Kari Nies
Kari Nies
Research Programmer Analyst, ISR, University of California, Irvine
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Cited by
A component-and message-based architectural style for GUI software
RN Taylor, N Medvidovic, KM Anderson, EJ Whitehead Jr, JE Robbins
Proceedings of the 17th international conference on Software engineering …, 1995
In the eye of the beholder: A visualization-based approach to information system security
R De Paula, X Ding, P Dourish, K Nies, B Pillet, DF Redmiles, J Ren, ...
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 63 (1-2), 5-24, 2005
Differentiating higher and lower job performers in the workplace using mobile sensing
S Mirjafari, K Masaba, T Grover, W Wang, P Audia, AT Campbell, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2019
The effects of seasons and weather on sleep patterns measured through longitudinal multimodal sensing
SM Mattingly, T Grover, GJ Martinez, T Aledavood, P Robles-Granda, ...
NPJ digital medicine 4 (1), 76, 2021
The Tesserae Project: Large-Scale, Longitudinal, In Situ, Multimodal Sensing of Information Workers
SM Mattingly, JM Gregg, P Audia, AE Bayraktaroglu, AT Campbell, ...
Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2019
Two experiences designing for effective security
R De Paula, X Ding, P Dourish, K Nies, B Pillet, D Redmiles, J Ren, ...
Proceedings of the 2005 symposium on Usable privacy and security, 25-34, 2005
Seeing further: extending visualization as a basis for usable security
J Rode, C Johansson, P DiGioia, RS Filho, K Nies, DH Nguyen, J Ren, ...
Proceedings of the second symposium on Usable privacy and security, 145-155, 2006
A multisensor person-centered approach to understand the role of daily activities in job performance with organizational personas
V Das Swain, K Saha, H Rajvanshy, A Sirigiri, JM Gregg, S Lin, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2019
Chiron-1: A software architecture for user interface development, maintenance, and run-time support
RN Taylor, KA Nies, GA Bolcer, CA MacFarlane, KM Anderson, ...
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 2 (2), 105-144, 1995
A concurrency analysis tool suite for Ada programs: Rationale, design, and preliminary experience
M Young, RN Taylor, DL Levine, KA Nies, D Brodbeck
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 4 (1), 65-106, 1995
Jointly predicting job performance, personality, cognitive ability, affect, and well-being
P Robles-Granda, S Lin, X Wu, GJ Martinez, SM Mattingly, E Moskal, ...
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 16 (2), 46-61, 2021
A compact petri net representation for concurrent programs
MB Dwyer, LA Clarke, KA Nies
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 1995
Imputing missing social media data stream in multisensor studies of human behavior
K Saha, MD Reddy, V das Swain, JM Gregg, T Grover, S Lin, GJ Martinez, ...
2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent …, 2019
Birds of a Feather Clock Together: A Study of Person-Organization Fit Through Latent Activity Routines.
VD Swain, MD Reddy, K Nies, L Tay, M De Choudhury, GD Abowd
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact. 3 (CSCW), 165:1-165:30, 2019
Exploring the potential of virtual worlds for decentralized command and control
W Scacchi, C Brown, K Nies
17th Int. Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (ICCRTS), 2012
The effects of seasons and weather on sleep patterns measured through longitudinal multimodal sensing. NPJ Digital Medicine, 4 (1), 76
SM Mattingly, T Grover, GJ Martinez, T Aledavood, P Robles-Granda, ...
Birds of a Feather Clock Together: A Study of Person-Organization Fit Through Latent Activity Routines
V Das Swain, MD Reddy, KA Nies, L Tay, M De Choudhury, GD Abowd
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 3 (CSCW), 1-30, 2019
Exploring the potential of computer games for decentralized command and control
W Scacchi, C Brown, K Nies
Proceedings of the 17th International Command & Control Research …, 2012
Supporting separations of concerns and concurrency in the Chiron-1 user interface system
RN Taylor, KA Nies, GA Bolcer, CA MacFarlane, GF Johnson, ...
Investigating the Use of Computer Games and Virtual Worlds for Decentralized Command and Control
W Scacchi, C Brown, K Nies
Final Report, Grant, 10-1, 2011
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Articles 1–20