Melissa Curran
Melissa Curran
Professor, Human Development & Family Science, University of Arizona
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Observations of early triadic family interactions: Boundary disturbances in the family predict symptoms of depression, anxiety, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in …
D Jacobvitz, N Hazen, M Curran, K Hitchens
Development and psychopathology 16 (3), 577-592, 2004
Differentiating environmental concern in the context of psychological adaption to climate change
SV Helm, A Pollitt, MA Barnett, MA Curran, ZR Craig
Global Environmental Change 48, 158-167, 2018
Measurement of adult attachment: The place of self-report and interview methodologies
D Jacobvitz, M Curran, N Moller
Attachment & Human Development 4 (2), 207-215, 2002
Queer theory, intersectionality, and LGBT‐parent families: Transformative critical pedagogy in family theory
AL Few‐Demo, ÁM Humble, MA Curran, SA Lloyd
Journal of Family Theory & Review 8 (1), 74-94, 2016
Relational sacrifices in romantic relationships: Satisfaction and the moderating role of attachment
EK Ruppel, MA Curran
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 29 (4), 508-529, 2012
Young adults’ life outcomes and well-being: Perceived financial socialization from parents, the romantic partner, and young adults’ own financial behaviors
MA Curran, E Parrott, SY Ahn, J Serido, S Shim
Journal of Family and Economic Issues 39, 445-456, 2018
The Unique Role of Parents and Romantic Partners on College Students’ Financial Attitudes and Behaviors
J Serido, MA Curran, M Wilmarth, SY Ahn, S Shim, J Ballard
Family Relations 64, 696-710, 2015
Representations of early family relationships predict marital maintenance during the transition to parenthood.
M Curran, N Hazen, D Jacobvitz, A Feldman
Journal of Family Psychology 19 (2), 189, 2005
Daily hassles and uplifts: A diary study on understanding relationship quality
CJ Totenhagen, J Serido, MA Curran, EA Butler
Journal of Family Psychology 26 (5), 719, 2012
Heteronormativity in the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer young people
AM Pollitt, SE Mernitz, ST Russell, MA Curran, RB Toomey
Journal of homosexuality 68 (3), 522-544, 2021
Good days, bad days: Do sacrifices improve relationship quality?
CJ Totenhagen, MA Curran, J Serido, EA Butler
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 30 (7), 881-900, 2013
Gender, emotion work, and relationship quality: A daily diary study
MA Curran, BT McDaniel, AM Pollitt, CJ Totenhagen
Sex roles 73, 157-173, 2015
Marital commitment and perceptions of fairness in household chores
CY Tang, MA Curran
Journal of family Issues 34 (12), 1598-1622, 2013
How representations of the parental marriage predict marital emotional attunement during the transition to parenthood.
M Curran, N Hazen, D Jacobvitz, T Sasaki
Journal of Family Psychology 20 (3), 477, 2006
Understanding marital conflict 7 years later from prenatal representations of marriage
M Curran, B Ogolsky, N Hazen, L Bosch
Family process 50 (2), 221-234, 2011
Pathways from financial knowledge to relationship satisfaction: The roles of financial behaviors, perceived shared financial values with the romantic partner, and debt
CJ Totenhagen, MJ Wilmarth, J Serido, MA Curran, S Shim
Journal of family and economic Issues 40, 423-437, 2019
The calm after the storm: Relationship length as associated with couples’ daily variability
C Totenhagen, E Butler, MA Curran, J Serido
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 33 (6), 768-791, 2016
An exploratory study of the meaning of marriage for African Americans
MA Curran, EA Utley, JA Muraco
Marriage & Family Review 46 (5), 346-365, 2010
Constructive and destructive interparental conflict, parenting, and coparenting alliance
O Kopystynska, MA Barnett, MA Curran
Journal of Family Psychology 34 (4), 414, 2020
Considerations of culture and social class for families facing cancer: the need for a new model for health promotion and psychosocial intervention.
CA Marshall, LK Larkey, MA Curran, KL Weihs, TA Badger, J Armin, ...
Families, Systems, & Health 29 (2), 81, 2011
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