Ivan Lirkov
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Circulant block-factorization preconditioners for elliptic problems
ID Lirkov, SD Margenov, PS Vassilevski
Computing 53 (1), 59-74, 1994
Ant colony system approach for protein folding
S Fidanova, I Lirkov
2008 International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information …, 2008
Trust management in an agent-based grid resource brokering system-preliminary considerations
M Ganzha, M Paprzycki, I Lirkov
AIP Conference Proceedings 946, 35, 2007
Forming and managing agent teams acting as resource brokers in the grid—preliminary considerations
W Kuranowski, M Ganzha, M Gawinecki, M Paprzycki, I Lirkov, ...
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research 4 (1), 9-16, 2008
Ontology for contract negotiations in an agent-based grid resource management system
M Drozdowicz, K Wasielewska, M Ganzha, M Paprzycki, N Attaoui, ...
Trends in parallel, distributed, grid and cloud computing for engineering …, 2011
3D protein structure prediction
S Fidanova, I Lirkov
Seria Matematica-Informatica 47 (2), 33-46, 2009
Numerical methods and applications
I Dimov, R Georgieva, I Dimov, S Dimova, N Kolkovska
Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011
Utilizing agent teams in grid resource brokering
M Dominiak, M Ganzha, M Gawinecki, W Kuranowski, M Paprzycki, ...
International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications 3 (4), 296-306, 2008
Negotiations in an agent-based grid resource brokering system
K Wasielewska, M Ganzha, M Paprzycki, M Drozdowicz, D Petcu, ...
" Negotiations in an Agent-based Grid Resource Brokering System, 355-374, 2011
Supervising Agent Team in an Agent-Based Grid Resource Brokering System--Initial Solution
W Kuranowski, M Ganzha, M Paprzycki, I Lirkov
2008 International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive …, 2008
Agents as resource brokers in grids—forming agent teams
W Kuranowski, M Paprzycki, M Ganzha, M Gawinecki, I Lirkov, ...
Large-Scale Scientific Computing: 6th International Conference, LSSC 2007 …, 2008
Circulant block-factorization preconditioning of anisotropic elliptic problems
ID Lirkov, SD Margenov, LT Zikatanov
Computing 58 (3), 245-258, 1997
Ontologies, agents and the grid: An overview
M Drozdowicz, M Ganzha, M Paprzycki, R Olejnik, I Lirkov, P Telegin, ...
Parallel, distributed and grid computing for engineering, pp 117-140, 2009
MPI solver for 3D elasticity problems
I Lirkov
Mathematics and computers in simulation 61 (3-6), 509-516, 2003
MPI parallel implementation of CBF preconditioning for 3D elasticity problems
I Lirkov, S Margenov
Mathematics and computers in simulation 50 (1-4), 247-254, 1999
Applying Saaty’s multicriterial decision making approach in grid resource management
K Wasielewska, M Ganzha, M Paprzycki, P Szmeja, M Drozdowicz, ...
Information Technology and Control 43 (1), 73-87, 2014
Software Agents in ADAJ: Load Balancing in a Distributed Environment
M Drozdowicz, M Ganzha, W Kuranowski, M Paprzycki, I Alshabani, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1067 (1), 527-540, 2008
Trends in parallel, distributed, grid and cloud computing for engineering. chapter Negotiations in an Agent-based Grid Resource Brokering Systems
K Wasielewska, M l Drozdowicz, M Ganzha, M Paprzycki, N Attaui, ...
Saxe-Coburg Publications, Stirlingshire, UK, 2011
Reduced multiplicative (BURA-MR) and additive (BURA-AR) best uniform rational approximation methods and algorithms for fractional elliptic equations
S Harizanov, N Kosturski, I Lirkov, S Margenov, Y Vutov
Fractal and Fractional 5 (3), 61, 2021
Combining a jade-agent-based grid infrastructure with the globus middleware initial solution
M Senobari, M Drozdowicz, M Paprzycki, W Kuranowski, M Ganzha, ...
2008 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling …, 2008
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