Georgina Török
Cited by
Cited by
Rationality in joint action: Maximizing coefficiency in coordination
G Török, B Pomiechowska, G Csibra, N Sebanz
Psychological science 30 (6), 930-941, 2019
Computing joint action costs: Co-actors minimize the aggregate individual costs in an action sequence
G Török, O Stanciu, N Sebanz, G Csibra
Open Mind 5, 100-112, 2021
Efficiency is prioritised over fairness when distributing joint actions
JWA Strachan, G Török
Acta Psychologica 210, 103158, 2020
Young children's adaptive partner choice in cooperation and competition contexts
S Grueneisen, G Török, A Wathiyage Don, A Ruggeri
Child Development 95 (3), 1023-1031, 2024
Smart or just lucky? Inferring question-asking competence from strategies’ efficiency versus effectiveness.
G Török, N Swaboda, A Ruggeri
Developmental Psychology 59 (6), 1136, 2023
Children's information‐search strategies: Operationalizing efficiency and effectiveness
G Török, O Stanciu, A Ruggeri
Child Development Perspectives 18 (2), 57-63, 2024
Guiding Inference: Signaling intentions using efficient action
AL Royka, G Török, J Jara-Ettinger
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the cognitive science society 45 (45), 2023
Joint action planning: Co-actors minimize the aggregate individual costs of actions
G Török, O Stanciu, N Sebanz, G Csibra
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society …, 2020
Comparing effort perception in individual and joint action contexts
J Michael, Y Liang, T Wolf, G Török, M Székely
PsyArXiv, 2019
Children adapt their information search to goal and statistical structure of a problem
G Török, A Domberg, A Ruggeri
Developmental Psychology, 2024
Estrategias de búsqueda de información de los nińos: operacionalizar la eficiencia y la eficacia
G Török, O Stanciu, A Ruggeri
Child Development Perspectives, 2024
When Being Efficient Is Unfair: Investigating the Role of Fairness in Task Distribution
JWA Strachan, G Török, N Sebanz
„A zene az kell, mert körülölel...”-de vajon milyen hatással van kognitív képességeinkre?
T Georgina, V Márta, S Zita, N Dezső
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Articles 1–13