosa (Thunb./Kunth)
P Makleit, S Veres, A Szilágyi
Preprints, 2021
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Articles 1–20