Maria Claudia Ferrari de Castro
Cited by
Cited by
A low-cost instrumented glove for monitoring forces during object manipulation
MCF Castro, A Cliquet Jr
IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering, 5 (2), 140-147, 1997
Selection of suitable hand gestures for reliable myoelectric human computer interface
MCF Castro, SP Arjunan, DK Kumar
Biomedical engineering online 14, 1-11, 2015
Application of Myo Armband System to Control a Robot Interface.
GD Morais, LC Neves, AA Masiero, MCF de Castro
BIOSIGNALS 4, 227-231, 2016
Artificial sensorimotor integration in spinal cord injured subjects through neuromuscular and electrotactile stimulation
MCF Castro, A Cliquet Jr
Artificial organs 24 (9), 710-717, 2000
Artificial grasping system for the paralyzed hand
MCF Castro, A Cliquet Jr
Artificial Organs 24 (3), 185-188, 2000
An artificial grasping evaluation system for the paralysed hand
MCF Castro, A Cliquet
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 38 (3), 275-280, 2000
Classification of executed upper limb movements by means of EEG
RC Caracillo, MCF Castro
2013 ISSNIP Biosignals and Biorobotics Conference: Biosignals and Robotics …, 2013
Parkinson’s disease emg signal prediction using neural networks
RA Zanini, EL Colombini, MCF De Castro
2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2019
EEG signal classification in usability experiments
V do Amaral, LA Ferreira, PT Aquino, MCF de Castro
2013 ISSNIP Biosignals and Biorobotics Conference: Biosignals and Robotics …, 2013
Power amplifier circuits for functional electrical stimulation systems
DC Souza, MC Gaiotto, GN Nogueira, MCF Castro, P Nohama
Research on Biomedical Engineering 33, 144-155, 2017
A hybrid 3D printed hand prosthesis prototype based on sEMG and a fully embedded computer vision system
MCF Castro, WC Pinheiro, G Rigolin
Frontiers in Neurorobotics 15, 751282, 2022
Design of tendon-actuated robotic glove integrated with optical fiber force myography sensor
A Ribas Neto, J Fajardo, WHA da Silva, MK Gomes, MCF de Castro, ...
Automation 2 (3), 187-201, 2021
Estimulação elétrica neuromuscular e estimulação eletrotáctil na restauração artificial da preensão e da propriocepção em tetraplégicos
MCF Castro, A Cliquet Jr
ACTA ORTOP BRAS 9 (3), 19, 2001
Hybrid SSVEP/P300 BCI keyboard
FA Capati, RP Bechelli, MCF Castro
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering …, 2016
sEMG feature evaluation for identification of elbow angle resolution in graded arm movement
MCF Castro, EL Colombini, PTA Junior, SP Arjunan, DK Kumar
BioMedical Engineering OnLine 13, 1-10, 2014
Statistical Approach for Angular Position Separability Classes of Emg Data
MCF de Castro
Biosignals and Biorobotics Conference (BRC), 2011 ISSNIP, 2011
Parkinson’s Disease Tremor Suppression-A Double Approach Study-Part 1
WC Pinheiro, BE Bittencourt, LB Luiz, LA Marcello, VF Antonio, ...
International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices 2, 149-155, 2017
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation and electron-tactile stimulation in rehabilitation of artificial prehension and proprioception in tetraplegic patients
MCF Castro, A Cliquet Jr
Acta Ortopedica Brasileira 9, 19-28, 2001
Development of control strategies for restoring function to paralyzed upper and lower limbs
AAF Quevedo, F Sepulveda, MCF Castro, FX Sovi, P Nohama, ...
Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference of the IEEE …, 1997
Linear Discriminant Analysis versus Artificial Neural Network As Classifier for Elbow Angular Position Recognition Purposes
BIOSIGNALS'12 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal …, 2012
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Articles 1–20