Béla Raucsik
Béla Raucsik
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Carbon isotope records reveal synchronicity between carbon cycle perturbation and the “Carnian Pluvial Event” in the Tethys realm (Late Triassic)
J Dal Corso, P Gianolla, RJ Newton, M Franceschi, G Roghi, M Caggiati, ...
Global and Planetary Change 127, 79-90, 2015
The Paks loess-paleosol sequence: a record of chemical weathering and provenance for the last 800 ka in the mid-Carpathian Basin
G Újvári, A Varga, B Raucsik, J Kovács
Quaternary International 319, 22-37, 2014
Dust flux estimates for the Last Glacial Period in East Central Europe based on terrestrial records of loess deposits: a review
G Újvári, J Kovács, G Varga, B Raucsik, SB Marković
Quaternary Science Reviews 29 (23-24), 3157-3166, 2010
Climato-environmental controls on clay mineralogy of the Hettangian–Bajocian successions of the Mecsek Mountains, Hungary: an evidence for extreme continental weathering during …
B Raucsik, A Varga
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 265 (1-2), 1-13, 2008
Multiple negative carbon-isotope excursions during the Carnian Pluvial Episode (Late Triassic)
J Dal Corso, P Gianolla, M Rigo, M Franceschi, G Roghi, P Mietto, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 185, 732-750, 2018
New multiproxy record of the Jenkyns Event (also known as the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event) from the Mecsek Mountains (Hungary): Differences, duration and drivers
T Müller, GD Price, D Bajnai, A Nyerges, D Kesjár, B Raucsik, A Varga, ...
Sedimentology 64 (1), 66-86, 2017
Tectonic versus climatic control on the evolution of a loess–paleosol sequence at Beremend, Hungary: an integrated approach based on paleoecological, clay mineralogical, and …
A Varga, G Újvári, B Raucsik
Quaternary International 240 (1-2), 71-86, 2011
Climatic controls on sedimentary environments in the Triassic of the Transdanubian Range (Western Hungary)
J Haas, T Budai, B Raucsik
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 353, 31-44, 2012
Palaeoenvironmental controls on the clay mineralogy of Carnian sections from the Transdanubian Range (Hungary)
Á Rostási, B Raucsik, A Varga
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 300 (1-4), 101-112, 2011
Chemical composition, provenance and early diagenetic processes of playa lake deposits from the Boda Siltstone Formation (Upper Permian), SW Hungary
A R. Varga, G Szakmány, B Raucsik, Z Máthé
Acta Geologica Hungarica 48 (1), 49-68, 2005
Clay mineralogy of red clay deposits from the central Carpathian Basin (Hungary): implications for Plio-Pleistocene chemical weathering and palaeoclimate
J Kovacs, B Raucsik, A Varga, G Ujvari, G Varga, F Ottner
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 22 (3), 414-426, 2013
Pervasive early diagenetic dolomitization, subsequent hydrothermal alteration, and late stage hydrocarbon accumulation in a Middle Triassic carbonate sequence (Szeged Basin, SE …
I Garaguly, A Varga, B Raucsik, F Schubert, G Czuppon, R Frei
Marine and Petroleum Geology 98, 270-290, 2018
Multiphase response of palynomorphs to the Toarcian oceanic anoxic event (Early Jurassic) in the Réka Valley section, Hungary
V Baranyi, J Pálfy, Á Görög, JB Riding, B Raucsik
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 235, 51-70, 2016
Complex examination of the Upper Paleozoic siliciclastic rocks from southern Transdanubia, SW Hungary—Mineralogical, petrographic, and geochemical study
A Varga, G Szakmány, T Árgyelán, S Józsa, B Raucsik, Z Máthé
Origin and environmental significance of clay minerals in the Lower Jurassic formations of the Mecsek Mts., Hungary
B Raucsik
Acta Geol. Hungarica 43, 405-429, 2000
Palynology and weathering proxies reveal climatic fluctuations during the Carnian Pluvial Episode (CPE)(Late Triassic) from marine successions in the Transdanubian Range …
V Baranyi, Á Rostási, B Raucsik, WM Kürschner
Global and planetary change 177, 157-172, 2019
Mineralogical, petrological and geochemical characteristics of the siliciclastic rock types of Boda Siltstone Formation
A Varga, B Raucsik, G Szakmány, Z Máthé
Bulletin of the Hungarian Geological Society 136 (2), 201-232, 2006
A Bodai Aleurolit Formáció törmelékes kőzettípusainak ásványtani, kőzettani és geokémiai jellemzői
A Varga, B Raucsik, G Szakmány, Z Máthé
Földtani Közlöny 136 (2), 201-232, 2006
Villányi-hegységi karsztos hasadékkitöltések szemcse-összetételi és ásványtani vizsgálata (Granulometric and mineralogical analysis of karstic fissure filling sediments in …
J Dezső, B Raucsik, I Viczián
Acta GGM Debrecina, Geology, Geomorphology, Physical Geography Ser 2, 151-180, 2007
Mineralogical and geochemical constraints of the REE accumulation in the Almásfüzitő red mud depository in Northwest Hungary
T M. Tóth, F Schubert, B Raucsik, K Fintor
Applied Sciences 9 (18), 3654, 2019
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Articles 1–20