Jesús Martin Talavera Portocarrero
Jesús Martin Talavera Portocarrero
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Review of IoT applications in agro-industrial and environmental fields
JM Talavera, LE Tobón, JA Gómez, MA Culman, JM Aranda, DT Parra, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 142, 283-297, 2017
Contrasting internet of things and wireless sensor network from a conceptual overview
JA Manrique, JS Rueda-Rueda, JMT Portocarrero
2016 IEEE international conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE …, 2016
Similitudes y diferencias entre Redes de Sensores Inalámbricas e Internet de las Cosas: Hacia una postura clarificadora
JS Rueda, JMT Portocarrero
Revista colombiana de computación 18 (2), 58-74, 2017
PRISMA: A publish-subscribe and resource-oriented middleware for wireless sensor networks
JR Silva, FC Delicato, L Pirmez, PF Pires, JMT Portocarrero, ...
Proceedings of the tenth advanced international conference on …, 2014
Autonomic wireless sensor networks: a systematic literature review
JMT Portocarrero, FC Delicato, PF Pires, N Gámez, L Fuentes, ...
Journal of Sensors 2014 (1), 782789, 2014
A novel application for identification of nutrient deficiencies in oil palm using the internet of things
MA Culman, JA Gomez, J Talavera, LA Quiroz, LE Tobon, JM Aranda, ...
2017 5th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services …, 2017
Samson: Self-adaptive middleware for wireless sensor networks
JMT Portocarrero, FC Delicato, PF Pires, TC Rodrigues, TV Batista
Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1315-1322, 2016
RAMSES: a new reference architecture for self-adaptive middleware in wireless sensor networks
JMT Portocarrero, FC Delicato, PF Pires, B Costa, W Li, W Si, AY Zomaya
Ad Hoc Networks 55, 3-27, 2017
Marine: Middleware for resource and mission-oriented sensor networks
FC Delicato, JMT Portocarrero, JR Silva, PF Pires, RPM de Araujo, ...
ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review 17 (1), 40-54, 2013
PalmNET: An open-source wireless sensor network for oil palm plantations
M Culman, JMT Portocarrero, CD Guerrero, C Bayona, JL Torres, ...
2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control …, 2017
Reference architecture for self-adaptive management in wireless sensor networks
JMT Portocarrero, FC Delicato, PF Pires, TV Batista
Adaptive and Intelligent Systems: Third International Conference, ICAIS 2014 …, 2014
siaf: Um sistema de informação de atividade física
JMT Portocarrero, WL Souza, MMP Demarzo, AF Prado
X Workshop de Informática Médica (WIM), Belo Horizonte. Anais do XXIX …, 2010
Framework-based security measures for Internet of Thing: A literature review
JS Rueda-Rueda, JMT Portocarrero
Open Computer Science 11 (1), 346-354, 2021
A case study on monitoring and geolocation of noise in urban environments using the internet of things
JA Gómez, J Talavera, LE Tobón, MA Culman, LA Quiroz, JM Aranda, ...
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Internet of things …, 2017
De las redes de sensores inalámbricas al Internet de las cosas:¿ Tecnologías complementarias o antagonistas?
JS Rueda-Rueda, JM Portocarrero
Congreso Internacional en Innovación y Apropiación de las Tecnologías de la …, 2016
Self-Adaptive middleware for wireless sensor networks: A reference architecture
JMT Portocarrero, FC Delicato, PF Pires, EY Nakagawa, F Oquendo
Proceedings of the 2015 European Conference on Software Architecture …, 2015
Framework conceptual de ciberseguridad para aplicaciones de Internet de las cosas
JS Rueda Rueda
Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga UNAB, 2018
Utilizando PBL no ensino de Computação Ubíqua
WL de Souza, BLG dos Santos, EFZ Santana, EC Gatto, FC Duarte, ...
Anais do XXX Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação-WEI–XVIII …, 2010
Switch: un middleware para el desarrollo de aplicaciones IOT con interfaces basadas en voz
JA Manrique Hernández
Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga UNAB, 2018
RAMSES: A new reference architecture for self-adaptive middleware in Wireless Sensor Networks
W Li, A Zomaya, BG Costa, F Delicato, P Pires, JMT Portocarrero, W Si
Elsevier, 2017
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Articles 1–20