Károly Kovács
Károly Kovács
BRC, Hungary
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Cited by
An integrated approach to characterize genetic interaction networks in yeast metabolism
B Szappanos, K Kovács, B Szamecz, F Honti, M Costanzo, ...
Nature genetics 43 (7), 656-662, 2011
The genomic landscape of compensatory evolution
B Szamecz, G Boross, D Kalapis, K Kovács, G Fekete, Z Farkas, V Lázár, ...
PLoS biology 12 (8), e1001935, 2014
Indispensability of horizontally transferred genes and its impact on bacterial genome streamlining
I Karcagi, G Draskovits, K Umenhoffer, G Fekete, K Kovács, O Méhi, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 33 (5), 1257-1269, 2016
Stochasticity in Protein Levels Drives Colinearity of Gene Order in Metabolic Operons of Escherichia coli
K Kovács, LD Hurst, B Papp
PLoS biology 7 (5), e1000115, 2009
Competition between transposable elements and mutator genes in bacteria
T Fehér, B Bogos, O Méhi, G Fekete, B Csörgő, K Kovács, G Pósfai, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 29 (10), 3153-3159, 2012
Hsp70-associated chaperones have a critical role in buffering protein production costs
Z Farkas, D Kalapis, Z Bodi, B Szamecz, A Daraba, K Almasi, K Kovacs, ...
Elife 7, e29845, 2018
Unmatched level of molecular convergence among deeply divergent complex multicellular fungi
Z Merényi, AN Prasanna, Z Wang, K Kovács, B Hegedüs, B Bálint, B Papp, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 37 (8), 2228-2240, 2020
Gene loss and compensatory evolution promotes the emergence of morphological novelties in budding yeast
Z Farkas, K Kovács, Z Sarkadi, D Kalapis, G Fekete, F Birtyik, F Ayaydin, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 6 (6), 763-773, 2022
Suboptimal global transcriptional response increases the harmful effects of loss-of-function mutations
K Kovács, Z Farkas, D Bajić, D Kalapis, A Daraba, K Almási, B Kintses, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 38 (3), 1137-1150, 2021
Virulence Factors and in-Host Selection on Phenotypes in Infectious Probiotic Yeast Isolates (Saccharomyces ‘boulardii’)
A Imre, R Kovács, K Pázmándi, D Nemes, Á Jakab, T Fekete, HV Rácz, ...
Journal of Fungi 7 (9), 746, 2021
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Articles 1–10