Ben Dror
Ben Dror
Msc at Technion, Israel
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Automatic assessment of Parkinson's Disease from natural hands movements using 3D depth sensor
B Dror, E Yanai, A Frid, N Peleg, N Goldenthal, I Schlesinger, H Hel-Or, ...
2014 IEEE 28th Convention of Electrical & Electronics Engineers in Israel …, 2014
Design and implementation of bound-to-quasibound GaN/AlGaN photovoltaic quantum well infrared photodetectors operating in the short wavelength infrared range at room temperature
PM Mensz, B Dror, A Ajay, C Bougerol, E Monroy, M Orenstein, G Bahir
Journal of Applied Physics 125 (17), 2019
Mid-infrared GaN/AlGaN quantum cascade detector grown on silicon
B Dror, Y Zheng, M Agrawal, K Radhakrishnan, M Orenstein, G Bahir
IEEE Electron Device Letters 40 (2), 263-266, 2018
GaN/AlGaN Photovoltaic Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector at 2.3 μm
B Dror, PM Mensz, A Ajay, C Bougerol, E Monroy, M Orenstein, G Bahir
2018 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (SUM), 229-230, 2018
Vacuum-field Rabi splitting at SWIR in photocurrent of quantum cascade infrared photodetectors coupled to metamaterial nano-antennas
M Katz, O Sorias, B Dror, N Grandjean, M Orenstein, G Bahir
CLEO: Science and Innovations, JTu5A. 75, 2017
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