Anne Kiremidjian
Cited by
Cited by
Time series-based damage detection and localization algorithm with application to the ASCE benchmark structure
KK Nair, AS Kiremidjian, KH Law
Journal of Sound and Vibration 291 (1-2), 349-368, 2006
Method for probabilistic evaluation of seismic structural damage
A Singhal, AS Kiremidjian
Journal of structural Engineering 122 (12), 1459-1467, 1996
An experimental study of temperature effect on modal parameters of the Alamosa Canyon Bridge
H Sohn, M Dzwonczyk, EG Straser, AS Kiremidjian, KH Law, T Meng
Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics 28 (8), 879-897, 1999
An urban earthquake disaster risk index
RA Davidson
Stanford University, 1997
Assembly-based vulnerability of buildings and its use in performance evaluation
KA Porter, AS Kiremidjian, JS LeGrue
Earthquake spectra 17 (2), 291-312, 2001
Two-tiered wireless sensor network architecture for structural health monitoring
VA Kottapalli, AS Kiremidjian, JP Lynch, ED Carryer, TW Kenny, KH Law, ...
Smart structures and materials 2003: Smart systems and nondestructive …, 2003
Statistical procedures for developing earthquake damage fragility curves
D Lallemant, A Kiremidjian, H Burton
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 44 (9), 1373-1389, 2015
Embedding damage detection algorithms in a wireless sensing unit for operational power efficiency
JP Lynch, A Sundararajan, KH Law, AS Kiremidjian, E Carryer
Smart materials and structures 13 (4), 800, 2004
Benefit-cost analysis of FEMA hazard mitigation grants
A Rose, K Porter, N Dash, J Bouabid, C Huyck, J Whitehead, D Shaw, ...
Natural hazards review 8 (4), 97-111, 2007
Statistical analysis of bridge damage data from the 1994 Northridge, CA, earthquake
NI Basöz, AS Kiremidjian, SA King, KH Law
Earthquake spectra 15 (1), 25-54, 1999
Design of a wireless active sensing unit for structural health monitoring
JP Lynch, A Sundararajan, KH Law, H Sohn, CR Farrar
Health Monitoring and Smart Nondestructive Evaluation of Structural and …, 2004
Shadow detection and radiometric restoration in satellite high resolution images
P Sarabandi, F Yamazaki, M Matsuoka, A Kiremidjian
IGARSS 2004. 2004 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2004
Bayesian updating of fragilities with application to RC frames
A Singhal, AS Kiremidjian
Journal of structural Engineering 124 (8), 922-929, 1998
Design of piezoresistive MEMS-based accelerometer for integration with wireless sensing unit for structural monitoring
JP Lynch, A Partridge, KH Law, TW Kenny, AS Kiremidjian, E Carryer
Journal of Aerospace Engineering 16 (3), 108-114, 2003
Modular, wireless damage monitoring system for structures
EG Straser, AS Kiremidjian, TH Meng
US Patent 6,292,108, 2001
Time series based structural damage detection algorithm using Gaussian mixtures modeling
K Krishnan Nair, AS Kiremidjian
A review of earthquake occurrence models for seismic hazard analysis
T Anagnos, AS Kiremidjian
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 3 (1), 3-11, 1988
Assembly-based vulnerability of buildings and its uses in seismic performance evaluation and risk-management decision-making
KA Porter
Stanford University, 2000
Design and performance validation of a wireless sensing unit for structural monitoring applications
JP Lynch, KH Law, AS Kiremidjian, ED Carryer, CR Farrar, H Sohn, ...
Techno-press, 2004
Embedment of structural monitoring algorithms in a wireless sensing unit
JP Lynch, A Sundararajan, KH Law, AS Kiremidjian, T Kenny, E Carryer
Structural Engineering and Mechanics 15 (3), 285-297, 2003
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Articles 1–20