Bioconcentration and biomagnification of mercury and methylmercury in North Sea and Scheldt Estuary fish W Baeyens, M Leermakers, T Papina, A Saprykin, N Brion, J Noyen, ... Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 45, 498-508, 2003 | 261 | 2003 |
Supply of organic matter and bacteria to aquatic ecosystems through waste water effluents P Servais, J Garnier, N Demarteau, N Brion, G Billen Water Research 33 (16), 3521-3531, 1999 | 145 | 1999 |
Seasonal variations and resilience of bacterial communities in a sewage polluted urban river T García-Armisen, Ö İnceoğlu, NK Ouattara, A Anzil, MA Verbanck, ... PloS one 9 (3), e92579, 2014 | 143 | 2014 |
Nitrogen processing in a tidal freshwater marsh: A whole‐ecosystem 15N labeling study B Gribsholt, S Boschker, E Struyf, M Andersson, A Tramper, ... Limnology and Oceanography 50 (6), 1945-1959, 2005 | 134 | 2005 |
Biogeochemical transformations of inorganic nutrients in the mixing zone between the Danube River and the north-western Black Sea O Ragueneau, C Lancelot, V Egorov, J Vervlimmeren, A Cociasu, ... Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 54 (3), 321-336, 2002 | 134 | 2002 |
Planktonic and whole system metabolism in a nutrient-rich estuary (the Scheldt estuary) F Gazeau, JP Gattuso, JJ Middelburg, N Brion, LS Schiettecatte, ... Estuaries 28, 868-883, 2005 | 127 | 2005 |
Mercury in the southern North Sea and Scheldt estuary M Leermakers, S Galletti, S De Galan, N Brion, W Baeyens Marine Chemistry 75 (3), 229-248, 2001 | 115 | 2001 |
Distribution of nitrifying activity in the Seine River (France) from Paris to the estuary N Brion, G Billen, L Guézennec, A Ficht Estuaries 23, 669-682, 2000 | 113 | 2000 |
Wastewater as a source of nitrifying bacteria in river systems: the case of the River Seine downstream from Paris N Brion, G Billen Water Research 34 (12), 3213-3221, 2000 | 111 | 2000 |
Lower Seine river and estuary (France) carbon and oxygen budgets during low flow J Garnier, P Servais, G Billen, M Akopian, N Brion Estuaries 24, 964-976, 2001 | 96 | 2001 |
Arsenic speciation in the river zenne, belgium W Baeyens, A de Brauwere, N Brion, M De Gieter, M Leermakers Science of the Total Environment 384 (1-3), 409-419, 2007 | 95 | 2007 |
The North Sea: source or sink for nitrogen and phosphorus to the Atlantic Ocean? N Brion, W Baeyens, S De Galan, M Elskens, RWPM Laane Biogeochemistry 68 (3), 277-296, 2004 | 76 | 2004 |
Modeling historical changes in nutrient delivery and water quality of the Zenne River (1790s–2010): The role of land use, waterscape and urban wastewater management J Garnier, N Brion, J Callens, P Passy, C Deligne, G Billen, P Servais, ... Journal of Marine Systems 128, 62-76, 2013 | 73 | 2013 |
Comparison of nitrifier activity versus growth in the Scheldt estuary—a turbid, tidal estuary in northern Europe MGI Andersson, N Brion, JJ Middelburg Aquatic Microbial Ecology 42 (2), 149-158, 2006 | 67 | 2006 |
Contrasting nitrogen uptake by diatom and Phaeocystis-dominated phytoplankton assemblages in the North Sea C Tungaraza, V Rousseau, N Brion, C Lancelot, J Gichuki, W Baeyens, ... Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 292 (1), 19-41, 2003 | 65 | 2003 |
Assessing the impacts of wastewater treatment implementation on the water quality of a small urban river over the past 40 years N Brion, MA Verbanck, W Bauwens, M Elskens, M Chen, P Servais Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22, 12720-12736, 2015 | 58 | 2015 |
δ15N and δ13C dynamics of suspended organic matter in freshwater and brackish waters of the Scheldt estuary L De Brabandere, F Dehairs, S Van Damme, N Brion, P Meire, N Daro Journal of Sea Research 48 (1), 1-15, 2002 | 57 | 2002 |
Naturally occurring potentially toxic elements in groundwater from the volcanic landscape around Mount Meru, Arusha, Tanzania and their potential health hazard I Toma¹ek, H Mouri, A Dille, G Bennett, P Bhattacharya, N Brion, ... Science of the Total Environment 807, 150487, 2022 | 51 | 2022 |
Nitrogen assimilation and short term retention in a nutrient-rich tidal freshwater marsh – a whole ecosystem 15N enrichment study B Gribsholt, E Struyf, A Tramper, L De Brabandere, N Brion, ... Biogeosciences 4 (1), 11-26, 2007 | 50 | 2007 |
Une réévaluation de la methode d'incorporation de H14C03-pour mesurer la nitrification autotrophe et son application pour estimer des biomasses de bactéries nitrifiantes N Brion, G Billen Revue des Sciences de l'Eau 11 (2), 283-302, 1998 | 49 | 1998 |