Péter Torma
Péter Torma
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Dept. of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering
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Cited by
Record‐setting algal bloom in polymictic Lake Balaton (Hungary): A synergistic impact of climate change and (mis) management
V Istvánovics, M Honti, P Torma, J Kousal
Freshwater Biology 67 (6), 1091-1106, 2022
Comparing methods for computing the time of concentration in a medium-sized Hungarian catchment
ED Nagy, P Torma, K Bene
Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering 24 (4), 8-14, 2016
Temperature and circulation dynamics in a small and shallow lake: Effects of weak stratification and littoral submerged macrophytes
P Torma, CH Wu
Water 11 (1), 128, 2019
Modeling the effect of waves on the diurnal temperature stratification of a shallow lake
P Torma, T Krámer
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 61 (2), 165-175, 2017
A biogeochemical approach to evaluate the optimization and effectiveness of hypolimnetic withdrawal
S Silvonen, J Niemistö, A Csibrán, T Jilbert, P Torma, T Krámer, ...
Science of the Total Environment 755, 143202, 2021
Air‐Lake Momentum and Heat Exchange in Very Young Waves Using Energy and Water Budget Closure
G Lükő, P Torma, T Weidinger, T Krámer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 127, e2021JD036099, 2022
Observation of wave-driven air–water turbulent momentum exchange in a large but fetch-limited shallow lake
G Lükő, P Torma, T Krámer, T Weidinger, Z Vecenaj, B Grisogono
Advances in science and research 17, 175-182, 2020
Wind shear stress interpolation over lake surface from routine weather data considering the IBL development
P Torma, T Krámer
Periodica Polytechnica-Civil Engineering, No.-9542, 2016
Bulk transfer coefficients estimated from eddy‐covariance measurements over lakes and reservoirs
S Guseva, F Armani, AR Desai, NL Dias, T Friborg, H Iwata, J Jansen, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 128 (2), e2022JD037219, 2023
Assessment of dimension-reduction and grouping methods for catchment response time estimation in Hungary
ED Nagy, J Szilagyi, P Torma
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 38, 100971, 2021
Soluble phosphorus content of Lake Balaton sediments
M Kocsis, G Szatmári, P Kassai, G Kovács, J Tóth, T Krámer, P Torma, ...
Journal of Maps 18 (2), 142-150, 2022
Estimation of catchment response time using a new automated event-based approach
ED Nagy, J Szilagyi, P Torma
Journal of Hydrology 613, 128355, 2022
Intra-seasonal and intra-annual variation of the latent heat flux transfer coefficient for a freshwater lake
G Lükő, P Torma, T Weidinger
Atmosphere 13 (2), 352, 2022
Applicability of different hydrological model concepts on small Hungarian basins: case study of Bükkös Creek
P Torma, B Széles, G Hajnal
Acta Silvatica et Lignaria Hungarica 10 (1), 77-90, 2014
Large-scale mixing of water imported into a shallow lake
T Krámer, P Torma
Interaction between depth variation and turbulent diffusion in depth-averaged vorticity equations
B Sándor, P Torma, KG Szabó, T Kalmár-Nagy
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 37 (5), 681-706, 2023
Micrometeorological fog experiments in Budapest and in Sió Valley near Lake Balaton (2018-2021)
T Weidinger, AZ Gyöngyösi, G Arun, Á Tordai, T Krámer, P Torma, ...
EMS2021, 2021
On the topography-driven vorticity production in shallow lakes
B Sándor, P Torma, KG Szabo, H Zhang
The ANZIAM Journal 61 (2), 148-160, 2019
Modelling wave induced vertical mixing and the vertical temperature distribution in a shallow lake
P Torma, T Krámer
4th International Symposium of Shallow Flows, Eindhoven University of …, 2017
Impact of climate change on the Eger Creek watershed
K Bene, P Torma, G Keve, G Hajnal
Zoltán, Gribovszki; Kamila, Hlavčová; Péter, Kalicz; Silvia, Kohnová, 2015
Towards a hydrodynamic forecasting system for Lake Balaton
P Torma
Conference of Junior Researchers of BME in Civil Engineering, Budapest …, 2012
Calibrating the lyne-hollick filter for baseflow separation based on catchment response time
ED Nagy, J Szilagyi, P Torma
Journal of Hydrology, 131483, 2024
Heat Exchange at the Sediment-Water Interface in a Large, Shallow, Polymictic Lake
P Torma, SD Török, T Weidinger
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023, H51E-06, 2023
Open photoacoustic cell for concentration measurements in rapidly flowing gas
J Fekete, P Torma, A Szabó, M Balogh, C Horváth, T Weidinger, G Szabó, ...
Photoacoustics 30, 100469, 2023
An Experimental and Numerical Study of Foggy Situations in the Pannonian Basin during Winter Cold-Air Pool Events (Hungarian Fog Experiment 2018-20)
T Weidinger, Á Varga, H Breuer, AZ Gyongyosi, T Krámer, A Rehák, ...
103rd AMS Annual Meeting, 2023
Internal boundary layer development over lake surface in case of very young waves
G Lükő, P Torma, T Weidinger, T Krámer, Z Vecenaj, B Grisogono, I Lázár
EMS2021, 2021
Modelling wind-driven shallow lake hydrodynamics and thermal structure
P Torma
PQDT-Global, 2016
Chloride and sodium budgets of a shallow freshwater lake–Current status and the impact of climate change
V Istvánovics, M Honti, A Clement, G Kravinszkaja, M Pósfai, P Torma
Science of The Total Environment 957, 177616, 2024
Prediction of long-term changes of weak diurnal stratification in shallow lakes using artificial neural networks
SD Török, P Torma
Journal of Water and Climate Change 15 (8), 3724-3737, 2024
An Observational Case Study of a Radiation Fog Event
A Gandhi, I Geresdi, AZ Gyöngyösi, ÁV Tordai, P Torma, A Rehak, ...
Pure and Applied Geophysics, 1-25, 2024
Conditions on feature lines of two-dimensional scalar fields and their application to planar fluid flows
B Sándor, P Torma
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 461, 134112, 2024
A Balaton 3D hidro-és termodinamikai modelljének továbbfejlesztése
G Lükő, P Torma
Hidrológiai Közlöny 104 (2/HU), 16-27, 2024
Turbulent Fluxes at the Air-Water Interface of a Fetch-Limited Large Lake
G Lüko, P Torma
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023 (2949), A43O-2949, 2023
Latent heat flux measurement with an open photoacoustic cell and eddy covariance technique
P Torma, T Weidinger, V Juhász, B Molnár, L Horváth, H Huszár, B Zoltan
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023, A34A-06, 2023
A Balaton üledék-víz határfelületén zajló hőcsere jellemzése és hatása
SD Török, P Torma, T Weidinge
Hidrológiai Közlöny 103 (3), 33-43, 2023
Developing a method to estimate the ammonia loss from fertilized cropland and the part of soil emission recaptured by the canopy, applying field scale bidirectional models and …
L Horváth, C Gombi, H Huszár, Z Nagy, K Pintér, A Szabó, T Takács, ...
EMS2023, 2023
Exploring the seasonality of the latent heat flux transfer coefficient over lakes by eddy-covariance measurements
P Torma, G LĂźkĹ, J Sajti
IAGLR’s 66th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research, 2023
Application of open photoacoustic cell in an eddy covariance system for water vapor flux measurement
P Torma, T Weidinger, V Juhász, B Molnár, L Horváth, H Huszár, Z Bozóki
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-12898, 2023
Application of a bi-directional ammonia exchange model for optimization of input parameters at a fertilized crop system; validation by flux measurements
L Horváth, H Huszár, Z Nagy, K Pintér, A Szabó, T Takács, P Torma, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-5854, 2023
Turbulent Heat Fluxes Across the Lake-Air Interface in Case of Very Young Waves
G LĂźkĹ, P Torma, T Krámer, T Weidinger
103rd AMS Annual Meeting, 2023
Data associated with article" Bulk Transfer Coefficients Estimated from Eddy-Covariance Measurements Over Lakes and Reservoirs" by Guseva et al., 2022
S Guseva, F Armani, AR Desai, NL Dias, T Friborg, H Iwata, J Jansen, ...
(No Title), 2022
Micrometeorological measurements of foggy situations in Siójut (November–December, 2018)
A Gandhi, AZ Gyöngyösi, ÁV Tordai, P Torma, A Rehák, M Szilágyi, ...
Budapest, 2020
Mapping Seasonal Runoff Distribution in Northwestern Hungary Using Kriging Method
K Matyas, E Nagy, K Bene, P Torma, G Kerék
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 12355, 2018
PABLS'13 és' 15: Határréteg-mérési program Szegeden [PABLS'13 and'15: boundary layer measurement campaigns in Szeged]
T Weidinger, P Salavec, A Bíróné Kircsi, Á Bordás, Z Bottyán, Z Bozóki, ...
Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat, 2018
Temporal Variability of Rainfall in Climate Change Impact Studies for Eger Creek Watershed
K Bene, G Keve, P Torma
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-8333, 2016
A Gandhi, I Geresdi, A Peterka, AZ Gyöngyösi, AV Tordai, P Torma, ...
A Conception to Estimate the Ammonia Loss from Fertilized Cropland and the Part of Soil Emission Recaptured by the Canopy, Combining Field Scale Bidirectional Models and Direct …
L Horváth, C Gombi, H Huszár, Z Nagy, K Pintér, A Szabó, T Takács, ...
Combining Field Scale Bidirectional Models and Direct Measurements, 0
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Articles 1–47