Flavio Keidi Miyazawa
Flavio Keidi Miyazawa
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Cited by
An ultra-fast user-steered image segmentation paradigm: live wire on the fly
AX Falcão, JK Udupa, FK Miyazawa
Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on 19 (1), 55-62, 2000
Algorithms for two-dimensional cutting stock and strip packing problems using dynamic programming and column generation
GF Cintra, FK Miyazawa, Y Wakabayashi, EC Xavier
European Journal of Operational Research 191 (1), 61-85, 2008
Recent dynamic vehicle routing problems: A survey
BHO Rios, EC Xavier, FK Miyazawa, P Amorim, E Curcio, MJ Santos
Computers & Industrial Engineering 160, 107604, 2021
Exact solution techniques for two-dimensional cutting and packing
M Iori, VL De Lima, S Martello, FK Miyazawa, M Monaci
European Journal of Operational Research 289 (2), 399-415, 2021
An algorithm for the three-dimensional packing problem with asymptotic performance analysis
FK Miyazawa, Y Wakabayashi
Algorithmica 18 (1), 122-144, 1997
Heuristics for two-dimensional knapsack and cutting stock problems with items of irregular shape
AM Del Valle, TA De Queiroz, FK Miyazawa, EC Xavier
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (16), 12589-12598, 2012
A branch-and-cut approach for the vehicle routing problem with loading constraints
P Hokama, FK Miyazawa, EC Xavier
Expert Systems with Applications 47, 1-13, 2016
Algorithms for 3D guillotine cutting problems: Unbounded knapsack, cutting stock and strip packing
TA De Queiroz, FK Miyazawa, Y Wakabayashi, EC Xavier
Computers & Operations Research 39 (2), 200-212, 2012
Approximation algorithms for the orthogonal z-oriented three-dimensional packing problem
FK Miyazawa, Y Wakabayashi
SIAM J. Comput. 29 (3), 1008-1029, 1999
The class constrained bin packing problem with applications to video-on-demand
EC Xavier, FK Miyazawa
Theoretical Computer Science 393 (1-3), 240-259, 2008
Self-adjustment of resource allocation for grid applications
DM Batista, NLS da Fonseca, FK Miyazawa, F Granelli
Computer Networks 52 (9), 1762-1781, 2008
Heuristics for a hub location‐routing problem
MC Lopes, CE de Andrade, TA de Queiroz, MGC Resende, FK Miyazawa
Networks 68 (1), 54-90, 2016
Uma introduçao sucinta a algoritmos de aproximaçao
MH Carvalho, MR Cerioli, R Dahab, P Feofiloff, CG Fernandes, ...
Publicações Matemáticas do IMPA, 2001
Packing squares into squares
CE Ferreira, FK Miyazawa, Y Wakabayashi
Pesquisa Operacional 19 (2), 223-237, 1999
Three-dimensional packings with rotations
FK Miyazawa, Y Wakabayashi
Computers & Operations Research 36 (10), 2801-2815, 2009
Packing problems with orthogonal rotations
FK Miyazawa, Y Wakabayashi
Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics, 359-368, 2004
Two-dimensional strip packing problem with load balancing, load bearing and multi-drop constraints
TA de Queiroz, FK Miyazawa
International Journal of Production Economics 145 (2), 511-530, 2013
Heuristics for the strip packing problem with unloading constraints
JLM Da Silveira, FK Miyazawa, EC Xavier
Computers & operations research 40 (4), 991-1003, 2013
A set of schedulers for grid networks
DM Batista, NLS Da Fonseca, FK Miyazawa
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 209-213, 2007
Evolutionary algorithm for the k-interconnected multi-depot multi-traveling salesmen problem
CE Andrade, FK Miyazawa, MGC Resende
Proceedings of the 15th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2013
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Articles 1–20