Tamás Váczi
Tamás Váczi
Wigner Research Centre for Physics
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Cited by
Retention of uranium in complexly altered zircon: An example from Bancroft, Ontario
L Nasdala, JM Hanchar, D Rhede, AK Kennedy, T Váczi
Chemical Geology 269 (3-4), 290-300, 2010
The phenomenon of deficient electron microprobe totals in radiation-damaged and altered zircon
L Nasdala, A Kronz, R Wirth, T Váczi, C Pérez-Soba, A Willner, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (6), 1637-1650, 2009
A new, simple approximation for the deconvolution of instrumental broadening in spectroscopic band profiles
T Váczi
Applied Spectroscopy 68 (11), 1274-1278, 2014
Zircon M127–A Homogeneous Reference Material for SIMS U–Pb Geochronology Combined with Hafnium, Oxygen and, Potentially, Lithium Isotope Analysis
L Nasdala, F Corfu, JW Valley, MJ Spicuzza, FY Wu, QL Li, YH Yang, ...
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 40 (4), 457-475, 2016
Chemical changes in PMMA as a function of depth due to proton beam irradiation
SZ Szilasi, R Huszank, D Szikra, T Váczi, I Rajta, I Nagy
Materials Chemistry and Physics 130 (1-2), 702-707, 2011
Helium irradiation study on zircon
L Nasdala, D Grambole, J Götze, U Kempe, T Váczi
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 161, 777-789, 2011
Electron-beam-induced annealing of natural zircon: a Raman spectroscopic study
T Váczi, L Nasdala
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 389-401, 2017
Interactions and Chemical Transformations of Coronene Inside and Outside Carbon Nanotubes
B Botka, ME Füstös, HM Tóháti, K Németh, G Klupp, Z Szekrényes, ...
Small 10 (7), 1369-1378, 2014
Raman study of radiation-damaged zircon under hydrostatic compression
L Nasdala, R Miletich, K Ruschel, T Váczi
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 35, 597-602, 2008
On the breakdown of zircon upon “dry” thermal annealing
T Váczi, L Nasdala, R Wirth, M Mehofer, E Libowitzky, T Häger
Mineralogy and Petrology 97 (1), 129-138, 2009
Carbon microspheres decorated with iron sulfide nanoparticles for mercury (II) removal from water
T Pasinszki, M Krebsz, D Chand, L Kótai, Z Homonnay, IE Sajó, T Váczi
Journal of Materials Science 55 (4), 1425-1435, 2020
Medieval gilding technology of historical metal threads revealed by electron optical and micro-Raman spectroscopic study of focused ion beam-milled cross sections
TG Weiszburg, K Gherdán, K Ratter, N Zajzon, Z Bendő, G Radnóczi, ...
Analytical chemistry 89 (20), 10753-10760, 2017
The role of magmatic and hydrothermal processes in the evolution of Be-bearing pegmatites: Evidence from beryl and its breakdown products
SS Palinkaš, R Wegner, A Čobić, LA Palinkaš, SDB Barreto, T Váczi, ...
American Mineralogist 99 (2-3), 424-432, 2014
Scientific results and lessons learned from an integrated crewed Mars exploration simulation at the Rio Tinto Mars analogue site
C Orgel, Á Kereszturi, T Váczi, G Groemer, B Sattler
Acta Astronautica 94 (2), 736-748, 2014
Nanofurry magnetic carbon microspheres for separation processes and catalysis: synthesis, phase composition, and properties
T Pasinszki, M Krebsz, L Kótai, IE Sajó, Z Homonnay, E Kuzmann, LF Kiss, ...
Journal of Materials Science 50 (22), 7353-7363, 2015
Evidence for exhumation of a granite intrusion in a regional extensional stress regime based on coupled microstructural and fluid inclusion plane studies–An example from the …
Z Benkó, F Molnár, M Lespinasse, T Váczi
Journal of Structural Geology 65, 44-58, 2014
Ex-vivo confocal Raman microspectroscopy of porcine skin with 633/785-NM laser excitation and optical clearing with glycerol/water/DMSO solution
A Jaafar, MH Mahmood, R Holomb, L Himics, T Váczi, AY Sdobnov, ...
Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 2142003, 2021
Javorieite, KFeCl3: a new mineral hosted by salt melt inclusions in porphyry gold systems
P Koděra, Á Takács, M Racek, F Šimko, J Luptáková, T Váczi, P Antal
European Journal of Mineralogy 29 (6), 995-1004, 2017
Detection of small amounts of N2 in CO2-rich high-density fluid inclusions from mantle xenoliths
M Berkesi, R Káldos, M Park, C Szabó, T Váczi, K Török, B Németh, ...
European Journal of Mineralogy 29 (3), 423-431, 2017
Incremental growth and mineralogy of Pannonian (Late Miocene) sciaenid otoliths: paleoecological implications
Z Kern, M Kázmér, M Bosnakoff, T Váczi, B Bajnóczi, L Katona
Geologica Carpathica 63 (2), 175-178, 2012
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Articles 1–20