Jonathan M Edge
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Cited by
Majorana fermions emerging from magnetic nanoparticles on a superconductor without spin-orbit coupling
TP Choy, JM Edge, AR Akhmerov, CWJ Beenakker
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (19), 195442, 2011
Quantum Critical Origin of the Superconducting Dome in
JM Edge, Y Kedem, U Aschauer, NA Spaldin, AV Balatsky
Physical Review Letters 115 (24), 247002, 2015
Statistical topological insulators
IC Fulga, B Van Heck, JM Edge, AR Akhmerov
Physical Review B 89 (15), 155424, 2014
Quantum Hall effect in a one-dimensional dynamical system
JP Dahlhaus, JM Edge, J Tworzydło, CWJ Beenakker
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (11), 115133, 2011
Edge-state-enhanced transport in a two-dimensional quantum walk
JK Asboth, JM Edge
Physical Review A 91 (2), 022324, 2015
Wigner-Poisson statistics of topological transitions in a Josephson junction
CWJ Beenakker, JM Edge, JP Dahlhaus, DI Pikulin, S Mi, M Wimmer
Physical review letters 111 (3), 037001, 2013
Signature of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov Phase in the Collective Modes<? format?> of a Trapped Ultracold Fermi Gas
JM Edge, NR Cooper
Physical review letters 103 (6), 065301, 2009
Quantum phase transitions of a disordered antiferromagnetic topological insulator
P Baireuther, JM Edge, IC Fulga, CWJ Beenakker, J Tworzydło
Physical Review B 89 (3), 035410, 2014
Localization, delocalization, and topological transitions in disordered two-dimensional quantum walks
JM Edge, JK Asboth
Physical Review B 91 (10), 104202, 2015
Peak of Noise Correlations in a Quantum Spin Hall Insulator
JM Edge, J Li, P Delplace, M Büttiker
Physical review letters 110 (24), 246601, 2013
Metallic phase of the quantum Hall effect in four-dimensional space
JM Edge, J Tworzydło, CWJ Beenakker
Physical Review Letters 109 (13), 135701, 2012
Upper critical field as a probe for multiband superconductivity in bulk and interfacial STO
JM Edge, AV Balatsky
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 28, 2373-2384, 2015
J. Tworzyd lo, and CWJ Beenakker
JP Dahlhaus, JM Edge
Phys. Rev. B 84, 115133, 2011
The role of spin–orbit coupling in topologically protected interface states in Dirac materials
DSL Abergel, JM Edge, AV Balatsky
New Journal of Physics 16 (6), 065012, 2014
Metal--topological-insulator transition in the quantum kicked rotator with Z2 symmetry
EPL van Nieuwenburg, JM Edge, JP Dahlhaus, CWJ Beenakker
Physical Review B 85, 165131, 2012
Collective modes as a probe of imbalanced Fermi gases
JM Edge, NR Cooper
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (6), 063606, 2010
Probing ultracold Fermi gases with light-induced gauge potentials
JM Edge, NR Cooper
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (5), 053619, 2011
Erratum: Quantum Critical Origin of the Superconducting Dome in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 247002 (2015)]
JM Edge, Y Kedem, U Aschauer, NA Spaldin, AV Balatsky
Physical review letters 117 (21), 219901, 2016
J. Tworzyd lo, and CWJ Beenakker
EPL van Nieuwenburg, JM Edge, JP Dahlhaus
Phys. Rev. B 85, 165131, 2012
Superconductivity and quantum paraelectric fluctuations in STO
A Balatsky, J Edge, Y Kedem, U Aschauer, K Dunnett, N Spaldin
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018, V05. 003, 2018
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Articles 1–20