Erik Borra
Erik Borra
Assistant Professor in Journalism and New Media, University of Amsterdam
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Programmed Method: Developing a Toolset for Capturing and Analyzing Tweets
E Borra, B Rieder
Aslib Journal of Information Management 66 (3), 262-278, 2014
Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr as platforms of alternative journalism: The social media account of the 2010 Toronto G20 protests
T Poell, E Borra
Journalism 13 (6), 695-713, 2011
Societal Controversies in Wikipedia Articles
E Borra, E Weltevrede, P Ciuccarelli, A Kaltenbrunner, D Laniado, ...
Proceedings of the 33d annual ACM conference on human factors in computing …, 2015
Platform affordances and data practices: The value of dispute on Wikipedia
E Weltevrede, E Borra
Big Data & Society 3 (1), 2016
Mining Web Query Logs to Analyze Political Issues
I Weber, VRK Garimella, E Borra
ACM Web Science 2012, 479-488, 2012
Digging Wikipedia: The Online Encyclopedia as a Digital Cultural Heritage Gateway and Site
C Pentzold, E Weltevrede, M Mauri, D Laniado, A Kaltenbrunner, E Borra
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 10 (1), 5, 2017
Contropedia – The Analysis and Visualization of Controversies in Wikipedia Articles
E Borra, E Weltevrede, P Ciuccarelli, A Kaltenbrunner, D Laniado, ...
Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Open Collaboration …, 2014
Political Insights: Exploring partisanship in Web search queries
E Borra, I Weber
First Monday 17 (7-2), 2012
National Web studies: The case of Iran online
R Rogers, E Weltevrede, E Borra, S Niederer
A companion to new media dynamics, 142-166, 2013
Making a Living in the Creator Economy: A Large-Scale Study of Linking on YouTube
B Rieder, E Borra, Ò Coromina, A Matamoros-Fernández
Social Media+ Society 9 (2), 20563051231180628, 2023
The Data Sprint Approach: Exploring the field of Digital Humanities through Amazon’s Application Programming Interface
DM Berry, E Borra, A Helmond, JC Plantin, J Walker Rettberg
Digital Humanities Quarterly 9 (3), 2015
Quali-quantitative methods beyond networks: Studying information diffusion on Twitter with the Modulation Sequencer
D Moats, E Borra
Big Data & Society 5 (1), 2053951718772137, 2018
Climaps by EMAPS in 2 pages (a summary for policy makers and busy people)
T Venturini, A Meunier, AK Munk, EK Borra, B Rieder, M Mauri, M Azzi, ...
Inferring audience partisanship for YouTube videos
I Weber, VRK Garimella, E Borra
Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web companion …, 2013
A platform for visually exploring the development of Wikipedia articles
E Borra, D Laniado, E Weltevrede, M Mauri, G Magni, T Venturini, ...
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 9 …, 2015
Political search trends
I Weber, VRK Garimella, E Borra
Proceedings of the 35th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2012
From tool to tool-making: Reflections on authorship in social media research software
B Rieder, S Peeters, E Borra
Convergence, 2022
Signalling games: Hoe evolutie optimale strategieen selecteert
R Blutner, E Borra, T Lentz, A Uijlings, R Zevenhuijzen
Handelingen van de 24ste Nederlands-Vlaamse Filosofiedag, 2002
Mapping troll-like practices on twitter
E Borra, S Niederer, J Preuß, E Weltevrede
AmsterdamPublic Data Lab, 2017
DMI Tools
E Borra
wiki. https://wiki. digitalmethods. net/Dmi/ToolDatabase, 2013
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Articles 1–20