Wael Said Tawah
Wael Said Tawah
ِAssistant Prof. Zagazig University Egypt & Taibah University KSA
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Cited by
A big data approach to sentiment analysis using greedy feature selection with cat swarm optimization-based long short-term memory neural networks
A Alarifi, A Tolba, Z Al-Makhadmeh, W Said
The Journal of Supercomputing 76, 4414-4429, 2020
Internet of things-based urban waste management system for smart cities using a Cuckoo Search Algorithm
F Alqahtani, Z Al-Makhadmeh, A Tolba, W Said
Cluster Computing 23, 1769-1780, 2020
J Ding, J Buchmann, MSE Mohamed, W Mohamed, RP Weinmann
Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Symbolic Computation and …, 2008
MXL2: Solving Polynomial Equations over GF(2) Using an Improved Mutant Strategy
MSE Mohamed, WSAE Mohamed, J Ding, J Buchmann
Post-Quantum Cryptography: Second International Workshop, PQCrypto 2008 …, 2008
Proof of credibility: A blockchain approach for detecting and blocking fake news in social networks
M Torky, E Nabil, W Said
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 10 (12), 2019
Strengthening cloud security: an innovative multi-factor multi-layer authentication framework for cloud user authentication
AM Mostafa, M Ezz, MK Elbashir, M Alruily, E Hamouda, M Alsarhani, ...
Applied Sciences 13 (19), 10871, 2023
Explainable deep inherent learning for multi-classes skin lesion classification
KM Hosny, W Said, M Elmezain, MA Kassem
Applied Soft Computing 159, 111624, 2024
IoT security based on iris verification using multi-algorithm feature level fusion scheme
R Gad, AA Abd El-Latif, S Elseuofi, HM Ibrahim, M Elmezain, W Said
2019 2nd international conference on computer applications & information …, 2019
MutantXL: Solving multivariate polynomial equations for cryptanalysis
JA Buchmann, J Ding, MSE Mohamed, WSAE Mohamed
Dagstuhl seminar proceedings, 2009
Blockchain-driven intelligent scheme for IoT-based public safety system beyond 5G networks
T Rathod, NK Jadav, S Tanwar, R Sharma, A Tolba, MS Raboaca, ...
Sensors 23 (2), 969, 2023
Brain tumor segmentation using deep capsule network and latent-dynamic conditional random fields
M Elmezain, A Mahmoud, DT Mosa, W Said
Journal of Imaging 8 (7), 190, 2022
PWXL: A parallel Wiedemann-XL algorithm for solving polynomial equations over GF (2)
WSA Mohamed, J Ding, T Kleinjung, S Bulygin, J Buchmann
Conference on Symbolic Computation and Cryptography, 89, 2010
Towards a hybrid immune algorithm based on danger theory for database security
W Said, AM Mostafa
IEEE Access 8, 145332-145362, 2020
Quantum machine learning‐based framework to detect heart failures in Healthcare 4.0
M Munshi, R Gupta, NK Jadav, Z Polkowski, S Tanwar, F Alqahtani, ...
Software: Practice and Experience, 1-18, 2023
FedSL: A Communication Efficient Federated Learning With Split Layer Aggregation
W Zhang, T Zhou, Q Lu, Y Yuan, A Tolba, W Said
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024
Breast Ultrasound Images Augmentation and Segmentation Using GAN with Identity Block and Modified U-Net 3+
M Alruily, W Said, AM Mostafa, M Ezz, M Elmezain
Sensors 23 (20), 8599, 2023
Improvements for the XL algorithm with applications to algebraic cryptanalysis
WSA Mohamed
Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, 2011
A multi-factor authentication-based framework for identity management in cloud applications
W Said, E Mostafa, MM Hassan, AM Mostafa
CMC-Computers Materials & Continua 71 (2), 3193-3209, 2022
Practical algebraic cryptanalysis for dragon-based cryptosystems
J Buchmann, S Bulygin, J Ding, WSAE Mohamed, F Werner
Cryptology and Network Security: 9th International Conference, CANS 2010 …, 2010
Image super-resolution method based on the interactive fusion of transformer and CNN features
J Wang, Y Zou, O Alfarraj, PK Sharma, W Said, J Wang
The Visual Computer 40 (8), 5827-5839, 2024
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Articles 1–20