Luis David Garcia Puente
Luis David Garcia Puente
Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Colorado College
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Cited by
Algebraic geometry of Bayesian networks
LD Garcia, M Stillman, B Sturmfels
Journal of Symbolic Computation 39 (3-4), 331-355, 2005
Catalog of small trees
M Casanellas, LD Garcia, S Sullivant
Algebraic Statistics for computational biology 15, 291-305, 2005
Some geometrical aspects of control points for toric patches
G Craciun, LD García-Puente, F Sottile
International Conference on Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces …, 2008
Toric degenerations of Bezier patches
LD Garcia-Puente, F Sottile, C Zhu
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2011
Identifying causal effects with computer algebra
LD Garcia-Puente, S Spielvogel, S Sullivant
Proceedings of the 26th Conference of Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 2010
Parameter estimation for Boolean models of biological networks
E Dimitrova, LD García-Puente, F Hinkelmann, AS Jarrah, ...
Theoretical Computer Science 412 (26), 2816-2826, 2011
An algebra-based method for inferring gene regulatory networks
P Vera-Licona, A Jarrah, LD Garcia-Puente, J McGee, R Laubenbacher
BMC systems biology 8, 1-16, 2014
Linear precision for parametric patches
LD Garcia-Puente, F Sottile
Advances in Computational Mathematics 33 (2), 191-214, 2010
Sequential dynamical systems over words
LD Garcia, AS Jarrah, R Laubenbacher
Applied mathematics and computation 174 (1), 500-510, 2006
Algebraic statistics in model selection
LD Garcia
arXiv preprint arXiv:1207.4112, 2012
Counting arithmetical structures on paths and cycles
B Braun, H Corrales, S Corry, LDG Puente, D Glass, N Kaplan, JL Martin, ...
Discrete Mathematics 341 (10), 2949-2963, 2018
Gröbner bases of neural ideals
R Garcia, LDG Puente, R Kruse, J Liu, D Miyata, E Petersen, K Phillipson, ...
International Journal of Algebra and Computation 28 (04), 553-571, 2018
The Secant Conjecture in the real Schubert calculus
LD García-Puente, N Hein, C Hillar, AM Campo, J Ruffo, F Sottile, Z Teitler
Experimental Mathematics 21 (3), 252-265, 2012
Arithmetical structures on bidents
K Archer, AC Bishop, A Diaz-Lopez, LDG Puente, D Glass, J Louwsma
Discrete Mathematics 343 (7), 111850, 2020
Experimentation at the Frontiers of Reality in Schubert Calculus
C Hillar, LD Garcia-Puente, A Martin del Campo, J Ruffo, Z Teitler, ...
Gems in Experimental Mathematics 517, 365-380, 2010
Neural ideals in SageMath
E Petersen, N Youngs, R Kruse, D Miyata, R Garcia, LD García Puente
Mathematical Software–ICMS 2018: 6th International Conference, South Bend …, 2018
Algebraic and combinatorial aspects of sandpile monoids on directed graphs
S Chapman, R Garcia, LD García-Puente, ME Malandro, KW Smith
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 120 (1), 245-265, 2013
Graphical Models
LD García-Puente, S Petrović, S Sullivant
The Journal of Software for Algebra and Geometry 5, 1-7, 2013
Hybrid schemes for exact conditional inference in discrete exponential families
D Kahle, R Yoshida, L Garcia-Puente
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 70, 983-1011, 2018
Identifying causal effects with computer algebra
S Sullivant, LD Garcia-Puente, S Spielvogel
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial …, 2010
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Articles 1–20