George Candea
George Candea
Associate Professor of Computer Science, EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland)
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Cited by
S2E: A platform for in-vivo multi-path analysis of software systems
V Chipounov, V Kuznetsov, G Candea
ASPLOS (International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming …, 2011
Code-pointer integrity
V Kuznetsov, L Szekeres, M Payer, G Candea, R Sekar, D Song
OSDI (USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation), 147-163, 2014
Recovery-oriented computing (ROC): Motivation, definition, techniques, and case studies
D Patterson, A Brown, P Broadwell, G Candea, M Chen, J Cutler, ...
U.C. Berkeley Technical Report, 2002
Microreboot: A technique for cheap recovery
G Candea, S Kawamoto, Y Fujiki, G Friedman, A Fox
OSDI (Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation), 3-3, 2004
Efficient state merging in symbolic execution
V Kuznetsov, J Kinder, S Bucur, G Candea
PLDI (Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation), 2012
Parallel symbolic execution for automated real-world software testing
S Bucur, V Ureche, C Zamfir, G Candea
EuroSys (ACM European Conference on Computer Systems), 183-198, 2011
Execution synthesis: A technique for automated software debugging
C Zamfir, G Candea
EuroSys (ACM European Conference on Computer Systems), 321-334, 2010
The S2E platform: Design, implementation, and applications
V Chipounov, V Kuznetsov, G Candea
TOCS (ACM Transactions on Computer Systems) 30 (1), 2012
Cloud9: A software testing service
L Ciortea, C Zamfir, S Bucur, V Chipounov, G Candea
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 43 (4), 5-10, 2010
Crash-only software
G Candea, A Fox
HotOS (Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems), 12-12, 2003
Recursive restartability: Turning the reboot sledgehammer into a scalpel
G Candea, A Fox
HotOS (Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems), 125-130, 2001
Deadlock immunity: Enabling systems to defend against deadlocks
H Jula, D Tralamazza, C Zamfir, G Candea
OSDI (Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation), 295-308, 2008
Automated software testing as a service
G Candea, S Bucur, C Zamfir
SOCC (ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing), 155-160, 2010
Middleware-based database replication: The gaps between theory and practice
E Cecchet, G Candea, A Ailamaki
SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 739-752, 2008
Selective symbolic execution
V Chipounov, V Georgescu, C Zamfir, G Candea
HotDep (Workshop on Hot Topics in Dependable Systems), 2009
Data races vs. data race bugs: Telling the difference with Portend
B Kasikci, C Zamfir, G Candea
ASPLOS (International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming …, 2012
Testing closed-source binary device drivers with DDT
V Kuznetsov, V Chipounov, G Candea
USENIX Annual Technical Conference, 12-12, 2010
ConfErr: A tool for assessing resilience to human configuration errors
L Keller, P Upadhyaya, G Candea
DSN (International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks), 157-166, 2008
Combining visualization and statistical analysis to improve operator confidence and efficiency for failure detection and localization
P Bodik, G Friedman, L Biewald, H Levine, G Candea, K Patel, G Tolle, ...
ICAC (International Conference on Autonomic Computing), 89-100, 2005
Improving availability with recursive microreboots: A soft-state system case study
G Candea, J Cutler, A Fox
Performance Evaluation Journal 56 (1), 213-248, 2004
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20