Josué Ramos
Cited by
Cited by
Airship dynamic modeling for autonomous operation
SBV Gomes, JG Ramos
Proceedings. 1998 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 1998
A semi-autonomous robotic airship for environmental monitoring missions
A Elfes, SS Bueno, M Bergerman, JG Ramos
Proceedings. 1998 IEEE International conference on robotics and automation …, 1998
First results in the coordination of heterogeneous robots for large-scale assembly
R Simmons, S Singh, D Hershberger, J Ramos, T Smith
Experimental Robotics VII, 323-332, 2001
Robotic airships for exploration of planetary bodies with an atmosphere: Autonomy challenges
A Elfes, SS Bueno, M Bergerman, EC De Paiva, JG Ramos, JR Azinheira
Autonomous Robots 14, 147-164, 2003
Mission path following for an autonomous unmanned airship
JR Azinheira, EC de Paiva, JG Ramos, SS Beuno
Proceedings 2000 ICRA. Millennium Conference. IEEE International Conference …, 2000
A control system development environment for AURORA's semi-autonomous robotic airship
EC de Paiva, SS Bueno, SBV Gomes, JJG Ramos, M Bergerman
Proceedings 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 1999
Reflexões sobre a utilização educativa dos computadores e da Internet na escola
JL Ramos
As TIC na educação em Portugal. Concepções e práticas, 143-169, 2007
Project AURORA: Infrastructure and flight control experiments for a robotic airship
EC De Paiva, JR Azinheira, JG Ramos Jr, A Moutinho, SS Bueno
Journal of Field Robotics 23 (3‐4), 201-222, 2006
Project AURORA: development of an autonomous unmanned remote monitoring robotic airship
A Elfes, SS Bueno, M Bergerman, JJG Ramos, SBV Gomes
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 4 (3), 70-78, 1998
Project AURORA: Towards an autonomous robotic airship
SS Bueno, JR Azinheira, JJG Ramos, E Paiva, P Rives, A Elfes, ...
Workshop on Aerial Robotics, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent …, 2002
Autonomous flight experiment with a robotic unmanned airship
JG Ramos, EC de Paiva, JR Azinheira, SS Bueno, SM Maeta, ...
Proceedings 2001 ICRA. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and …, 2001
Design and tuning of a helicopter fuzzy controller
C Cavalcante, J Cardoso, JJG Ramos, OR Neves
Proceedings of 1995 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. 3, 1549-1554, 1995
Robótica educativa/pedagógica na era digital
JVV D’Abreu, JJ Ramos, LG Mirisola, N Bernardi
II Congresso Internacional TIC e Educação, 2449-2465, 2012
Internet-based solutions in the development and operation of an unmanned robotic airship
JJG Ramos, SM Maeta, LGB Mirisola, SS Bueno, M Bergerman, BG Faria, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 91 (3), 463-474, 2003
Extended dynamic model for aurora robotic airship
JR Azinheira
14th AIAA Lighter-than-Air Conference and Exibition, 2001, 2001
A receptionist robot for Brazilian people: study on interaction involving illiterates
G Trovato, JG Ramos, H Azevedo, A Moroni, S Magossi, R Simmons, ...
Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics 8 (1), 1-17, 2017
Development of a VRML/Java unmanned airship simulating environment
JJG Ramos, SM Maeta, M Bergerman, SS Bueno, LGB Mirisola, ...
Proceedings 1999 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and …, 1999
Designing a receptionist robot: Effect of voice and appearance on anthropomorphism
G Trovato, JG Ramos, H Azevedo, A Moroni, S Magossi, H Ishii, ...
2015 24th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2015
Modelling, control and perception for an autonomous robotic airship
A Elfes, SS Bueno, JJG Ramos, EC de Paiva, M Bergerman, ...
Sensor Based Intelligent Robots: International Workshop Dagstuhl Castle …, 2002
Lateral/directional control for an autonomous, unmanned airship
J Raul Azinheira, E Carneiro de Paiva, J Reginaldo Hughes Carvalho, ...
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 73 (5), 453-459, 2001
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Articles 1–20