Andrei Fotiadi
Andrei Fotiadi
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An incoherent fibre laser
AA Fotiadi
Nature Photonics 4 (4), 204-205, 2010
Cooperative stimulated Brillouin and Rayleigh backscattering process in optical fiber
AA Fotiadi, RV Kiyan
Optics letters 23 (23), 1805-1807, 1998
Scientific applications of distributed acoustic sensing: State-of-the-art review and perspective
BG Gorshkov, K Yüksel, AA Fotiadi, M Wuilpart, DA Korobko, AA Zhirnov, ...
Sensors 22 (3), 1033, 2022
Modeling of CW Yb-doped fiber lasers with highly nonlinear cavity dynamics
SK Turitsyn, AE Bednyakova, MP Fedoruk, AI Latkin, AA Fotiadi, ...
Optics Express 19 (9), 8394-8405, 2011
Dynamics of a self-Q-switched fiber laser with a Rayleigh-stimulated Brillouin scattering ring mirror
AA Fotiadi, P Mégret, M Blondel
Optics letters 29 (10), 1078-1080, 2004
Statistical properties of stimulated Brillouin scattering in single-mode optical fibers above threshold
AA Fotiadi, R Kiyan, O Deparis, P Mégret, M Blondel
Optics letters 27 (2), 83-85, 2002
Single-mode Brillouin fiber laser passively stabilized at resonance frequency with self-injection locked pump laser
VV Spirin, CA López-Mercado, P Mégret, AA Fotiadi
Laser Physics Letters 9 (5), 377, 2012
Dynamics of pump-induced refractive index changes in single-mode Yb-doped optical fibers
AA Fotiadi, OL Antipov, P Mégret
Optics express 16 (17), 12658-12663, 2008
Random lasing in a short Er-doped artificial Rayleigh fiber
SM Popov, OV Butov, AP Bazakutsa, MY Vyatkin, YK Chamorovskii, ...
Results in Physics 16, 102868, 2020
Stabilizing DFB laser injection-locked to an external fiber-optic ring resonator
VV Spirin, JL Bueno Escobedo, DA Korobko, P Mégret, AA Fotiadi
Optics express 28 (1), 478-484, 2020
Comparison of gamma-radiation induced attenuation in Al-doped, P-doped and Ge-doped fibres for dosimetry
AV Faustov, A Gusarov, M Wuilpart, AA Fotiadi, LB Liokumovich, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 60 (4), 2511-2517, 2013
All-fiber coherent combining of Er-doped amplifiers through refractive index control in Yb-doped fibers
AA Fotiadi, N Zakharov, OL Antipov, P Mégret
Optics Letters 34 (22), 3574-3576, 2009
A single-longitudinal-mode Brillouin fiber laser passively stabilized at the pump resonance frequency with a dynamic population inversion grating
VV Spirin, CA López-Mercado, D Kinet, P Mégret, IO Zolotovskiy, ...
Laser Physics Letters 10 (1), 015102, 2012
Self-Q-switched Er-Brillouin fiber source with extra-cavity generation of a Raman supercontinuum in a dispersion-shifted fiber
AA Fotiadi, P Mégret
Optics letters 31 (11), 1621-1623, 2006
Effective recording of dynamic phase gratings in Yb-doped fibers with saturable absorption at 1064nm
S Stepanov, AA Fotiadi, P Mégret
Optics Express 15 (14), 8832-8837, 2007
Passive Q-switching in all-fibre Raman laser with distributed Rayleigh feedback
G Ravet, AA Fotiadi, M Blondel, P Megret
Electronics Letters 40 (9), 528-529, 2004
Trends in stimulated Brillouin scattering and optical phase conjugation
M Ostermeyer, HJ Kong, VI Kovalev, RG Harrison, AA Fotiadi, P Mégret, ...
Laser and particle beams 26 (3), 297-362, 2008
Locking of the DFB laser through fiber optic resonator on different coupling regimes
CA López-Mercado, VV Spirin, JLB Escobedo, AM Lucero, P Mégret, ...
Optics Communications 359, 195-199, 2016
High-frequency vector harmonic mode locking driven by acoustic resonances
HJ Kbashi, SV Sergeyev, M Al-Araimi, A Rozhin, D Korobko, A Fotiadi
Optics letters 44 (21), 5112-5115, 2019
Single cut technique for adjustment of doubly resonant Brillouin laser cavities
VV Spirin, CA López-Mercado, SI Kablukov, EA Zlobina, IO Zolotovskiy, ...
Optics Letters 38 (14), 2528-2530, 2013
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